God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 1480: T virus super mutant lineage

While looking at Isaac who was dumbfounded, Jiang Fan spoke curiously.

"Why call me experiment zero?"

"Hehe, shouldn't you be very clear?"

Hearing Jiang Fan's question, Isaac smiled suddenly!

"I am clear?"

"Yes! Boy, the reason why you become so strong is all because the T virus gives you power!"

Isaac smiled proudly!

Jiang Fan was stunned!

And the anger of the system sounded directly from his mind!

"Fart! What am I?"

"What are you doing with his general knowledge? Listen to him!"

Jiang Fan also replied in his mind!

And Isaac has continued to speak!

"The first time we found you was in the base of Raccoon City!"

"At that time, you killed dozens of creepers with your own power!"

"This kind of power is really amazing, and it's not something that humans can achieve!"

"Even we thought at one time that you were Huaxia's reformer!"

"But while studying the video, I found that even if you were caught by a crawler, there was no response!"

"There is only one possibility! That is, you are also a T virus infected person!"

"It's just that you have been infected for too long, to the point where we can't even find out!"

"So, you have been designated by our umbrella company as Experiment Zero! You must be captured alive!"

Isaac smiled triumphantly!

But Jiang Fan couldn't laugh or cry!

It turned out to be because of this!

"Hey hey, the kid has finished explaining, just now it was just my general mental strength! Now, I will cut you alive! With you, I will become more perfect! By the way, there is also the takeaway! The takeaway—"

"That's why you talk a lot of nonsense!"

Before Isaac finished speaking, Jiang Fan suddenly shook his right hand!


A brilliant sword light suddenly disappeared!

next moment!


Isaac's head suddenly rose to the sky!

Alice looked stunned!

So strong!

It actually gave Isaac a second with a single sword!


Isaac's body fell to the sky!

And when he died, there was still a daze in his eyes!

Why is the opponent so strong to such an unreasonable level?

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for killing the non-human Isaac, and the Shuiyu Zimujian feedback 1453 causality!"

There are unexpected gains!

Jiang Fan looked happy!

And Alice already looked at Jiang Fan with gratitude!

"Jiang Fan! Thank you! If it weren't for you, I wouldn't be the opponent of this monster at all!"

"It doesn't matter, we are friends!"

Jiang Fan smiled slightly, then pointed at the surroundings!

"This base will be your home in the future! There must be a lot of life-sustaining equipment here. You can use this base as your support, and then recruit survivors. In the future, mankind will surely rise again!"

"Yeah! I definitely will!"

Alice nodded heavily!

But she reacted immediately.

"Jiang Fan, you, are you leaving again?"

"Yes, if you have trouble next time, keep calling me!"


"System, come back!"


With the white light shed, Jiang Fan has disappeared!

Back to the system space, the pleasant system prompt sounded immediately!

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for obtaining 326314 causality points!"

Three hundred and two hundred thousand causal points!


Jiang Fan laughed!

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for gaining Alice's gratitude-mental power transformation!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for beating Isaac! Successfully extracted Dr. Isaac's-T virus super mutant bloodline!"

T virus super mutant lineage: Silver level!

Attribute: variant!

Remarks: This is the bloodline generated after the mutation of T virus, because there are too many unstable factors, injection is not recommended!


There is another T virus lineage!

As long as there is one more T virus bloodline and two gold monster blood, you can turn that manuscript of Dr. Asifford's T virus research into a real thing!

That's a legendary bloodline!

Putting away his blood, Jiang Fan has already looked at the spiritual transformation with gusto.

Mental power transformation: With this item, the host will master the use of mental power!

nice one!

Jiang Fan's three-headed six-arms, six arms can move as desired, but the development of the three-heads is limited!

Even now, the other two ends can only half-open their eyes at most, giving out mental power!

And according to the records in the Conferred God List and Journey to the West, the effect of the three heads is obviously more than that!

Now that there is an extra attribute of mental power, the power of the three heads will inevitably be fully developed in the future!

Apart from anything else, Jiang Fan chose to use it directly!

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for activating the mental power attribute! Since the host turned on the mental power for the first time, the system specially rewards level 5 spiritual energy!"

For a moment!

Jiang Fan only felt that his brain was clear, and even the use of energy seemed to be more handy!

Jiang Fan tried to burst out a burst of mental power like a three-headed state!

However, as soon as it was sent out, he only felt a pain in his brain!

No wonder in the original work, Alice is extremely painful every time she gives out her mental power, and even faints directly!

This thing really can't be used indiscriminately!

But strangely, it seems that this has never happened before in the three-headed state!

Gathering his thoughts, Jiang Fan left the system space directly!

Returning to the Dangshan Sect, Jiang Fan immediately waved!

A violent wind directly engulfed the previously informed Leitan, as well as Lu Bu and Yuguangzi, and suddenly rushed towards the forbidden mountain peak of the Dangshan Sect!

As soon as he arrived here, Jiang Fan frowned!

Unsurprisingly, this forbidden area of ​​Dangshan Sect is the same as the former main peak of Dangshan Sect!

The various palaces and terraces are beautifully built, and those who don't know think that they have entered an ancient nightclub!

After Lei Tan's introduction, Jiang Fan's faces were full of contempt!

It turns out that every attic here represents a cemetery for the ancestors of Dangshanzong who reached the master.

"Bah! I'm all dead, so many tricks!"

Lu Bu took a sip of disdain!

"Hehe, what this gentleman said is face engineering, face engineering!"

Lei Tan nodded repeatedly with a flattering smile.

"Okay, stop talking nonsense, come in!"

Jiang Fan spotted a loft and was about to kick it away!

But at this moment!

"and many more!"

Yuguangzi suddenly stopped Jiang Fan!

"Mr. Jiang, beware of restrictions!"

"No! Absolutely not!"

Lei Tan hurriedly spoke.

"My lord, the forbidden area of ​​the Dangshan Sect has always been guarded by a grandmaster, and the current guard is Xing Yunzi. With him, there is no need to restrict it!"

No wonder Lei Tan was so panicked. If Jiang Fan misunderstands that he wants to pit them, then he will probably be worse than those disciples who draw each other!

Jiang Fan also tried to sense his surroundings and nodded immediately.

"There is no prohibition!"

"That's good!"

Yuguangzi nodded.

And Jiang Fan has kicked the door open!

The door of the room opened, and inside was the hall, but the hall was empty, only a spiritual position was placed at the opposite door!

An incense burner is placed under the spiritual position, and a jade pendant and a bell are placed beside the incense burner.

As soon as he saw these two things, Yu Guangzi's eyes lit up!

"Spiritual weapon!"

And Jiang Fan couldn't help but smile!

There really is something good here!

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