God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 1481: See also Tian Yuan Shi Zhong

Yuguangzi walked two steps quickly, picked up two things directly, and then looked at Jiang Fan with excitement!

"Sir! This, this is a low-grade spirit weapon!"

"keep it!"

Jiang Fan grinned, and started wandering upstairs and downstairs again.

There are only two magic weapons in this attic, but many of the various artifacts placed around are antique beautiful jade, Jiang Fan laughed all of them, and immediately kicked another attic when he left the door!

The same is true in this attic, but there is an extra middle-grade spirit weapon!

Jiang Fan unceremoniously searched this place, and continued to run to the attic inside!

After sweeping 17 or 8 attics in a row, Jiang Fan and others received more than 30 lower-grade spiritual weapons, and the middle-grade ones also received five!

And all kinds of valuable gold and jade appliances are countless!

All of them smiled openly!

Especially Yuguangzi, his little tongue of laughter came out!

Jiang Fan has never been a person who eats alone, all the lower-grade spirit tools are packaged and sold, while the middle-grade ones are all given to him!

His Jing Lingzong was just a small school before. Before getting to know Jiang Fan, he had to depend on God's will to obtain a high-grade magic weapon, but now, he feels that the quality is low when he uses a lower-grade magic weapon!

After some searching, a few people finally came to the last and largest attic!

"Jiang, Mr. Jiang, this is the place where our ancestors of the Dangshan Sect sits and transforms. Here, don't, don't go in, right?"

Lei Tan opened his mouth cautiously.



Lu Bu pushed Lei Tan aside, then kicked up to the door!


The door opens!

Lu Bu raised his leg to go in, but at this moment, Jiang Fan's expression changed!

One kick hit Lu Bu!

Lu Bu was kicked and fell to the ground!

And the next moment!


An extremely harsh scream suddenly sounded!

Immediately afterwards, a strange flying sword with two colors of black and red suddenly rushed out of the door like lightning!

If it wasn't Jiang Fan's kick just now, I'm afraid Lu Bu would have to be penetrated by this flying sword!

And that Feijian didn't see Lu Bu stabbing him, he turned a corner in mid-air, and rushed over again!


Jiang Fan let out a cold snort and took a step forward abruptly!

As soon as the flying sword stabbed, it grabbed the sword's body in one hand!

As if feeling the horror of Jiang Fan, Feijian was struggling like a fish in Jiang Fan's hands!

"Stab it~~"

In an instant, sparks overflowed in Jiang Fan's hands!

However, no matter how this flying sword struggles, Jiang Fan's big hand is like a big mountain, without any movement at all!

All this seemed to be slow and fast, until now, all the talents have completely reacted!

Without saying a word, Lu Bu threw out a big mouth and threw Lei Tan to the ground!

"You kid dare to hurt me!"

"No, my lord! I don't have one! I don't know what's going on!"

Lei Tan frightened his face pale and screamed hurriedly!

Yu Guangzi took a closer look at that Feijian, and suddenly yelled!

"Mr. Jiang, it is true that no one is going to harm us, but this sword was banned in advance!"


Everyone was taken aback!

Jiang Fan's mouth twitched, and his unparalleled internal force rushed into the sword in an instant like a landslide!


The sword body trembled suddenly!

Then suddenly he straightened and completely lost all motivation!

Jiang Fan tossed the sword at will, and then directly to Yuguangzi!

"Send you off!"

"This, this is a high-grade spiritual weapon!"

Yuguangzi looked unbelievable!

"It's not a good thing! Why are you so excited!"

Jiang Fan shook his head and entered the attic!

And Yu Guangzi was holding this flying sword, and he was so touched that he almost didn't shed tears!

Top grade spirit weapon!

He has only seen it twice in his life, but now, he can't imagine the treasure he can get in his dreams, and he has been rewarded to him by Jiang Fan!

How many good things did I do in my last life!

If this is to take this flying sword out and wander around, it must be the heifer sitting on the steel knife-it's broken!

Just when Yuguangzi caressed this flying sword like a pervert, Jiang Fan had already entered the attic!

But as soon as he walked in, Jiang Fan's expression suddenly changed!

I saw that the layout here is no different from the rest of the attic, but beside the spiritual position, there is an extra stone figure the size of an adult's arm!

Jiang Fan is so familiar with this stuff!

This one is actually one-Tianyuan Shizhong!

Jiang Fan's first acquisition of Tianyuan Shizhong was on the ruins of the Yang family!

After the appraisal, not only did the Nine Suns True Scripture be upgraded to one level out of thin air, but also an inexplicable bronze key was obtained.

And the second Tianyuan Shizhong was obtained at the Xijiang Auction House in Hancheng, Korea. The Tianyuan Shizhong is still in his backpack!

I didn't expect to see another one today!

Shouldn't this thing be unusually scarce? How come I have encountered three already?

Picking up Tian Yuan Shi Zhong, Jiang Fan looked directly at Lei Tan!

"What is this? Why is it placed with the spiritual position?"

"Ah? I don't know this. It's just said that the ancestors liked this thing very much before he was alive, so I put it here as a funeral!"

Lei Tan hurriedly spoke.

Jiang Fan's expression moved slightly.

The ancestor of the Dangshan Sect was also selfish enough. He didn't tell the benefits of this thing before he died, otherwise this thing would not be left here!

But this also reflects from the side that the value of this thing is definitely more than that!

I am afraid there is a deeper secret!

But now is not the time to study this thing!

Putting away the Tian Yuan Shizhong casually, Jiang Fan immediately looked at the tabletop.

But unexpectedly, the desktop was clean and there was nothing else!

"Nothing else here?"

"Well, it seems to be that Dangshanzong has gone through several battles since the ancestor was sitting down for hundreds of years. The treasures left by the ancestor are basically used to fend off the enemy..."

Lei Tan opened his mouth cautiously.


Jiang Fan cursed, then wiped out all the other valuable things before leaving here!

Seeing Jiang Fan returned to the Dangshan Sect square, a group of Dangshan Sect disciples suddenly trembled!

And Jiang Fan had already pulled out a contract and threw it to Xing Yunzi!

"You, what are you going to do?"

When Xing Yunzi saw the contract, his expression suddenly changed!

"Simple, what the above said is that Lei Yan and Lei Zhen took the initiative to hand over the golden core to buy the rest of the Dangshan Sect to be safe, and you are a notary. I don't want you to kill the Dangshan Sect, so they honestly signed this contract! "

Jiang Fan smiled gloomily!

But Yuguangzi directly revealed a look of stunnedness!

No wonder Mr. Jiang dared to be so bold, it turned out that he was prepared long ago!

As long as Xing Yunzi signs this contract, the matter of Jindan is the private matter of Jiang Fan and Dangshan Sect, and it is impossible for others to intervene!


Xing Yunzi looked at the eager gaze of a group of Dangshan Sect disciples, and finally gritted his teeth and agreed!

And just after he signed it, Jiang Fan threw out another contract!

"Sign it!"

"This, what is this?"

"Death contract!"


Not only Xing Yunzi, but the faces of the others have also changed!

Although the palm-to-death contract is not the most demanding of all contracts, it is like its name. Once signed, one's own life and death will be completely controlled by the other party!

As long as this contract is signed, from then on, the life and death of the Dangshan Sect will all be within Jiang Fan's thoughts!

Live and kill!

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