God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 1478: Make a fortune completely

At this moment, with the recovery of Alice, she reluctantly licked the residue of the last bite of Yangzhi nectar, and the system prompt finally sounded!

"Ding! This takeaway task has been completed, you have 180 minutes of stay time, you can choose to return automatically, or you can choose to return automatically at the end of the time!"

One hundred and eighty minutes, that is three hours!

I usually give myself half an hour at most, but the current stay time has directly increased six times!

Needless to say, this is the time to score yourself!

It is the invisible reward of the system!


And Alice also hugged Jiang Fan excitedly!

"Jiang Fan! Great! You are finally here!"

"long time no see!"

Jiang Fan smiled and patted Alice on the back.

And Carlos and others hurriedly greeted him at this moment!

"Jiang Fan! Let me introduce to you, this is Claire!"

Carlos pointed to Claire excitedly.

"Hello there!"

Jiang Fan smiled slightly.

"Hello, you!"

Claire greeted excitedly.

So handsome!

It's so handsome that people can't look directly at it!

"By the way, this is not a place to chat. Let's get in the car and talk while walking!"

Carlos said, greeted the crowd to get into the car.


"No! Now is not the time to chat!"

Jiang Fan hooked the corner of his mouth.

Alice also looked fiercely, and looked directly in the direction of Isaac and the others!

"not good!"

Looking at Isaac over here via satellite is anxious!

"How long will the missile arrive?"

"There are three minutes left!"

"It's too late! Cancel the launch! Retreat now!"


Following Isaac's order, the crowd immediately cancelled the launch and quickly put away their equipment!

Just at this moment!

"Is it gone? Don't stay a while?"

A lazy voice suddenly sounded from the sky!

When everyone looked up, they almost didn't urinate in shock!

I saw Jiang Fan descending from the sky with Alice!

And Jiang Fan actually carried an undead zombie in his hand!

"Experiment zero!"

Isaac exclaimed when he saw Jiang Fan at first sight!

"Experiment zero?"

Jiang Fan frowned.

But Isaac didn't answer at all, just desperately ran to the helicopter parked on the roof!

"You bastard! Stop it!"

Alice's eyes were full of murderous intent, and she copied her scimitar and was about to slash at Isaac!

But Jiang Fan lifted his hand and directly blocked it!

"Jiang Fan!"

Alice was taken aback!

"Don't worry! Kill him now, but it's worthless!"

Jiang Fan hooked the corner of his mouth, then directly pointed the zombie on his hand at Isaac and threw it out!


The zombie directly hit Isaac's body, and then it almost smelled the international licking dog that smelled of Citigroup's father, and rushed on it!


Isaac let out a scream of fright, and stepped back in a hurry!

Several security guards even took out their pistols and desperately shot the zombie!

But it's still too late!

The zombie bit Isaac's shoulder in one bite!


Isaac let out a scream, and a big piece of meat was bitten directly on his shoulder!

And the zombie was finally killed by a few security guards!

Isaac resisted the pain, and climbed into the helicopter with a piss!

In the next moment, the helicopter has soared into the sky!

Jiang Fan smoothly killed a few security guards, and finally smiled with satisfaction!

"Finished! Let's go, take you to a good place!"

"Good place?"


Jiang Fan nodded, and quickly brought Alice back to the tower!

At this moment, the people here have all got into the car in accordance with Jiang Fan's instructions!

And with Jiang Fan's beckoning, a tyrannical sky-receiving tornado suddenly rose to the ground, directly rolling up the entire convoy!

The point is that in the midst of the gusty wind, everyone just feels very stable, without any discomfort!


"Too, too exaggerated!"

"Jiang Fan is simply the **** of storms!"

"Look! We are all flying!"

The crowd was so excited, they all looked at Jiang Fan in midair with a look of admiration!

Jiang Fan smiled slightly, and the next moment, he took the storm and flew directly in the direction of Isaac!


In only five minutes, everyone has arrived on a cliff!

And just below the cliff, a square shrouded in countless alloy networks suddenly appeared!

And above the square, a helicopter is parked at this moment!

This is the one Isaac took just now!

And just outside the square, there are overwhelming zombies, there is no end to the zombies, they have been surrounded here by roaring!

When I saw the scene below, everyone just felt that their calves were cramping!

It's amazing!

The zombies below are definitely in ten thousand units!

If a big living person walks in, he will be completely eaten up in less than half a second!

"Jiang Fan, what is this place?"

Even Alice was sweating coldly!

"This is Isaac's secret base! It is also your future home!"

Jiang Fan's eyes were full of light like Jinshan!

so much!

There is more than expected!

What a causal point this must be!

Made a fortune!

Completely rich!

"Home? Jiang Fan, are you planning to occupy this place?"

Everyone was stunned!

"of course!"

"But, with so many zombies, we can't even get in!"

"Even if you can fly us in, but in the future we will be trapped here and we can't get out at all!"

"Yeah, let's go to Alaska!"

Carlos and others spoke one after another.


"Relax, these zombies, I promise that none of them will be left!"

Accompanied by Jiang Fan's grinning smile, his whole body has soared into the sky, and a small whirlwind appeared in his hand!

It's just that the wind is small, but Alice and the others just took a look, and there is a feeling that their souls have been emptied!

next moment!


Jiang Fan waved his hand, and the little wind whirled slowly towards the overwhelming zombie community!

And at the moment Feng Xuan let go, he actually expanded at an indescribable speed!

When it landed, it turned into a huge tornado storm with a diameter of more than tens of meters!

As soon as it landed, this tornado storm roared and rolled up countless zombies!

In an instant, all the zombies involved were like tomatoes thrown into the juicer, completely torn to pieces by a storm that seemed to contain countless steel knives!

And with the continuous movement of the storm, its diameter is also getting bigger and bigger!

In the end it almost turned into a super hurricane one after another!

Even Alice and others who are far away from the cliff can hardly resist the pull of this terrifying storm!

I can only hold on to the rock at hand!

Everyone looked at this hurricane like a natural disaster in horror, and the admiration and shock in their hearts for Jiang Fan had truly reached the level of looking up to the gods!

To lower the power of heaven with one's own power, this is exactly the means of the gods!

But Jiang Fan is laughing wildly at this moment!

That laughter resounded all over the world, even overwhelming the whistling of the hurricane!

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