God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 1502: The power of rumors

Listening to Jiang Fan's words, Wang Chengyi was stunned!

Jiang Fan continued to speak unhurriedly:

"The power of rumors is that once they are rooted in people's hearts, it is difficult to get rid of them!"

"In this era, because of the convenient way to obtain information, the people's judgment of right and wrong has become lower and lower!"

"It only needs to show up a few people driving the direction of the wind, and an uncontrollable storm of rumors will soon be formed!"

"If you think of it as crazy cancer, then every one of these people is a cancer cell!"

"They will follow the direction of the wind and spread to every inch of the victim's skin and flesh!"

"Even if this rumor turns out to be false in the end, the harm has already been done!"

"Lianhua MSG is like this, the attacks on certain classmates in the school are also like this, and the comments on a certain lady in the society are still like this..."

"The most terrifying thing is that some cancer cells will be restored to health because the rumors are confirmed, but some do not want to restore health at all!"

"They enjoy the feeling of attacking others, and it will even spread to your bone marrow, leaving you with a lifetime of pain!"

"And what this messenger behind the scenes has to do is to make us contract this kind of cancer!"

"A few hours is enough to stigmatize the reputation of Uncle Zhong's Chicken Soup! When trust is not there, our future development will naturally be difficult!"

Hearing Jiang Fan's words, Wang Chengyi was completely stunned!

"The other party... so poisonous?"

"Poison? Huh!"

Jiang Fan sneered:

"Is this kind of thing rare?"

": In the past few days, I have seen the news that the young lady was spreading rumors on the Internet, and I have also thought of some things that I have personally experienced, such as being in my throat, not spitting out unhappy, for rumors, I hope everyone will not spread rumors, believe rumors, and not be driven by the wind. Towing, I'd rather be a spectator in the wind than **** on rumors!"



Accompanied by the harsh sound of tires rubbing against the ground, the car has steadily stopped at the bottom of a detached two-story building!

On the second floor, there is still a sign-Golden River Financial Co., Ltd.!

And downstairs, a few strong men were chatting with cigarettes in their mouths!

Seeing a Haval H6 arrived at a speed like an angry bison, and a drift stopped the car, the men were all stunned!

Even one of the cigarettes even fell out of his mouth!

"Fuck! This car skill!"

"Too exaggerated? The speed just now definitely exceeded 220!"

"This kind of speed drift hasn't overturned the car!"

"It's the real version of speed and passion!"

"Who is here?"

Several men looked shocked!

Jiang Fan had already put on a mask, opened the door and walked straight down!

"Is Li Changhe here?"

Jiang Fan spoke to several men with shocked faces.

"What's the matter with our boss?"

Hearing Jiang Fan's question, several people finally reacted.


"Then just find me!"

One of the men's eyes lit up!


"A ten million loan, can you call the shots?"


The men were all stunned!

But soon, they reacted!

The man who spoke to Jiang Fan even sneered:

"Boy, ten million? What do you borrow? Just your broken car?"

"No! Use this!"

As Jiang Fan said, he had already taken out a jade pendant with emerald green color and even a bluish glow!

This thing was brought by him from the Dangshan Sect before, and it is invaluable!

As soon as Yu Pei took out, the eyes of several men suddenly lit up, and they all swallowed!

Since you are in this business, your eyesight is of course not too bad. When you look at the fineness of this jade pendant, you know that this thing is definitely top quality!

"follow me!"

The man who had spoken before waved his hand directly and walked inside with Jiang Fan!

In fact, if you change the time and place, Jiang Fan will not talk to these miscellaneous fishes at all, just rush in and you will be done!

But not now!

The most important point is that he has to hide his identity!

The boss behind Uncle Zhong's Chicken Soup is Jiang Fan's secret. No one knows except Bai Xia and Xie Xing, the real high-level managers!

Jiang Fan had let off those people in the branch before, and it was also not because of his kindness, but just because he didn't want others to pay attention to him!

Soon, under the leadership of the man, Jiang Fan arrived in a room on the second floor!

This room is not small, a man in his thirties is lazily playing indoor golf!

This person is the boss of Jinhe Loan, Li Changhe!

The man walked to him and whispered a few words. Li Changhe's eyes lit up and he walked towards Jiang Fan with a smile!

"Mr. I heard that you need to handle business?"


Jiang Fan nodded, and at the same time looked at the man who led him in.

Li Changhe reacted immediately and immediately waved his hand at the man.

The man quickly walked out of the room and closed the door easily!

And Li Changhe smiled undiminished:

"This gentleman, how do you call it?"

"I call Nima!"

Seeing no one was around, Jiang Fan kicked it out!


Li Changhe was kicked and flew upside down. He bumped his head on the desk. His painful complexion turned blue, and the blood vessels on his forehead burst, and he couldn't even scream!

And Jiang Fan had already grinned and grabbed his hair!

"Boy, tell you the truth, Lao Tzu is a killer hired by the high-level loyal Uncle Chicken Soup. If I want to hurt my employer, I don't want to see what you are!"

With that said, Jiang Fan slapped it directly!


A crisp sound!

Li Changhe spit out half of his teeth!

He was about to let out a scream, but Jiang Fan had already grabbed his tongue and directly suppressed his scream!

"Hehehe, the employer said, let me pull your tongue first, then interrupt your limbs, and finally kill you! This is really **** good to Lao Tzu's heart!"

"Last time I picked up the job, I only worked for ten minutes, and that person couldn't help but commit suicide. You can stay a little longer to make me feel good!"

Jiang Fan's eyes were full of madness and violence!

Li Changhe was almost scared to pee!

He never dreamed that he thought it was a big business, but he turned out to be a perverted killer!

The key is that the other person's eyes are too dark!

Definitely the kind of real ruthless character!

He said he would torture himself, that would certainly not be soft!

For a while, he trembled all over and murmured desperately!

"Want to talk?"

Jiang Fan frowned!


Li Changhe nodded desperately!

"Alright, I will give you a chance to give your last words! But if you dare to scream, I will tear off your tongue immediately!"

Jiang Fan gave a gloomy smile and finally let go!

As soon as it was released, Li Changhe wailed suddenly!

"Big brother! You, you guys are looking for the wrong person, Uncle Zhong's chicken soup has nothing to do with me!"

"Fart! I personally checked it! The kid who prescribed the medicine has already recruited everything, and you dare to deny it! Hehehe, it seems that you have to break all your bones to be honest!"

As Jiang Fan said, he had already lifted an ashtray on the table, and was about to smash it at Li Changhe's finger!

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