God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 1469: Master, you are finally here

This scream was really stern, and a group of lazy rare birds and animals by the lake were directly startled, all of them jumped up and looked at the sound source.

I saw an old man with sparse hair and skinny like a skeleton in an extremely vast square in the south that was used for performing martial arts. He was lying on the ground covered in blood at the moment!

The old man's skin was riddled with flesh, and even white bones were already exposed on his calf!

And seven or eight young men with savage expressions did not have the slightest pity at all, and they still used the spiked whip to beat the old man fiercely!

"Damn! Old fellow! Hurry up and continue calling!"

"Don't pretend to be dead! Otherwise this whipping will only be the lightest!"

"Have you heard! Go on!"

A group of young people roared!

"Don't, don't fight! Look at the corpses, I, my magic power is really exhausted, there is no way to summon it!"

The old man screamed desperately, then barely stretched out his arm and pointed to the distance.

And with his move, he finally revealed his appearance.

This is absolutely Jiang Fan's treasure, and Jiang Fan's chief diehard fan, Necromancer, Curtis!

And following the direction of Curtis's finger at the moment, at the other end of the square, there are huge piles of Western monster corpses like a hill!

Just looking at this number, you know that Curtis has been calling for a long time without sleep!

However, a few young people smiled coldly!

"Bah! What the **** is this? I think you are obviously lazy!"

"It's still light! Third Brother, let me come!"

"Hey, let me come, this whip won't work, I just made a broken bone nail and nailed it to this old guy. I'm not afraid that he will be disobedient!"

"Yes, there is also my Ten Thousand Ants stove, just put this old guy in, Ten Thousand Ants will eat your heart, even if he really has no magic power, he can still squeeze out 30%!"

Several young people grinned grimly, and they had already revealed their magic weapon one after another!

"No! No! You guys, do you know who I am? When my master comes, you will all be out of luck!"

Curtis trembled all over, with a look of horror!

"Your master? Humph! But a small force in the secular world, if he doesn't come to count his fate, if he dares to come, his seat will be in front of you by then, and he will be torn up!"

A gloomy voice suddenly sounded!

Immediately afterwards, a middle-aged man with a stern attitude has slowly walked onto the square!

This man is tall, with half-length hair, and two arm guards on his left and right wrists. If Yue Jianhan and others are here at this moment, he can definitely recognize that this man attacked Jiang's house on the same day and kidnapped Curtis. People!

As soon as they saw this man, the young people suddenly saluted.

"Uncle Sanshi!"

"Hall Master!"


This man is exactly the third junior brother of Dangshan Sect, Lei Yan!


Lei Yan nodded in satisfaction, then looked at Curtis proudly!

"Huh! You, a Western evil demon who dares to come to China, has already committed a big taboo! This seat allows you to come to Dangshanzong Mountain Gate to redeem your sins. That is an extraordinary grace! If you know, you will honestly continue to summon! Otherwise, this seat will work together. Under the thunderbolt, you will definitely have no bones left!"

"Bah! What an atonement! You just fell in love with the business of my Jiang family and the cultivation world! When a **** wants to set up an archway, it's more disgusting than the Dark Council!"

Curtis was full of horror, but he still screamed while pulling his neck!


Lei Yan was furious and suddenly raised his hand!


A thunder light suddenly blasted down and hit Curtis' calf directly!


Curtis' calf was directly fried into a piece of bone meal!


Curtis suddenly howled miserably and rolled around in pain!

"Huh! Ask for trouble!"

Lei Yan smiled coldly!

"Don't call it yet?"

"I, I call, I call..."

Curtis screamed!

The expressions of Lei Yan and the others suddenly slowed down.


"I call Nima!"

Curtis roared suddenly!


Lei Yan was furious and was about to take action immediately!

But Curtis didn't know where the strength came from, and suddenly stared at Lei Yan!

"Damn! Kill Lao Tzu if you have it! By that time, my master will want you to turn the Dangshan Sect into scorched earth! Come on! Kill me! If you don't kill me, you will be my grandson!"

"you wanna die!!"

There was a sudden murderous flash in Lei Yan's eyes!

But at this moment!

"Master! No!"

One of the young men suddenly spoke!


Lei Yan frowned!

The young man trembled in fright, and hurriedly said: "Master, this Western necromancer has a phylogenetic. As long as the phylogenetic is still there, he will not die easily. He wants to irritate you, and then by life Xia is born again!"

As soon as this disciple spoke, Curtiston trembled!

Indeed, he just wanted Lei Yan to kill himself!

He didn't want to experience this kind of torture for the rest of his life!

Anyway, the phylogeny is in Jiang Fan's hands, and Lei Yan kills himself, and he will be reborn by Jiang Fan's side!

As for the strength and other things that have been lost after rebirth, he can't care about it now, just want to return to Jiang Fan!

There is the safest place in the world!

It's just that he didn't know that his mind was actually seen through by Lei Yan's apprentice!

Seeing Curtis' reaction, Lei Yan had already smiled gloomily!

"That's it! Haiyue, use bone-crushing nails! This seat is going to pull out all the bones of this **** Western demon one by one!"

"No! I, I was wrong! Forgive me! I, I can still recruit!"

Curtis frightened his soul, and suddenly let out a miserable cry!

But those seven or eight young disciples had directly stepped on his hands and feet, and the disciple named Haiyue had already pulled out a nail that looked like a twisted skull, directly facing Curtis’s left hand. Take it down!

"No! Oh! Master! Master! Help!!"

Curtis suddenly let out the most tragic howl in history!

And at the moment he just made this sound!


Above the sky, a roar suddenly sounded like a falling meteor!

Everyone suddenly raised their heads, and then they were all stunned!

Above the sky, a black shadow was falling from the sky at an indescribable speed!

"Then, what is that?"

"Is it... a person?"

"Falling so fast, is he going to commit suicide?"

Everyone's eyes widened, looking at the sky in disbelief!

And the next moment!

The figure was already like a meteorite, with a piercing scream, it hit the square heavily!


The entire square seemed to be bombarded by missiles, and countless bricks were smashed into the sky!

The young disciples exclaimed, and they all backed away one after another!

Lei Yan frowned, stepped forward abruptly, and waved his hand!

In the next moment, countless bricks and stones rising up into the sky were swept aside by him!

And that figure finally appeared in front of everyone!

It was a man wearing a black trench coat, with a well-proportioned figure and perfect facial features, especially his eyes, as bright as stars in the sky!

The moment he saw this man, Lei Yan only felt that a chill rushed directly to the Tianling Gai along the tail vertebrae!

The whole body's hair is straight up!

However, this feeling was fleeting, almost making Lei Yan suspect that he had hallucinations!


"Who are you!"

"Dare to break into the Dangshan Sect without permission!"

"Destroy my sect property, you won't die!"

Several young disciples were taken aback for a while, and then furious!

Curtis stared at the man blankly, stunned!

After a long time, he wailed suddenly!

"the host!!"

That's right!

Jiang Fan!


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