
Three white lights flashed!

next moment!

"Boom boom boom!"

The big double trio suddenly soared!

Finally broke through the tenth level!

All three of them looked surprised and looked at their hands in disbelief!


At level ten, it was broken so easily!

The point is, they didn't feel the instability of just being promoted at all!

Instead, he stayed in this realm directly and realistically!

This is simply something they dare not even dream of!

Especially Justin, when he first saw Jiang Fan, he was only a Level 5 little mage, but now, in just a few months, he has actually reached Level 10!

Obviously, this level of upgrade speed cannot be compared to the rest of Jiang Zhai’s perverts, let alone a monster like Jiang Fan, but if he is put outside, his upgrade speed like Justin’s, then he is simply a genius!

It is the talents who break their heads from the major forces!

"grown ups……"

Justin was trembling with excitement!

"Don't get excited, hurry up and gather the phylogeny!"

Jiang Fan smiled slightly!

Justin was too weak before, and he didn't even have the qualifications to condense the phylactery!


Justin hurriedly took out a small box forged from black crystals and engraved with countless magic runes, then took a deep breath and began to recite a very long spell!

Accompanied by his chanting, it was visible to the naked eye, a trace of incomparable darkness, full of spiritual black smoke, directly floating on the small box!

At the next moment, the small box made a beating heart!

The second life of the necromancer-phylogeny, it is done!

"My lord! I'll leave my phylogenetic to you!"

Justin said, solemnly offering the phylactery with both hands!

Jiang Fan was startled slightly, but he nodded and took it.

For Justin, accepting his phylogeny will make him more at ease!


Seeing that Jiang Fan took the phylogeny without hesitation, Justin suddenly looked happy!

Starting today, he Justin must be an adult's confidant too!

But the big and the little pair looked at each other, and suddenly sighed!

Unlike other forces, the people of other forces are afraid that they have some control in the hands of others, but for the people of the Jiang family, they are eager for Jiang Fan to take his own life!

It's not that they are abnormal, but only if Xiaoming is held by Jiang Fan, they will feel that they are Jiang Fan's confidant, and they dare to take advantage of it with confidence!

In this world, the only person who can let his subordinates actively send handles to show loyalty, I am afraid that Jiang Fan is the only one!

"You two, don't worry, you will have to take you a few more visits in a while!"

Jiang Fan smiled slightly and looked at the big pair and the small pair.

The two of them looked happy at once!

"Almost there, come back!"

With Jiang Fan's low drink, the next moment!


Several people have returned to Jiangzhai!

After leaving the villa, a group of people outside immediately greeted us!

However, with Lv Bu and Zhenzi in front, it's really nothing to make a fuss about Da Shuang's being promoted to rank ten!

Seeing that the team is all in place, Jiang Fan is immediately ready to bring along and kill the Dangshan Sect!

But at this moment!

"Ding Ding Ding!"

Jiang Fan's phone rang suddenly!

Take a look, it turned out to be Ma Desheng calling!

"Director Ma, what's the matter?"

"Jiang Fan! You are absent from class without authorization, you are simply out of school rules! My Ma De was promoted to the dean of teaching, this time I must—"

Ma Desheng was awe-inspiring and roared loudly!


"Director Ma, don't forget that there are still pictures of your heroic appearance in my phone~~"

Jiang Fan smiled!

Last time Ma Desheng won the lottery ticket and was kidnapped. Jiang Fan took the opportunity to take a lot of pictures of Ma Desheng in embarrassment.

"You! You bastard! Didn't I delete the 100,000 class fee for you? You, you can't believe it! Shameless!"

Ma Desheng is desperate!

"Where, thank you for your praise!"

"Am I complimenting you?"

"Isn't it?"

"You! Humph! Anyway, you'll be back to work soon!"

"I can't go back today, there is still something to do!"

"Asshole! Jiang Fan, you--"


"What am I..."

Ma Desheng only felt that Jiang Fan's brain was about to be sprayed out of his nostrils!

Just hung up the phone!

However, when Ma Desheng reminded him, Jiang Fan remembered one thing!

There seems to be a parent-teacher conference this week, and Lan Ying’s students are the children of the backbone of the political and business circles. If they are not there, then the group of **** in Class 3 will cause trouble, and Lan Ying’s reputation will be bad!

The key is that the recent results of the third class are singing all the way. Many parents have contacted themselves before, but it is indeed time to hold a parent meeting!

it is good!

Prepare when you are done!

Make up his mind, Jiang Fan immediately started to click!

"Xiaobu, Xiaoyue...Forget it, your kid is not suitable for bargaining, Wang Yi, Xiaobu and Master Yuguangzi will go with me, and the rest will stay with the housekeeper, Uncle Zhong, the house will be handed over to you, I will go Pick up Curtis!"

As Jiang Fan's voice fell, Yue Jianhan's face suddenly fell dejected, and Wang Yi's eyes lit up!

The master actually let himself go, this is definitely the rhythm to squeeze the other party dry!

How long hasn't realized the pleasure of fighting-claiming!

The thought of that picture makes people cry with excitement!

But at this moment!

"Brother Jiang Fan, I, I want to go too!"

Sadako spoke suddenly.


Jiang Fan was startled!

"Yeah! I, Curtis and I can talk very well, and, besides, the other is very good, my strength is soaring now, I can definitely help!"

Sadako stammered.

Jiang Fan's eyes were directly wrong!

He didn't bring Sadako, because the cultivation sect was best at spells, and Huaxia spells had great restraint on ghosts!

But looking at Sadako's appearance now, I am afraid that Curtis is... so interesting!

Yes, Sadako looked young, but the actual age is not too young. It would be appropriate to be with Curtis!

It is estimated that Curtis should also miss Sadako!

"Okay! Let's go together!"

Jiang Fan nodded!

Then raise his hand!

next moment!


The iron-blooded spacecraft has appeared directly!

It's just a pity that the effect of the Cosmos Rubik's Cube has passed, and now it is just a spaceship!

Several people got on the spaceship, Jiang Fan set the coordinates according to Yu Guangzi's reminder, and then went straight to the sky with a huge roar!

Longtai City! Yuxiang Mountain!

Yuxiang Mountain is the 5A scenic spot in Longtai City, but just like Yongshan where Jinglingzong is located, no one knows. Just above the three peaks of Yuxiang Mountain, there is also a top sect in the world of cultivation!


At this moment, above the main peak of Dangshan Sect!

It is extremely vast here, and there are countless exquisite pavilions and pavilions built on the lawn full of exotic flowers and grasses.

Behind one of the largest attic, a waterfall hangs down, and just by the lake below the waterfall, a few rare birds and animals are lying lazily there, leisurely gnawing on the Ganoderma, Polygonum multiflorum, Polygonatum, etc. Fine herbs.

However, unlike the outside world, these medicinal herbs can be seen at a glance for how many years they have grown, and even the scent of Ganoderma can be smelled hundreds of meters away!

Here, it is really exactly the same as the fairy life imagined by the ancients!

However, a miserable howl suddenly sounded from a square in the distance, directly breaking the tranquility of this paradise!

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