With one hundred thousand causal points smashed, Jiang Fan completely became a pauper!

At the same time, several people have stepped into the portal!

With a flash of light, several people have appeared in the temple again!

But this time out of the temple, the picture in front of the few people has completely changed!

What appeared in front of a few people was a huge cemetery!

Countless tombs stood among them. There were still many rotting corpses hanging on several twisted dead trees. Crows with blood-red eyes were pecking at the rotting flesh on the corpses.

And in the distance, surrounded by blood, an extremely huge mausoleum stood there like a hill!

With his eyes squinted, Jiang Fan waved his hand into a violent wind, and he had already rushed directly towards the blood-colored mausoleum with three people and a dog!

And the closer you are, the more you can discover the hugeness of this blood-colored tomb!

This mausoleum seems to be entirely composed of masonry, the walls are mottled, and traces of the outline of patterns can be seen vaguely on it!

However, the strange thing is that this thing doesn't look like a tomb, it looks like a tower!

"My lord! This, this thing seems to be legendary, Mage Tower?"

Justin suddenly yelled!

"Mage Tower?"

"Yes! In the oldest time in the past, powerful legendary wizards would build their own mage tower. Each layer of the mage tower is composed of various magic circles and enchanting materials, standing on the mage tower, and the magical power of the wizard will be It will be endless, and even all magic except forbidden spells can be cast instantly! It's invincible!"

Justin looked excited!

In fact, since seeing this vast cemetery, he seemed to have returned to his hometown, and he had been too excited!

"There is actually this kind of thing... Well, then, the tower of Saruman in the Lord of the Rings seems to be the tower of the mage, if you can get that thing out..."

Just when Jiang Fan was full of bad water, everyone finally came to the gate of the tomb!

And just after Jiang Fan fell, the door to the tomb was suddenly opened!

At the same time, a rancid smell full of blood, directly rushed to the face and patted the faces of several people!


"This taste is so sour and refreshing!"

Big and small hurriedly covered their noses!

Although Jiang Fan didn't speak, his face turned blue and he directly pressed the iron mask on his face!

Only Justin took a deep breath, full of intoxication like a spring breeze!

"walk into!"

Jiang Fan waved his hand and several people strode into the mausoleum!

Stepping in, before everyone reacted, countless fireballs smashed over!

Looking at the power of the fireball, all the magicians who shot were all above level five!

It's a pity that after passing through the evil jungle before, even both big and small have reached level 9, the fireball of level 5 power is really not a climate!

Jiang Fan didn't even use Jiang Fan to make a move, the big and small directly exploded with energy, and instantly exploded those fireballs into countless sparks!

And Justin quickly chanted a spell, the next moment!


Accompanied by a dozen screams that did not sound like human voices, the guys who attacked several people on the opposite side were all enveloped by a dark fire, and in less than three seconds, they were burned to fly ash!

And only then did the scene inside show up in front of a few people!

This is actually a huge hall with a height of more than ten meters, and countless tables and chairs are placed in it, but the hall has been covered with dust, and it does not look like there are traces of living things at all!

However, since there are no traces of living things at all here, is it the ghost that made the fireball magic just now?

In the next moment, this question has been answered!


Countless sundries suddenly flew up, and then, under this sundries, countless decayed, corpses, or monsters with only a bunch of skeletons all rushed out!

And in all the monster's eye sockets, there was a red flame burning!

These are the things that attacked Jiang Fan and others just now!

In the next moment, they seemed to be driven by some kind, and then they gathered mana!

Immediately afterwards, countless fireballs, ice blades, thunder lights...have been smashed down at Jiang Fan!

However, no matter how many attacks these monsters make, the strength of the two sides is not at the same level at all!


Jiang Fan just hooked his finger!

next moment!


A group of storms suddenly rose out of thin air!

In just two seconds, all the monsters in the hall were completely torn to pieces!

At the same time, Jiang Fan had already looked at a corridor above the hall!

There, an aura as high as tenth level is slowly condensing!


Jiang Fan's figure moved, he had reached the entrance of the corridor, a little bit under his feet, had already passed through the corridor, and came to another hall!

This hall was empty, with only the middle position, where a silver-white coffin was placed!

And with Jiang Fan's arrival, the coffin opened directly!

The next moment, an old man wearing a red mage robe, like a mummy, crawled out of the coffin with a strange smile!

"Hehe, it's the smell of creatures! It's so delicious! Come on, take your soul..."

Before the old guy finished speaking, Jiang Fan snapped his fingers!

next moment!


The air around the old guy suddenly burst into a crisp sound like broken glass!

"This, this is---Spare!!"

The old guy screamed in shock!

But it's too late!

next moment!


This BOSS, who just appeared and had not had time to finish speaking, has been directly shattered into bones!

At the same time, a silver-white jujube-shaped object has floated out of thin air!

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for clearing the Scarlet Tomb (1st floor)! Will you enter the next floor?"


Jiang Fan was startled!

Then speak immediately!


"Ding! It takes 100,000 causal points to enter the second floor of the Scarlet Tomb!"

"Your uncle! Didn't I give money?"

Jiang Fan was directly angry!

"Ding! The system has explained before that it takes 100,000 causal points to open the Scarlet Tomb (first floor), and the host only opens the first floor!"

"You **** play word games?"

Jiang Fan was stunned!

"Ding! No! The system description is clear!"

"You... profiteer!"

Jiang Fan's brain hurts!

But his expression changed immediately!

"Hehehe, if I remember correctly, as long as I enter next time, then these monsters will refresh again, right? It doesn't matter, there is no entry restriction anyway, I will come back later!"

"Ding! The host thinks too much! The low-level trial grounds can indeed spawn infinite monsters, but the core of the trial will only explode once per guard!"

"You don't have to be so absolutely!"

Jiang Fan was stunned!

"Ding! Fair deal! You can not come!"

"You, your uncle... When are you so shameless?"

"Ding! Don't forget who the host of the system is! Compared to you, I'm just sprinkling water~!"

Jiang Fan is completely speechless!

Do you have to rely on yourself for a bad emotional system?

With a helpless sigh, Jiang Fan finally gave up bargaining with the system!

"How many floors are there in this mausoleum?"

"Ding! There are five floors in the Scarlet Tomb, and four more have not been cleared!"

The fourth floor is four hundred thousand!


"Okay! You wait for Lao Tzu! Next time, Lao Tzu will have to take the money to kill you!"

After Jiang Fan's sentiment was ruthless, he began to take the big pair and several people to constantly sweep the remaining monsters!

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