God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 1505: I was scared to pee

Hearing Jiang Fan's words, the anger on Zhenzi's face suddenly disappeared, instead she smiled charmingly at the man!

The man was directly amazed by Sadako's smile, and his bones were almost crisp!

The insignificant color in the eyes is almost hard to conceal anymore!

Can't even wait to open the car door for Sadako!

As for Jiang Fan, the man sneered directly, leaving a contemptuous look, and got in the car and left!

However, the car hadn't drove ten meters yet, and a ghastly ghost suddenly rose from the car!



A terrible scream suddenly burst out from the car!

The next moment, the whole car rolls over!

He fell heavily outside the road!


Sadako kicked the car door and walked down with a sneer!

Jiang Fan walked over with a smile, and suddenly saw the inside of the car. The man before was trembling, his eyes were dull, and his crotch was completely soaked!

The key is that the car has now turned over, his head is down, and his crotch is facing his head!

The orange, unidentified liquid was poured directly on his head and face! I even got a lot in my mouth!

This person has obviously been scared off!

"Tsk tsk!"

Jiang Fan shook his head!

"Watch more movies, idiots! How can a casual chatter on the road end up?"

Calling out the spaceship at will, Jiang Fan and the two will leave here soon!

Five minutes later!


With the sound of sudden braking, a Volkswagen Bora stopped directly near the Mustang!

The door opened, and a stout man in a hat squeezed out of the car.

This person is about 30 years old and has a loyal face. He also wears a red sandalwood bracelet on his right wrist. The bracelet is shining brightly by the sun, and it is obviously a fine piece of patina!

And as he got out of the driving seat, the whole car actually floated up slightly!

This person's weight is surprisingly exaggerated!

The reason is that the man is too strong!

His height is only about 1.7 meters, but it is thick like a wall, and he is almost comparable to Adolf!

After getting off the car, the man immediately sniffed vigorously, and the color behind suddenly changed!

"What a heavy ghost!"

He walked quickly to the front of the Mustang, and suddenly saw the scared man inside!

"Huh? This seems to be the young master of the Zhengxing Group?"

The man said to himself and pulled the car door casually!


A muffled sound!

The car door was pulled down directly by him!

He threw the door of the car casually, and the man had already taken the hapless Master Zhu out of the car!

It's a pity that Jiang Fan didn't know that this hapless man who was frightened by Zhenzi was Zhu Mingda's son, otherwise he would have to drown this kid in the pit!

"Huh? Why is it so wet?"

The stout man only felt that Zhu Dashao was extremely damp and had a strange smell. He frowned, but he didn't think much about it. He just muttered a few words, and then suddenly pointed at Zhu Dashao's eyebrows!

next moment!


Zhu Dashao suddenly screamed!

However, after the scream, he seemed to have woken up, and immediately grabbed the strong man by the sleeve!

Screaming spittingly!

"Ghost! There is a ghost!!"

"Ghost, **** you!"

The brawny man was sprayed with foam on his face, the key is that the foaming did not know what was going on, and it smelled of urine!

The strong man was furious, and he went out with a slap!


A crisp sound!

Young Master Zhu was beaten and turned around suddenly, only to feel that there were all Venus in front of him!

But fortunately, because of this slap, he finally wakes up completely!

"Asshole! You **** dare to hit me! Do you know who I am? As long as I call, you and him..."

Young Master Zhu, who was regaining his consciousness, suddenly roared when he saw that someone dared to hit him!

However, the strong man sneered and kicked the mustang cart!


A loud noise!

That wild horse, which weighs almost two tons, was kicked by the brawny for dozens of meters!

Zhu Dashao was stunned!

And the brawny man has already spoken in a loud voice:

"Say, what happened to you just now?"

Young Master Zhu twitched his legs, and immediately explained what had just happened!

"I, I saw a man and a woman on the road before, so I kindly let them get in the car!"

"But who knows, that woman, she, she is not human at all!"

"Hair is so long and eyes are so white, it looks exactly like the midnight bell!"

"I was scared to pee at the time! Then I didn't know anything!"

After hearing what Zhu Dashao said, Zhuanghan nodded suddenly!

"Well, that's the case. It seems that this woman is the master of ghost energy. If such a strong ghost energy can save her, this merit is a lot..."

The strong man murmured to himself, but the next moment, his face suddenly became stiff!

He looked directly at his right hand!

After a long time, he finally looked at Zhu Dashao!

"You just said you peeed?"

"Ah, yeah!"

"So, what's wet on your body is not water, but urine?"

"Ahem, this..."

"This Nima!"

The brawny man suddenly roared, and kicked onto Master Zhu's body!


A loud noise!

Young Master Zhu suddenly screamed when he was kicked, and he flew upside down for more than 20 meters, and plunged into the field by the roadside!

It's a pity that there is a dung pit in this field, and I don't know if this brawny man intended it or not, Zhu Dashao is not biased, and the big head is plunged into the dung pit!

As he kicked his hands and feet back and forth, there was no movement!

The brawny man was stunned!

Originally wanted to go to the front to drag Master Zhu out, but when he saw the scattered natural gold, he stopped again, but sighed and took off his hat, his hands clasped together!

As the strong man took off his hat, he saw nine ring scars on his bald head!

"Amitabha Buddha! I can't think that my Zhizheng has killed evil again! Oh! This, how much souls must be saved to make up for the merits!"

Zhizheng lamented!

But he blinked immediately!

"Oh? Speaking of it, this young master Zhu doesn't seem to be a good person! It is said that he raped a girl and forced him to jump off the building!"

"Ha! So, this is not killing evil, but accumulating merit!"

"Hahaha! Wonderful! Wonderful!"

Zhizheng laughed loudly with a happy face!

He put on his hat excitedly and was about to return to the car!

But at this moment, he suddenly looked at the Mustang, then walked directly over and took off the dash cam in the car!

After doing all this, he finally squeezed back into the car again, and then directly took out a yellowed notebook, and then started writing!

"X year, X month, X day, Hezhou, a young master Zhu Man Ying, who is super evil!"

Putting down the notebook, Zhizheng immediately smiled comfortably, and then directly took out the memory card from the dash cam and connected it to a laptop computer that his co-pilot had left!

Soon, the previous picture appeared in front of Zhizheng!

With Zhizheng's finger tapping on the space bar, Jiang Fan and Sadako's slightly blurred figures immediately freeze!

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