"Ding! Congratulations to the host for killing a zombie and gaining 1 causality point!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for killing a zombie and gaining 1 causality point!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for killing a zombie and gaining 1 causality point!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for killing a zombie..."

The prompt of the system is falling like a waterfall!

Although each zombie is only worth one cause and effect point, it can't hold up a large amount!

There are too many zombies here!

I don't know how long it took, even this dense group of zombies, like the ocean, finally became sparse!

At the end, this black and overwhelming ocean made up of zombies has turned into a **** color!

Except in the distance, it is made up of a dozen or even a few zombies, and there is no more complete zombie here in the fleeing team!

This is exactly the same as the name of this movie-Resident Evil Extinction!

Completely extinct!


Slowly let out a foul breath, Jiang Fan finally landed on the cliff again!

"Jiang, Jiang Fan..."

Everyone stared blankly at the empty **** land!

I can't believe my eyes!

If you hadn't seen it with your own eyes, no one would have imagined that before here, there was actually a sea of ​​zombies!

In Jiang Fan's eyes, the group of terrifying zombies that ordinary people shunned is so vulnerable!

Especially the hurricane he sent out was even more terrifying than nuclear weapons!

"Okay! Don't be stunned, go, and lead you to build a new home!"

Jiang Fan smiled slightly, and with a wave of his hand, he had already taken everyone to the square!

As everyone came to the square, they discovered that the ground under their feet was not as soft as sand at all. Instead, it seemed as if they were stepping on a sandy beach full of water!

In fact, this is precisely because this desert is soaked in the blood of countless zombies at this moment!

But when she came here, Alice seemed to feel something, and she couldn't help but walked towards a drain in the distance.

However, she just came here, her body trembled suddenly, and her eyes were filled with endless astonishment, shock, and pain for a moment!

In the drain, there were hundreds of corpses exactly like her!

These people are all clones of Alice!

Over the past few years, Isaac has been experimenting with these clones!

And those zombies surrounding the square, it is precisely because of the smell of the blood of these corpses that they continue to gather here!


Alice suddenly roared, and rushed to a small house in the square with a murderous look!

As she walked into the house, the ground in the house suddenly separated, directly revealing a downward ventilation shaft!

And an elevator is slowly rising!

"Jiang Fan! Help me! Must help me kill Isaac!"

Alice pressed her lips tightly and looked at Jiang Fan!

"Don't worry, he can't live!"

Jiang Fan nodded and entered the elevator first.

Soon, as the elevator bell rang, the door opened, and the underground scene entered directly in front of the two!

I saw a long corridor outside the elevator, but the corridors that should have been neat and tidy at the moment were dimly lit and messy!

Alice took a few steps forward, but suddenly exclaimed!

I saw that the ground was full of **** corpses, and the walls on both sides were full of bullet marks and blood!

"Well, what happened here? How could it become like this?"

Alice was shocked!

"It's Isaac. Because this guy was bitten by a zombie just now, he was injected with an overdose of serum. Now he has turned into a monster. He killed all the people here!"

Jiang Fan spoke softly.

It's just that as soon as his voice fell, a child's voice that was extremely surprised suddenly sounded!

"how do you know?"

With the sound of this sound, a little girl generated from a three-dimensional image suddenly appeared in front of them!

This phantom is the central control brain in the base!

"In this world, there are not many things I don't know. You just went up the elevator, and you want me to help you kill Isaac, right?"

Jiang Fan smiled slightly!

"Yes, Dr. Isaac has now become an inhuman being. According to my logic, he must be cleaned up!"

"Stop talking nonsense! Where is he!"

Alice yelled directly!

"Go down this corridor and you can see him."

Zhi Nao said.

Alice directly took out two scimitars and rushed in without saying a word!

At the end of the corridor was a door. Alice kicked the door open, and then she was stunned!

The scene inside the gate was exactly the same as when she was at home in Raccoon City!

There is even a fake wedding photo of her on the table!

And when Alice was looking at the photo, the wind suddenly flashed behind her!

Alice suddenly lowered her head, and the next moment, a black tentacles had wiped her scalp and swept it out!

Alice suddenly turned around, her face suddenly changed!

I saw a huge monster looking at himself with a weird smile!

The body of that thing is extremely strong, and the claws on the left hand are bigger than those of the creeper!

And the whole right hand has become five sharp, pitch-black tentacles!

The point is that the half of this monster's face is still intact, exactly the same as Isaac!

"Hehehe, Alice, meet again!"


Alice's eyes were fierce, and she went out with a direct mental shock!


Isaac, who turned into a monster, was blown upside down!

The skin and flesh on the entire chest was blasted into dust!

It even revealed the distorted bones below!

However, a shocking scene happened!

As soon as Isaac landed, countless threads of flesh and blood suddenly appeared around the wound, but in just a few seconds, the wound was completely repaired!


Alice was stunned!

"Hehehe, surprised? This is the horror rebirth ability of the T virus!"

Isaac looked at Alice triumphantly!

"Unfortunately, once I thought you would be the future of mankind, but now it seems that I am the future!"

Accompanied by his roar, a mental power that is several times more powerful than Alice has suddenly burst out!

Directly at Alice, he banged up!

Just with Alice's body at the moment, being struck by this mental shock, she will be seriously injured if she does not die!

But at this moment!


A man suddenly appeared in front of Alice!

"Jiang Fan!"

"Experiment zero!"

The expressions of Alice and Isaac are different!

And the next moment, that mental shock has completely blasted Jiang Fan!


A loud noise!

The entire huge room trembled fiercely!

Countless bricks were directly blown into dust!

However, Jiang Fan looked like a needle in the sea, despite the impact, he didn't even shake his hair!


Isaac was stunned!

With such a powerful mental shock, he didn't hurt the other party at all!

How is this possible!

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