God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 1466: Spend money like a landslide

The phantom hypnosis of skill three is simply an excellent helper for deception!

Looking at this trick, Jiang Fan had already flashed countless tricks in his mind for a moment!

And skill four, as long as Jiang Fan's causal point is enough, then Sadako is immortal!

The point is that Sadako not only unlocked skills three and four, but also skills six!

This makes Jiang Fan more and more looking forward to it!


Looking at the three characters "Missed Body", Jiang Fan suddenly frowned slightly.

Originally, he thought that Sadako should be complete when he reached level 15, but he was still incomplete. Could it be that he can only make up for it if he continues to enter the world of the midnight bell?

Just thinking of the inexplicable sense of fear the last time he entered the world of the midnight bell to bring out Sadako, his heart jumped!

The world of the ringing bell at midnight seems to be far less simple than what I thought!

At this moment, other people have also entered the villa!

Seeing Jiang Fan promoted Zhenzi to Grand Master level, a group of people felt powerless for a while!

This is the Grandmaster Realm!

For others, it is an insurmountable gap like a moat!

But right in front of them, with such a big deal of effort, Jiang Fan actually created two!

"My lord! Both Xiaobu and Zhenzi have finished their promotion, aren't they...hehehe!"

A group of people all looked at Jiang Fan eagerly!

"Don't worry, sooner or later!"

Jiang Fan smiled slightly, already looking at Da Shuang Xiao Shuang and Justin!

"Now that you are weak, I will give you a boost first!"

The hearts of Da Shuang's few people jumped, and their whole bodies trembled with excitement!

In fact, seeing the strength of the other people getting stronger and stronger, a few of them are ready to be marginalized, but unexpectedly, Jiang Fan did not leave them behind, but instead wanted to improve their strength!


A few people in Da Shuang almost burst into tears!

"Okay, to promote you to be different from others, you have to go somewhere with me!"

"Where to go?"

"Evil Jungle!"



Along with a white light flashing, Jiang Fan had already brought Dashuang and the three to a strange temple!

The whole of this temple is in an extremely repressive black, the interior is no less than a thousand square meters, and it is more than 20 meters high, supported by dozens of thick stone pillars.

And no matter the ground, the walls, or even the stone pillars, they are all carved with weird reliefs!

If you look carefully, the reliefs are all monsters with ferocious and fierce shapes!

In addition, the inside of the temple is empty, but a statue stands in the very center!

The statue was blood-red, and it exuded a burst of thick blood!

Just no matter how hard I tried to look at it, I couldn't see the statue clearly!

This temple is surprisingly the same place Jiang Fan went to when he used the Golden Trial Card!

Several people in Dashuang looked shocked. Just now Jiang Fan just snapped his fingers, and they came to such a place!

Mr. Jiang’s methods are beyond imagination!

But Jiang Fan didn't have the mind to pay attention to a few people, but looked at the remaining causal points with pain!

One hundred and ten thousand!

That's right, returning from the King of Fighters 96 with a full load, a full 680,000 causal points have been accumulated, and now there are only 110,000 left!

This is no longer spending money like flowing water, it is simply spending money like a landslide!

Causality! Causality!

Jiang Fan licked the tooth flower seeds, wondering if he didn't wait for Yin Binghua's news, and went straight to slaughter the snake repair!

"Sir, what is this place?"

Dashuang's questioning directly interrupted Jiang Fan's thoughts.

Jiang Fan looked up and frowned!

It's actually this place again!

Does this temple have one in every place of trial? Or can this temple be shuttled?

While thinking about it, Jiang Fan had already walked out of the temple.

Outside the temple is a vast and eerie jungle.

The entire sky here is enveloped by a layer of gray fog. Although the vegetation is lush, it is all glowing with an abnormal purple-grey color, and it is distorted and unnatural. It seems that a few weird screams can be heard vaguely. !

"My lord! This, the atmosphere here is so wonderful! What is this place on earth?"

Justin looked at Jiang Fan with surprise!

For the Necromancer, the more evil and eerie the place, the more comfortable it will make them feel!

"A good place for you to improve!"

Jiang Fan smiled.

Although the evil jungle is only the lowest trial site, the strongest existence will not exceed the seventh level, but no matter how small the mosquito legs are, they are meaty. The big and small pairs are only eighth. Justin absorbed the blood that Curtis gave him. The roots are barely ninth level, so if you knock down this map, the experience points you gain are enough to pile them all up to ninth level!

Just when Jiang Fan was looking around!


A roar suddenly sounded from not far away!

Immediately afterwards, a hungry wolf with bone spurs on its back had slowly walked out of the jungle, and a pair of green eyes stared at a few people firmly!

And at the moment the hungry wolf appeared, Jiang Fan's data had already appeared in front of him.

Backstab Coyote: Level 4!

Jiang Fan immediately popped out a wisp of wind to kill the hungry wolf, and then released the riches and honors, pointing directly at the four corners of the jungle in the south, east, north, and west!

"One person, one direction, find the strongest one and kill!"



After half an hour, all three and one dog returned, each with a small jujube-shaped stone gleaming with bronze light.

Jiang Fan just put away the four stones, and the system prompt has suddenly sounded!

"Ding! The host has gathered four bronze cores. Will the next level of authority be enabled?"

"Turn on!"


The four bronze nuclei suddenly condensed together, and then directly exploded into a blue light!

At the same time, the system's prompt tone has sounded again!

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for the promotion of trial authority! The current level of authority-Bronze!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for the promotion of trial authority! The current trial scope-Scarlet Tomb (1st floor)!"

As the system prompt sounded, Jiang Fan's trial map, close to the location of the evil jungle, directly lit up a large map!

At the same time, a dark portal appeared directly near the gate of the temple!

Needless to say, behind the portal is a new trial ground, the Scarlet Tomb!

Jiang Fan first looked at the introduction of the Scarlet Tomb.

Scarlet Tomb (1st floor): Bronze level authority belongs to!

Map level: Bronze level-Silver level!

Entry reminder: The first time the host enters, it takes 100,000 causal points to open the map for the first time!

Entry rules: You can enter at any time, no time limit for staying!

Clearance conditions: Kill the silver guards in the area!

Clearance reward: experience value!

Bronze level permissions: Have a chance to resurrect, bring up to three members, and no additional rewards other than experience points!

Note: This is an ancient cemetery. Legend has it that an evil mage is buried here!

Inferior authority opening prompt: Kill five silver-level guards in the area to obtain the silver core!

One hundred thousand causal points left!

Jiang Fan looked at the remaining causal points, and finally gritted his teeth!


Anyway, after upgrading the big doubles, I have to save Curtis, and when the time comes, I will squeeze the Dangshan Sect fiercely. I don't believe that I can't squeeze the oil and water!

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