God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 151: Horrible transfer task


Jiang Fan was hit by this punch and flew a full ten meters away, and hit an ancient tree behind him!


The old tree actually cracked a gap!

"The strength is about twice that of mine!"

Jiang Fan suddenly turned over and stepped **** the ancient tree, before rushing to the predator again!

With the blessing of Zhen Qi, Jiang Fan's speed is extremely fast, his fists and feet strike out, and even a hint of phantom is brought up!

However, no matter how Jiang Fan attacked, the predators were all defensively!

Even suddenly, with a straight punch, Jiang Fan flew again!

"The speed is 1.2 times that of mine!"

"Skills, equal to me!"

After Jiang Fan landed, backhand picked up the submachine gun again!

Suddenly, pull the trigger!

More than twenty bullets in a row, almost in a straight line, hit the same position on the predator armor at the same time!

The powerful kinetic energy beat the predator back again and again!

However, even with such a fierce attack, it only left a slight invisible pit on the armor!

"Defense, very strong!"

"Strange, if it is this kind of strength, although it is a bit troublesome, but if I really want to kill him, there is more than one way!"

"No reason! Could it be..."

Jiang Fan frowned and suddenly rushed to the back of an ancient tree next to him!

The next moment, I saw the predator's shoulders, and a strangely shaped ion cannon suddenly popped out!

Three infrared sights formed into a triangle, directly illuminate Jiang Fan!

Just after Jiang Fan pounced on the ancient tree, a light blue beam of light suddenly blasted out of the ion cannon!


A loud and deafening noise!

Old trees, almost instantly turned into powder!

"Damn! It really is because of this! Attack power, bursting!"

This guy's physical fitness far exceeds Jiang Fan, and his defense is better like an iron king. Coupled with the offensive power that surpasses the movie, I don't know how many times the attack power is. No wonder the system has doubled the special forces!

It's just that, for this kind of attack, let alone doubling, it will be ten times the number of manpower, and it will be useless!

Seeing the ion cannon on the shoulder of the predator, aim again at Jiang Fan!

At this moment, in the distance, the roar of countless bullet bursts suddenly sounded!

"Da da da!"

On the predator mask, the position of the eyes flashed yellow, and then he entered the invisible state again and disappeared!

Soon, Daqi and others rushed over!

"Jiang Fan! What was that just now?"

"The whole body is armor! The bullet hit him, and there is no trace of it!"

"Moreover, he will be invisible!"

A group of people were shocked!

"I don't know what it is! But, he killed Hawkins!"

Jiang Fan said slowly!

Everyone looked into the distance and saw that the spectacles commando fell in a pool of blood, already exasperated!

And Anna, the rebel army, looked at Jiang Fan with a dull face, and her eyes were all shocked!

Just now, she clearly saw how Jiang Fan played against the predators!

That kind of physical quality is not like a human being at all!

"This **** must be from the rebel army! To disperse the formation, you must find him!"

Daqi gave the order!


Jiang Fan stood up abruptly, looking at Daki with a serious expression!

"That thing is definitely not a human being! If it is separated, it will only be broken by it!"

"Then what to do?"

"I fought him just now, set up a trap, and got him hooked!"


Facing the imposing Jiang Fan, Da Qi could not help but agree!


"No! Our goal now is to get to the coordinate location! Get out of this ghost place!"

Ti Lung objected loudly!

"Believe it or not, if you can't walk five hundred meters, you will die!"

Jiang Fan said coldly!

Dillon's face sank!

"Sergeant Jiang Fan! Pay attention to your tone!"

"Ti Long, listen to Jiang Fan! He is a master of martial arts in China. He saved many of our lives!"

Dach, come out to make a round!


Dillon snorted, and finally, no longer objected!

Soon, a group of special forces were brought to the lake by Jiang Fan and began to arrange traps!

"Remove all the metal objects on the explosives and bury them in the ground, leaving only a gunpowder fuse on them!"

"Place more fires around the explosive ambush!"

"Except for this location, in other places, try to use boulders or trees as traps!"

"Pay attention to the concealment of the trap!"


Jiang Fan is commanding traps almost without stopping!

The sky will be dark, the trap is finally set up!

"The monster appears in a moment, don't use a hot weapon without my order!"

"Now, I'm all in the water, covering my whole body with mud!"


Daqi was stunned!

Ti Lung frowned! Jiang Fan's weird behavior all afternoon has long made him extremely upset!

"Sergeant Jiang Fan! Please don't mess around!"

"I'm doing this for your own good, I don't want to paint, please feel free!"

As Jiang Fan said, he jumped into the water first, and covered himself with silt!

The smell of silt was fishy and smelly. Ti Lung and several other special forces frowned. Finally, they didn't apply it!

Anna hesitated for a while, she also had to follow Jiang Fan's way to paint, but!

"you do not need!"

Jiang Fan, stop her directly!


Anna was startled!

Di Long and others sneered!

"Hey, Daqi, it seems you have all been tricked by Jiang Fan!"

"That's, what kind of mud is painted for no reason? Huaxia people like to pretend to be gods!"

"If it's really good, why not let this woman also apply it?"

"I think he has ulterior motives!"

"A sergeant is so arrogant, does he want to seize power?"

A group of people were dissatisfied with Jiang Fan's command all afternoon, and now they began to ridicule!

Hearing the discussion, the expressions of Daqi and others made it hard to look immediately!

Looking at Jiang Fan with a grievance!

However, Jiang Fan ignored them at all, instead his expression became more and more gloomy!


There must be something missing. Punishment measures and difficulty are not proportional at all!

But, where is the problem?

Just as Jiang Fan was thinking about it, a trap was suddenly triggered in the distance!

A firework suddenly exploded!

Unexpectedly, it really came!

Everyone squeezed, and firmly held the guns in their hands!

Jiang Fan's eyes lit up and let go of distractions! Then, he took out a bullet that was ten centimeters long and covered with fine patterns!

Lingwen Armor-piercing Bullet (Bronze Grade): This is a magic bullet! Before using it, you need to mark the enemy. Once the target is locked, it will inevitably appear, a headshot!

All the traps are just doing everything to do with the destiny. Jiang Fan's real killer is this thing!

Gently rubbing the bullet, Jiang Fan looked at the towering old trees around him with piercing eyes!

The predator, no matter how powerful, is essentially an assassin!

A frontal, tough move, unless there is only one opponent left, it is rarely seen on them!

Therefore, it must appear at the top!

Sure enough, on a tree branch not far away, the moonlight shook abruptly!

Jiang Fan's eyes lit up!

"Mark the target! Predator!"

"Ding! The other party is invisible and cannot be marked!"

Jiang Fan was taken aback!

In the next moment, a flywheel appeared out of thin air, and suddenly cut off a special soldier who was not smeared with mud!

Predator equipment, killing flywheel!

Damn it!

This thing, in the first part of the Predator, has never appeared before!

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