"Jiang Fan! Don't go too far!"

"Our Dangshan Sect people can die, and our dignity cannot be destroyed!"

"Yes! Kill us all if there is a species!"

"You want us to sign this contract, you dream!"

"Get up! Fight with him!"

The crowd was so excited that they all stared at Jiang Fan and spoke!

A few people are even more fierce in their eyes, and they must act!

However, Jiang Fan just smiled!

In the next moment, he had suddenly appeared in front of a disciple called the most ferocious Dangshan Sect!

"You, what are you going to do—"


Before that disciple had finished speaking, Jiang Fan had already crushed his neck!

And then, Jiang Fan had appeared in front of another clamoring disciple, and also broke the other's neck!

When doing all this, Jiang Fan seemed to be eating melon seeds, without any expression or hesitation at all!




Accompanied by the sound of bone cracks that made the scalp numb, Jiang Fan actually killed 17 or 8 people in the blink of an eye!

Everyone was stunned!

Looking at Jiang Fan trembling!

Even a few people who yelled before had already peeed out in shock!

Too ruthless!

If you don't agree, just do it!

The devil!

He really wants to kill all the people who swing the mountain sect!

Seeing that Jiang Fan was in front of another disciple of the Dangshan Sect who had shouted!

"Stop it! Stop it!"

Xing Yunzi suddenly wailed!

"Jiang Fan! Stop it! What are you going to do? Do you really want to kill our Dangshan Sect?"

"Otherwise? Since you are not willing to sign, of course I have to cut the grass and root out the roots!"

Jiang Fan's voice was flat, he had already squeezed the disciple's neck while speaking, and then appeared in front of another person!

"Don't kill me! I sign!"

The disciple's scared **** peeing, suddenly screamed!

Then he bit his arm open almost madly, and threw the blood directly at the contract!

With this disciple as a role model, the others immediately followed suit without hesitation!

Xing Yunzi looked at this scene with a pale face, as if he had lost his soul!

That's it!

He thought that Dangshan Sect could still leave a seed, but now it seems that Dangshan Sect is destined to become history!

He even saw that when the Dangshan Sect was squeezed out of the last trace of value, the scene of the mountain withered bones!

Xing Yunzi at this moment was filled with endless regrets!

Why provoke Jiang Fan!

Why are you so greedy!

The Dangshan Sect has made enough money by constantly searching for those little sects over the years!

A difference in thought!

And just when he looked desperate, Jiang Fan had already returned to him with that contract!

"Xing Yunzi, you are the only one left!"

"Hehe, Jiang Fan, I, Xing Yunzi, even if I die! I will never--"

"If you don't sign, I will kill them all!"

Before Xing Yunzi finished speaking, Jiang Fan smiled softly!


Xing Yunzi's face changed, but looking at the depths of Jiang Fan's smile, his indifferent eyes did not seem to be fake, but his heart trembled suddenly!

Jiang Fan didn't lie!

If you don’t sign, the rest of the Dangshan Sect will definitely die!

"You, you will definitely get retribution!"

Xing Yunzi looked ruthless!

But Jiang Fan just smiled coldly!

"You are wrong! Because, I am the retribution! Your retribution of the Dangshan Sect!"

Jiang Fan stared at Xing Yunzi, slowly speaking!

"Xing Yunzi, you are all responsible for everything today!"

"You are too greedy! Too crazy! Too brainless!"

"The moment you decided to provoke my Jiang family, you are doomed today!"

"You should be thankful that you still have the qualifications to sign the contract!"

"Otherwise, as I planned at the beginning, you will all die!"

As Jiang Fan said, he directly passed the palm death contract forward!

"Destroy the door, or be my slave, you choose yourself!"


Xing Yunzi trembled all over, and finally sighed, sprinkling a drop of his own blood!

With the dripping of his blood, the entire contract suddenly exploded into golden light, and then rushed into everyone's eyebrows!

At this moment, Jiang Fan already had the ability to kill all Dangshan Sect with a single thought!

"From today, your Dangshan Sect is the slave of my Jiang family!"

"What you have to do in the future is to keep refining tools!"

"Fifty thousand flying swords every month! One less one, I will kill one person!"

"Have you heard it all!"

Accompanied by Jiang Fan's burst of shout, everyone immediately agreed in a hurry!

"……Yes Yes Yes!"

Finally, he glanced coldly at the kneeling crowd, Jiang Fan finally moved and got on the spaceship directly!

The rest followed closely!

Two streams of light spewed out from the engine port of the spacecraft, which disappeared completely in the next moment!

In the square, everyone seemed to be paralyzed, lying on the ground completely weak!

"Master, Master Uncle, 50,000 handles a month, I, we Dangshanzong, simply can't make so many!"

A middle-aged man looked at Xing Yunzi desperately.

"That also has to be refined! If it is not enough, just use the minerals and herbs of the sect to change it!"

Xing Yunzi was expressionless.

"But, but if things go on like this, our Dangshan Sect will only become more and more empty! I'm afraid it will be..."

The middle-aged man trembled all over.

"If you don't do this, with Jiang Fan's cruelty, our Dangshan Sect will have no future at all! Anyway, let's stick to this month first!"

Xing Yunzi shouted angrily, then turned and walked towards his attic!


Unlike the bleak Dangshan Sect, at the moment on the spaceship, Jiang Fan and others are sitting on the ground with excitement!

After processing the 30-odd inferior artifacts at once, Jiang Fan earned more than 40,000 causal points. As for the antiques, many of them can be exchanged!

But the biggest receipt is obviously Yuguangzi!

The old man got a golden pill, a high-grade spiritual weapon flying sword, and five middle-grade spiritual weapons. An old face flushed with excitement. If it weren't for his body, he might have had a heart attack. !

On the contrary, it was Curtis, wounded all over, no ass!

The point is that although Sadako followed, it was beyond Jiang Fan's expectations, obviously not because of his feelings for Curtis!

Because the first sentence Sadako said to Curtis, he actually called out "Grandpa Curtis!"

Originally, Curtis was already sad enough. Now Zhenzi's "grandfather" is like sprinkling a bunch of cumin, green onion, and chili noodles on the wound. It's sour and refreshing!

Seeing that the rest of the people all looked happy, only Curtis was crying, and Jiang Fan finally patted him on the shoulder.

"Okay, don't cry, are you as for?"

"No, Master, the wound is nothing, but my heart, my heart..."

The Necromancer's eyes were in tears, and there seemed to be a sad Pacific Ocean in his eyes!

"Ahem, it's okay, the days are long! When you reach the 20th level and become a lich, then you will be a beautiful young man, there is still a chance!"

"Yes, but, I can reach level 20 in the Year of the Monkey!"

"I'm there! Don't worry, the master won't treat you badly!"

"Really, really?"

"Nonsense! When did I lie to you?"

"Then, what you say counts, and the jade and gold you shared, I also want it!"

"What do you want this thing for? You are not as okay as Xiaobu to do big health care!"

"Then, if Sadako promises me in the future, I have to support my family too!"


Jiang Fan handed out a share to Curtis.

But at this moment!

"Ding Ding Ding!"

Jiang Fan's cell phone suddenly rang!

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