God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 1506: I'm just a little trouble

Jizheng's eyes lit up!

"Well, it turns out that this is the female ghost! The man next to her was also seduced by her...Well, saving a life is better than building a seventh-level pontoon. If you save this man again, it will be another merit! Wonderful! Ah! Wonderful!"

Zhizheng looked happy, then looked down!

It's just that Zhu Dashao sees the car overturning and the scene when Zhu Dashou comes to the front, his whole person is not good!

No wonder the other party's spit smells like urine!

The point is, that **** has sprayed his face!


Zhizheng's face was pale, he picked up a bottle of mineral water and sprinkled it on his face!


Jiang Fan, who had already left, obviously did not expect that a strange guy like Zhizheng would appear!

But even if he knew it, he would just feel sad for Zhizheng!

What a heart to want to accept Sadako!

This product shouldn't be called Zhizheng, it is almost the same as mentally retarded!

Soon, the spacecraft has returned to Los Angeles!

Just after getting off the spaceship, Jiang Fan's cell phone rang!

As soon as he saw the call, Jiang Fan's mouth twitched, and an inexplicable sullen expression appeared in his eyes!

The next moment, he has answered the phone!

"Mr. Zhou, how does it feel to be back in Beijing?"

"Jiang Fan, you are good enough!"

On the opposite side of the phone, an extremely gloomy voice rang directly!

This voice turned out to be Zhou Yantang's!

"Hehe, it's not that hard to guess. Zhou Yuanwang is the head of the family, and he definitely has the guts to make fun of Lingzhou's safety! So it must be Zhou Yuande who made the two grandmasters of Lingzhou come here! And those two grandmasters are dead! , Who do you think will recite this pot? But since you have contacted me, it seems that you understand what I said to you in the Cao family?"

When he was at Cao's house, Jiang Fan didn't kill Zhou Yantang, but instead said something in his ear!

And now the mystery is revealed, what Jiang Fan said is exactly--

"If you don't want Zhou Yuande to die, you better not let me die!"

Zhou Yantang didn't quite understand this sentence at first, but when he returned to the capital with him, he understood it all!

In the Zhou family at this moment, Zhou Yuande had been imprisoned directly because of an accident in Lingzhou, and the power in his hands was completely controlled by Zhou Yuanwang!

It can be said that at this moment, Zhou Yuanwang has truly become the veritable Patriarch of the Zhou family!

If Zhou Yuande, who had lost his real power and was imprisoned, had no accident, his final fate would have been devoured by the angry ancestors of the Zhou family!

Although his Zhou Yantang is not Zhou Yuande’s own son, he just came from another branch, and even Zhou Ning has been calling him Santangshu, but for him at this moment, Zhou Yuande and Zhou Yuande are totally both prosperous, and everything is damaged. relationship!

Zhou Yuande lost power, not only him, Zhou Yandao, Zhou Yanzheng... everyone had to follow it!

At this moment, if you contact Jiang Fan's meaning, everything will be obvious!

Jiang Fan is alive, Zhou Yuande still has a trace of life!

But if Jiang Fan is dead and the Zhou family's foreign troubles are eliminated, I am afraid that Zhou Yuanwang will have to buckle all the pots since the fight with Jiang Fan on Zhou Yuande's head before the Zhou family's ancestors can leave the customs!

At that time, if Zhou Yuande is killed and directly made into an established fact, then all will be well!

But after figuring out the relationship, Zhou Yantang only felt a burst of chill!

As early as at that time, Jiang Fan had actually calculated it right, and such a situation would appear!

This guy's analysis of the situation has gone beyond common sense, and it's just as predictable!

What's more frightening is that Jiang Fan is clearly letting himself make a choice!

Or, just watch Zhou Yuande die! Then waited for the complete loss of all rights and was marginalized by Zhou Yuanwang!

Or, it is to cooperate with Jiang Fan to constantly attack Zhou Yuanwang's power and strength!

After all, the more Zhou Yuanwang's side died in Jiang Fan's hands, the more proof Zhou Yuanwang was incompetent and the safer Zhou Yuande was!

Regarding these two choices, Zhou Yantang said plainly, there was no choice at all!

"Jiang Fan, I just understand now, it turns out that you want to think of me as your hidden child in the Zhou family, and you want me to give you all the information of the Zhou family!"

Zhou Yantang gritted his teeth!

"Hehe, how can you be called Anzi? We are cooperating! Let's fight against Zhou Yuanwang together, you and I are a win-win situation!"

Jiang Fan smiled softly.

"Huh! Win-win? Do you think I really don't know what's going on?"

"Of course you know! If you don't know, you won't call me this! But what can you do? Do you have a choice?"

Jiang Fan's voice is full of mockery!


Zhou Yantang suddenly let out a low voice!

Even across the phone, Jiang Fan could hear Zhou Yantang's teeth rattling!

However, he just smiled slightly:

"Zhou Yantang, be smart. Although I let your Zhou family eat a few times, but compared with your Zhou family's behemoth, what am I actually?"

"What do you mean?"

Hearing Jiang Fan's words, Zhou Yantang was startled!

But Jiang Fan chuckled, and then he spoke:

"Obviously, for your Zhou family, my strength and power is at best, just a small, insignificant trouble!"

"The reason why you think I'm not easy to deal with now is just because I am in Los Angeles!

"Huh! Count you familiar!"

Zhou Yantang smiled proudly!

Jiang Fan was right. If it were in the capital, Jiang Fan would have died long ago!


Jiang Fan smiled, not caring that Zhou Yantang underestimated himself, in fact, this was the effect he wanted!

And the next words are the point!

"Brother Yantang, you have always made a mistake! Do you really think your enemy is me?"

"Nonsense! It's not you who else!"

"Ha ha……"

Jiang Fan's laughter is full of playfulness:

"Indeed, from the perspective of the entire Zhou family, it is indeed me! But what if you start from the perspective of your interests?"

Zhou Yantang's heart jumped!

And Jiang Fan has continued to speak!

"Your worst enemy is actually Zhou Yuanwang!"

"This old guy has been fighting with Zhou Yuande for half his life, and now he has the upper hand. Guess how he will deal with you ‘rebellious’?"

"According to my experience, it is light to seize your real power. Maybe you will be sent to me to die!"

"Brother Yantang, no matter you or Zhou Yuande, what I should think about now is not how to deal with me, but how to defeat Zhou Yuanwang and live well!"

Zhou Yantang's hands trembled slightly, and even a layer of fine sweat appeared on his forehead!

What Jiang Fan said is indeed true!

But of course you can’t admit it!

So Zhou Yantang just said coldly:

"Nonsense! The enemy of my Zhou family is you!"

"Why don't you understand me!"

Jiang Fan sighed:

"Think about it carefully, from beginning to end, which time was it not your Zhou family who came to trouble me? How did I provoked you?"

"I can give you an answer now, what to say is to seek revenge from your Zhou family, that's all nonsense!"

"I am honestly my native emperor in Los Angeles. I don't know how comfortable it is. Why do I have to fight with you?"

"If I really want to retaliate, I would detonate that nuclear bomb at the outset, and I would die with your Zhou family!"

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