
"These **** monsters!"

"Who can help me!"

"Alice! Alice, what are you in a daze!"

In the face of this terrifying monster, the survivors have no resistance at all, they can only scream while fleeing desperately!

And one of the stubble-faced men yelled desperately at a woman standing in the attic far away!

"Alice! Wake up!"

This man is the protagonist that Jiang Fan saved before, Carlos!

And the woman he called for help was the heroine Alice!

It's just that Alice at the moment seems to be down, no matter how Carlos calls, she is motionless!

But Carlos's roar attracted the attention of mutant zombies. In an instant, all the zombies rushed to him!


Seeing that all the zombies rushed towards Carlos, a woman with sunglasses and long blond hair suddenly became anxious, grabbed the shotgun and fired desperately!

This woman is the leader of the team, Claire!

However, when the shotgun bullet hits these zombies, they just staggered, and then they regained Carlos more quickly!

"Asshole! Asshole!!"

Claire roared desperately!

And Carlos can only smile helplessly in the face of the zombies that have surrounded him!



And Alice, who was standing motionless in the attic, suddenly shed two lines of tears!

But because the umbrella company had implanted a control chip in her brain, she couldn't move at all!

Can only watch Carlos die!


Who can take this chip for me!

Who can save Carlos!

Alice's heart is full of despair!

He kept calling that person's name in my heart over and over again!

Jiang Fan!

Jiang Fan! I beg you!

Hurry up! Now, only you can save us!

Alice yelled desperately in her heart!

At this moment, the group of zombies has almost rushed in front of Carlos!

at this time!


A storm resembling a natural disaster suddenly rises on the ground!

In an instant, dozens of zombies rushing towards Carlos were directly rolled up!

As soon as these zombies were involved in the storm, they were completely torn to pieces by the wind!

Everyone was stunned!

Look at this storm in disbelief!

"How could a storm suddenly rise on the flat ground?"

"And only kills zombies, but Carlos has nothing!"

"It's God! God must have come to save us!"

Everyone is excited!


"Compared to the title of God, I prefer you to call me—Takeaway!"

A voice full of magnetism suddenly sounded from the sky!

next moment!

In the violent wind dancing, a man in a black trench coat has fallen from the sky like a god!

"Jiang Fan!!!"

When he saw this man at first sight, Carlos screamed in excitement!

But Carlisle's eyes widened suddenly!

"He, is Jiang Fan? Actually, he is more handsome than the legend!"

"Yeah! I thought Carlos was exaggerating! I didn't expect it to be true!"

"This kind of pull-out appearance has simply exploded all kinds of heroic movies in the old world!"

"Great! We are all saved!"

Claire and others had heard Carlos telling about Jiang Fan's deeds, and they thought Carlos was exaggerating!

I didn't expect Carlos to say that it was actually a cut version!

This is almost like a bunch of mosaics while watching a movie!


Such a handsome strong man, hit Nima's code!

Jiang Fan had already smiled slightly and looked at Carlos!

"Hi, long time no see!"

"Jiang Fan!"

Carlos was so excited, he hugged Jiang Fan directly!

But he just moved!


Countless roars sounded again!

Immediately afterwards, in the distance, countless hordes of zombies have rushed again!

There are hundreds of them!


"Get in the car!"

"Damn it! How come there are so many monsters here!"

The crowd is in chaos!

But at this moment!

"Get rich!"

Jiang Fan smiled slightly, and suddenly stretched out his right hand to the group of zombies rushing up!

Everyone was taken aback!

And the next moment!


As soon as the voice fell, Jiang Fan suddenly squeezed his right hand!


A loud noise!

The location of the group of zombies is almost as if the space is collapsing, and countless zombies are all howling miserably, completely squeezed by an inexplicable force!

In an instant, the stump and broken arm rose to the sky!

The distant horizon was like a wave of blood bursting into the sky!

Those hundreds of zombies were actually killed by Jiang Fan in one blow!

Everyone was stunned!

"Oh my God..."

"This liar! He also said that he is not a god!"

"This is the power that gods can possess!"

"It's too exaggerated! Just clenched a fist, it suddenly became like this!"

"Could it be that this is what the Huaxia people said, and the words are the same?"

"He really is a god!"

The crowd all looked at Jiang Fan stupidly!

"Jiang, Jiang Fan..."

Even Carlos, who has seen Jiang Fan's tough, opened his mouth wide, his face was unbelievable!

The previous Jiang Fan was indeed tough, but no matter what, he was still in the human category after all!

But his current methods are almost comparable to the gods!

At this moment, on the rooftop of a building a few kilometers away!

"Monster...this is the monster..."

A group of security personnel wearing umbrella companies craned their necks and looked at the screen on the computer in disbelief!

And a man in a white coat is extremely greedy, staring at Jiang Fan in the computer!

This person is the last time Jiang Fan entered the world of Resident Evil, and Kane reported on the line, Dr. Isaacs!

"Zero...Experiment zero! He actually appeared again!"

"Too strong!"

"This, this is the end of virus evolution!"

"It's perfect! Break Feicott!"

Isaac was so ecstatic that he was trembling with excitement!

And a group of security personnel were directly stunned!

"Well, this is Experiment No. 0?"

"That man named Jiang Fan?"

"No wonder it's so tough! You know, even those monsters transformed in the Nemesis Project can't stop him from punching!"

"Unexpectedly, he was stronger than the legendary one!"

A group of security personnel were shocked!

"Don't talk nonsense! Catch him! Be sure to catch him!"

Isaacs roared in excitement!

"But, Doctor, none of us is his opponent at all!"

"Yeah! So many mutant zombies have been beaten by him!"

"Even if a hundred Avengers come here, it's useless!"

A group of subordinates have spoken!

However, Isaacs smiled proudly!

"It's okay! Start Alice! Now Alice can definitely haunt him!"

"But, that's useless!"

"Idiot! As long as he gets entangled, he will immediately activate the missiles in the base. Then the missiles will blow down directly, and he will be seriously injured if he is not dead!

Isaacs laughed so lewdly!

"Worthy of being a doctor!"

"It's so smart!"

"Hey! Base! Prepare missiles now!"

"Ready to start Alice!"

Everyone is excited!

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