God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 1503: You watched too much TV series

"No! I say! I say!"

Li Changhe was scared to pee!

Almost screamed!

"It's Zhu Mingda! He ordered me to do it all!"


Jiang Fan slapped another backhand!

"What do you call it! I'm not deaf!"

"Yes, yes! Brother, it is really Zhu Mingda. He gave me five million and asked me to poison him, and then find someone to make trouble in front of the store. The rest has nothing to do with me!"

"Big brother! I really don't know that Uncle Zhong's chicken soup is so cruel!"

"I beg you, let me go! I am willing to be a witness for the stain!"

The corners of Li Changhe's drawn eyes were cracked, his face was full of blood, and he desperately begged for mercy!

"Stained witness, you have watched too many Hong Kong dramas, right?"

Jiang Fan said, kicking out again!

Li Changhe's sternum was kicked with a "cock"!

It's a pity that he was still waiting for the scream, Jiang Fan had already slammed the ashtray in his hand directly into his mouth!

This shock, directly lost his two front teeth!

Li Changhe is almost frightened!

Even if he raises a group of thugs, he is just a social gangster after all, and he has never seen such a cruel fellow!

The face was full of tears and nose for a while, and the underside of the crotch seemed to have leaked!

Jiang Fan was about to ask who Zhu Mingda was, at this moment!

"Ding Dong!"

The text message sounded suddenly!

Jiang Fan took out his mobile phone and found it was sent by Uncle Zhong!

There are actually several companies that contradict Zhongshu Chicken Soup. One of them is a legal person, Zhu Mingda!

Jiang Fan glanced briefly before looking at Li Changhe:

"You mentioned Zhu Mingda, the owner of Zhengxing Restaurant?"

"Yes, yes! It's him!"

Li Changhe nodded hurriedly!

"Very well, open the mobile video and tell all of your two transactions!"


Li Changhe was startled, but the next moment, Jiang Fan was already slapped again!

The last few teeth of Li Changhe were also completely laid off. He didn't dare to hesitate anymore, and started to record the video with a sad face!

Soon, his deal with Zhu Mingda has been confessed!

Jiang Fan took his mobile phone and directly compared it with a gesture of cutting his throat!

Then smiled grimly!

"Kid, remember, don't even think about running away. This time, Uncle Zhong Jitang has hired five killers. I am just one of them. If you dare to take a step out of Hezhou, we will kill the whole family!"

Li Changhe shuddered all over, he just felt that tears couldn't flow out!

This set, but his exclusive word when collecting debts!

Unexpectedly, Feng Shui turns around, but he falls back on himself again!

The point is, the other party is too ruthless!

I actually found five killers!

"Brother, you, don't worry, I will definitely not run..."

"Huh! You better pray for mercy from your employer, otherwise...hehehe!"

Jiang Fan sneered, turned around and left!

"Yes Yes Yes!"

Li Changhe nodded hurriedly!

As for letting his hands catch Jiang Fan?

Didn’t you hear that there are five killers?

Catch this one, he will be dead next time!

The key is that, depending on how brutal the other party is, it is 100% impossible to handle the few bullies and hardships under one's own hands!

Jiang Fan took out the Jinhe loan and immediately looked at Wang Chengyi in the car:

"Show the way, go to Zhengxing Group!"


At this moment, on Xuanhua Street in Hezhou, the 20-story headquarters of Zhengxing Restaurant Group!

A middle-aged man with a fat head and big ears is holding a glass of red wine with a proud face, looking at the passing crowd downstairs!

This person is the boss of Zhengxing Group, Zhu Mingda!

"Huh! Uncle Zhong's Chicken Soup! I dared to come to Hezhou to grab business with me. I think you are not dead this time!"

Zhengxing Group is a chain restaurant, and its main business is fast food soup, especially in Hezhou for many years. It has always been famous for its taste and its business is booming!

It has even spread to the whole province!

When Uncle Zhong's Chicken Soup just came in, Zhu Mingda didn't regard it as an opponent. After all, he wanted to compete with him, at least he had to have that taste!

How can a restaurant that relies on Internet celebrities to fight him?

But then, the face-slapped thing came!

With the opening of the first Zhongshu Chicken Soup in Hezhou Pedestrian Street, and the two Zhengxing restaurants nearby that were also there, the soup business plummeted!

The entire sales have dropped by 30%!

And this situation, along with the branches of Uncle Zhong’s Chicken Soup appearing in Hezhou, has become more and more serious!

Over the past month, Zhengxing Catering’s sales have dropped by 20%!

Zhu Mingda was furious, and even made a bowl of Uncle Zhong's chicken soup and tasted it, but he was completely shocked!

Compared with Uncle Zhong’s Chicken Soup, the soup in my store is simply rubbish!

If you continue, your future income, optimistically speaking, will drop by 30%!

This is nothing short of grabbing food!

Without saying anything, Zhu Mingda immediately began to plan the drama of dealing with Uncle Zhong's chicken soup!

He first found a clerk in the pedestrian street branch through Li Changhe, let him poison him, and then used food poisoning to make a hype!

As long as the reputation of Uncle Zhong's Chicken Soup is stinky, Hezhou, and even Xiping Province, will still be his world!

"Humph! These years, who can make good use of those brainless netizens, who is the boss!"

Zhu Mingda smiled triumphantly and drank the red wine in his hand!

Then he counted the time and turned around to look at a beautiful female secretary behind him.

"Put the report from Uncle Zhong's Chicken Soup on the hot search!"


The secretary agreed and immediately picked up the phone and ordered!

Five minutes passed quickly!

Zhu Mingda suddenly picked up the phone with a smile on his face, and directly opened Weibo and other software!

However, when a hot search was opened, he was directly confused!


The female secretary came over and looked at her, but she was also at a loss!

I saw that the hot search list is actually all about takeaway star news!

"Takeaway Star first talks about "Yi Jian Wu Shuang"!"

"Idol warms your heart, takeaway stars send blessings to fans!"

"Interview with Director Zhang Wentao: In preparation for the second part of the play, it is not ruled out that takeaway stars may participate in the performance!"

"The Golden Duck Award Organizing Committee will nominate the most popular audience award!"

"The Takeaway Star had an affair with Assistant Su Lingyu?"


In the whole hot search, let alone Uncle Zhong's chicken soup, there is not even a title about chicken!

"Why, what's the matter?"

Zhu Mingda looked at the female secretary dumbfounded!

The female secretary shook her head blankly:


"This is your sister! Why don't you hurry over there! Ask me what is going on!"

"Yes Yes Yes!"

The female secretary hurriedly started calling!

However, two minutes later, she suddenly looked at Zhu Mingda with a sad face:

"Mr. Zhu, we did buy the hot search, but, but the takeaway star has too many fans! The big V navy we hired simply can't get up!"

"Furthermore, the other party said that if the hot search is sent up by the black box operation, even a fool will know that there is a problem!"

"After all, there must be an inside story to bring down the popularity of takeaway stars!"

Zhu Mingda was dumbfounded!

After a long time, he looked fierce!

"Huh! What if those idiots know that there is insider information? Anyway, there are so many sprays on the Internet, even if those people want to explain, they will be overwhelmed by the sprays! Don't worry, let them hang up!"


The female secretary promised to operate!

But at this moment!


The door of the office was suddenly kicked open!

At the next moment, a man and a woman wearing masks had rushed in directly!

It is Jiang Fan and Sadako!

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