God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 1483: Jiang Fan, are you deceiving too much?

At the sight of the electricity, Jiang Fan's eyes suddenly moved!

Then he answered the phone.

"Ze Shao, why did you think of contacting me?"

"Hehe, what Shao Jiang said, of course friends should contact each other!"

It was Yu Xiaoze's voice that rang out from the other side!

"What Ze Shao said was that the last time I went to Beijing, I had to thank Ze Shao for his help!"

"You are polite! By the way, I heard that Zhou's design dealt with Shao Jiang last night? Are you okay?"

"It's okay! Backhand also copied Zhou's goods in Lingzhou!"

"Jiang Shao is really mighty! The last time he took the Zhou family's joke in the capital, now he has taken down Lingzhou, he is really amazing!"

"Where and where!"

"By the way, Shao Jiang, you copied Zhou's goods. I'm afraid it's not easy to make a move. Would you like to help?"

With Yu Xiaoze's voice, Jiang Fan suddenly showed a very happy smile.

"Ze Shao, if you let Zhou family know about this, it might not be good for you Yu family!"

"The Zhou family is a shit! Your Jiang Shao's business is my Yu family's business! As long as you want to take action, I will take care of the Zhou family to die!"

"Ze Shao is righteous! You friend, I, Jiang Fan, really didn't make a mistake! Just tell you Ze Shao today, I will be good in the future, and I will definitely not forget Yu's copy!"

Yu Xiaoze's eyes suddenly lit up on the other side of the phone!

Even the goosebumps all over the body are full of excitement!

The meaning of Jiang Fan's words is too profound!

The simplest thing is that from now on, the alliance between the two companies has been completely established!

"Jiang Shao don't worry, Yu's family will be good in the future, and naturally he will not forget Jiang Shao!"

"Hahaha! Good! Ze Shao, see you in Beijing in the future!"

"See you in the capital!"

Hanging up the phone, Jiang Fan immediately let out a long sigh of relief!

Yu Jia finally fell to himself completely!

But at this moment!

"Ding Ding Ding!"

The phone rang again!

As soon as Jiang Fan answered the phone, Wei Qifeng's voice with a two-pointed smirk rang!

"Jiang Fan, did a good job yesterday!"

"none of your business!"


Wei Qifeng's silly smile was directly stunned by Jiang Fan!

But Wei Qifeng immediately sneered!

"Huh! Don't be proud, Zhou's family is not so easy to deal with! If you rob their goods, they will definitely revenge you crazy!"

"And don't forget, the ancestors of the Zhou family have not yet left the customs! Once the old ghost comes out, you will feel better!"

The corners of Wei Qifeng's mouth raised, and his face was smug!

It's a pity that Jiang Fan was interrupted by Jiang Fan before he finished speaking!

"Since you know, then quickly do what you should do!"


Wei Qifeng was taken aback!

"Ah what! Knowing that the Zhou family wants revenge, why don't I go look at them quickly?"

"you you……"

Wei Qifeng looked dumbfounded!

Then furious!

"Jiang Fan! You figure it out! Now it is you who are in trouble, not me! Why should I continue to help you block Zhou's family!"

"Simple! Because your daughter is in my hands!"


Wei Qifeng was shocked!

But he was angry right away!

"Asshole! Don't forget, you are my daughter's teacher!"

"So what? I never admit it!"

"You fart! When you talked to me last time, you clearly said it yourself! Otherwise, why did I help you last time!"

Wei Qifeng roared suddenly!


"Oh? It happened? I forgot it! I don't remember, it didn't happen!"

"Jiang Fan, are you special--"

Wei Qifeng was so angry that his Qiqiao made smoke!


He had never seen such a shameless person in his life!

At the same time, he even wanted to slap himself twice!


Why can't I control myself wanting to see Jiang Fan deflated?

The point is, every time you are played by Jiang Fan this bastard!

"Jiang Fan, I, I tell you! Don't go too far!"

"Okay, don't talk nonsense, help me look at the Zhou family, as long as the ancestor of the Zhou family does not leave the customs, you will obediently do what you should do!"


Before Wei Qifeng finished speaking, Jiang Fan had hung up the phone!

Hearing the busy tone coming from the phone, Wei Qifeng's blue veins jumped wildly on his forehead!

next moment!

"Jiang Fan! You fucking, you **** deceive people too much!"

Wei Qifeng roared suddenly and smashed the phone!

When the subordinates outside heard the sound, they rushed in!

"Sir, you..."


Wei Qifeng was angry here, and Jiang Fan had once again smiled and looked at the pile of belongings!

But today I don’t know what’s going on, the phone rang again!

Jiang Fan answered the phone smoothly!

A middle-aged man’s laughter rang out immediately on the opposite side!

"Haha, Mr. Jiang, hello!"

"Hello. Who is this?"

"My name is Lu Changyun."

"Patriarch Lu?"

Jiang Fan raised his eyebrows!

"It's my humble person."

"Haha, is there anything wrong with Patriarch Lu? Shouldn't you be accountable for bullying Lu Hongyue back then?"

"Haha, Mr. Jiang joked. I just heard that you and the Zhou family had a conflict last night. After all, my Lu family and the Jiang family had a relationship back then, so I just care about it."

"Oh, this matter, it just killed the two masters of the Zhou family and robbed a batch of goods from the Zhou family! A trivial matter!"

Jiang Fan said it very easily!

But Lu Changyun's expression on the opposite side changed!

Jiang Fan's tone is easier than drinking water!

And this is definitely not the kind of deliberate pretending to be relaxed, but really not taking it seriously!

At this moment, Lu Changyun's thoughts changed!

"Hehe, Mr. Jiang is fine, but if you **** things from the Zhou family, you are not afraid of the Zhou family..."

"It's a trivial matter. No, Zhou Yuanhe came to see me last night!"

"What?! The seventeenth-level grandmaster of the Zhou family? He actually came out!"

Lu Changyun's complexion changed drastically!

"Yes, but the old boy didn't resist being beaten, he was punched by me and ran away!"


Lu Changyun, who was going to take a sip of water to calm down, sprayed the hot tea that he had just drunk into his mouth!

"You, you said, you beat Zhou Yuanhe away?"

Lu Changyun looked dull!

"Well, it's a trivial matter, not to mention it! By the way, Patriarch Lu, is there anything else?"


"If nothing happens, just hang up!"

"and so on!"

Lu Changyun hurriedly called!

His original plan was to ask Jiang Fan how much he would be willing to pay if he helped him!

After all, this piece of fat of the Zhou family is too big!

It is impossible to take a bite without using Jiang Fan!

And after calling Jiang Fan, he will ask Zhou's family with the same question!

The Zhou family is now entangled by the Yu family and the Wei family. It is even more difficult for a master to get out of the capital!

But his Lu family has no such scruples!

And if he wanted the Lu family to take action, of course the Zhou family would also have to pay a high price!

What he calls is to see whose price is high, and who intends to help!

But he never expected that Jiang Fan's words were more shocking!

Even Zhou Yuanhe was punched away by him. How could this kid's current strength be so exaggerated?

Could it be that there is water in these words?



Check it out!

"Hehe, nothing else, Mr. Jiang, let's talk another day!"

"OK, bye!"

Jiang Fan directly hung up the phone.

"Huh! Old fox!"

The moment the phone hung up, Jiang Fan's mouth showed a sneer.

And Curtis had already got together.

"Master, Lu Changyun obviously came to show you just now, why did you send him away?"

"Okay? You are wrong! This old fox is going to bet on both ends! This kind of clumsy, too lazy to talk to him!"

"But this is a boost after all!"

"That said, let's see his performance afterwards!"

As Jiang Fan said, he smiled and looked at a pile of jade again!

Contrary to Jiang Fan's mood, Song Minghe at this moment only feels that the sky is falling!

Song family!

Song Ming Hezheng trembled all over, kneeling on the ground in embarrassment!

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