God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 1477: The power of takeaway

Under the high tower, Jiang Fan made this blow, and he couldn't help but let out a sigh of breath!

The Huaxia Grandmaster’s killing of Qi is to use oneself as the source of the earthquake, using internal force to resonate with the surrounding air, water and other media, and then to the point of killing people!

But for the same reason, the power of divergence will only get weaker and weaker, so this trick is only effective for those below the master level!

And using this method to shake the surrounding energy, the consumption of itself is even more amazing!

Only the monster whose power like the Grand Master can continuously recover can be truly used!

But even so, such a long distance, such a large area of ​​shots, it is definitely not a normal 15th, or even 16th level!

And this blow, even with such a terrifying innocence content as Jiang Fan, almost consumed it!

But immediately, as he exhaled a foul breath, Dantian Qihai was dragged by the remaining traces of innate qi, unexpectedly born out of nothing, and gave birth to eight points of zhenqi out of thin air!

In just two breaths, Jiang Fan's true energy has been refilled!

Such a rapid recovery speed, let alone level 15, may not be able to achieve even at level 18!

This is the advantage of strong background!

Seeing everyone staring at him sluggishly, Jiang Fan just smiled!

A little bit, I'm directly in front of Alice!

But at this moment, Alice's body trembled suddenly!

The next moment, two umbrella company logos appeared in her eyes!



Alice's eyes suddenly stared!

An extremely powerful mental impact has suddenly hit Jiang Fan!

This spiritual power is really terrifying, and as soon as it was blasted out, the surrounding masonry exploded into dust!

And the sand and stones flying in the sky, under the envelope of spiritual power, turned into a sandstorm that was more violent than a bullet, and blasted Jiang Fan together!


Jiang Fan was beaten up and flew up!


Dr. Isaac, who was watching here through the video, immediately waved his arm in excitement!

A group of security guards from umbrella companies also looked excited!

Unexpectedly, this kid was dealt with before the missile was used!

But the next moment, everyone's expressions froze on their faces!

Seeing that Jiang Fan had just been blasted out of less than three meters, he was straight in the air!

The key is that he was bombarded by such a violent mental shock, not to mention his body, even his coat was intact!

"Well, this kid is King Kong, isn't it bad?"

"The body is stronger than steel!"

"This is simply Superman's steel body!"

The crowd was dumbfounded!

Jiang Fan had already looked at Alice with a smile.

"No wonder you want to restore Ching Ming, because it was controlled by the umbrella company! But it doesn't matter!"

As Jiang Fan said, he had directly taken out the cup of Yangzhi nectar!


As the lid was opened, an extremely rich and sweet scent wafted out in an instant!


The survivors all swallowed involuntarily!

"It smells... it smells so good!"

Everyone looked at the cup of Yangzhi nectar with piercing eyes!

And Alice's eyes shine even more!

Staring straight at the takeaway, even his hands trembled and stretched out!

At this moment, the location of Dr. Isaac and others!

"Doctor! It's not good! Alice is fighting against the chip!"

"It's okay! It's not the first time she's confronted!"

Isaac sneered!


"No, Doctor! She, she will break free soon!"


Dr. Isaac's group were all stunned!

"How could this be? What happened just now!"

"Just now, the number zero experimenter suddenly took out a drink, and then Alice began to resist desperately!"

While talking, the subordinate swallowed involuntarily!

Damn it!

What on earth did that kid bring out?

Why is it that across the screen, I can't help but want to take a sip!

And Isaac, who looked at the screen, also moved his throat!

Involuntarily produced an irresistible desire for the cup of Yangzhi nectar in Jiang Fan's hand!

"So, what the **** is that? How could it make Alice have such a big reaction? Check it out! Find it out for me quickly!"

Just as Dr. Isaac roared, the computer screen in front of him suddenly flicked!

Immediately after the above screen collapsed directly!

Instead, there were countless screen-swiping characters!

That character is only two words-want to drink! Want to drink! Want to drink! Want to drink! Want to drink!


"This, what is this special!"

"Alice was so greedy that she got the computer virus!"

"Not good! Alice is out of our control!"

"Damn it! Find out what it is!"

"Immediately mobilize the satellite and monitor the images there!"

Everyone is crazy!

Beat the computer desperately!

At this moment, Alice had already grasped the Yangzhi nectar, and then feasted and drank desperately!

"It smells so sweet! So sweet!"

"With a strong and extremely icy feeling! It's almost as if you feel the snow falling!"

"Especially the combination of mango and evaporated milk, it just smells like dew!"

"Is this in the Chinese legend, is it rainy for a long time?"

"It's so cool!!"

Accompanied by Alice's scream, her eyes have completely regained their clarity!

At the same time, above the sky of the umbrella company, the satellite responsible for controlling Alice suddenly exploded!

Completely scrapped!

Dr. Isaac and the others who watched the picture there through another satellite were completely stunned!

That cup of things not only restored Alice's sanity, but also scrapped one of their satellites!

too exaggerated!

at this time!

"Doctor! I found it! According to the characters on it, it is Huaxia text, and the two handwritten texts above are translated. It is..."

The subordinates were suddenly taken aback!

"What is it? Say it!"

Isaac roared suddenly!

"This, yes, yes-takeaway!"


Isaac looked dumbfounded!

"Outside, takeaway?!"

"Yes, it is!"

"Fuck your mother! What kind of takeaway can have this effect!"

Isaac was directly angry!

"Doctor's anger! Huaxia's takeaway, long before the world is ruined, has been hanging to the sky!"

"Huaxia's delivery staff is even more known as the almighty little brother! He knows everything!"

"I heard that they have multiple jobs. In addition to the basic operations such as helping the game score, coaxing children, playing mahjong, diving to save people, catching thieves, etc., they can even program, auto repair, and even drive an excavator!"

"Even if they can get a satellite, that's not uncommon!"

A group of subordinates screamed hurriedly!

"This, so hanging?"

Isaac was stunned!

For the first time, I felt that my Ph.D. name was just imaginary!

Especially this inexplicable feeling of wanting to deliver food, what is going on!

"Shut up to me! No matter what it is! No matter what Jiang Fan is doing! Launch the missile right away! Bump them at me!"

Dr. Isaac resisted the urge to deliver food, and suddenly roared!

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