God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 152: All the cards on the night of killing

The blood flew up in an instant!

Seeing the death of his companion, Daqi's eyes were red!



Jiang Fan roared, but it was too late!

"Da da da!"

"Boom boom!"

The roar of bullets sounded in an instant!

In particular, the six-barreled Vulcan cannons are almost like a flame spear!

Wherever he went, countless trees were blown apart one after another!

Even many of the traps set up before have been completely destroyed!

Jiang Fan gritted his teeth angrily!

The arrangement of the afternoon, almost fell short of success!

Moreover, these attacks not only failed to hit the predator, but on the contrary, the hot barrel completely exposed everyone's position!

Behind a giant tree, three infrared sights suddenly appeared, aiming at one of the Vulcan cannons!

The blue light flashed!


A loud noise!

The Vulcan Cannon was directly shattered by the Ion Cannon of the Predator!

With that, the three special forces nearby were also directly killed!


Jiang Fan roared, grabbed a Vulcan cannon, pointed it in the direction of the predator, and pulled the trigger suddenly!

"Da da da da da!"

The fire rate of the Vulcan Cannon is as high as 3000 rounds per minute! Already belong to the heavy weapon level!

Jiang Fan's proficiency in light weapons is greatly reduced, and he can barely shoot up to a point!

However, even so, it is far stronger than these special forces!

Unexpectedly, the stealth effect of the predator was defeated!


At this moment, the ammunition box of the Vulcan Cannon is just empty!

Jiang Fan casually threw the Vulcan cannon!

"System, remark! Target, predator!"

"Ding! The mark is successful! When you use the ‘Spirit Weave Armor Piercing Bullet’, it will definitely cause a headshot effect on the Predator!"

It's done!

However, at the moment when the Vulcan cannon in Jiang Fan's hand went out, two killing flywheels appeared out of thin air!


Two special forces died at the same time!


The other members of the squad were utterly distraught!

Bullet, don't want money to pour desperately in the direction of the predator!

And Jiang Fan also picked up a light machine gun and fired at the predator continuously!

With light weapons in hand, Jiang Fan's accuracy has reached a terrifying level!

Countless bullets all hit the predator’s ion cannon!

It's just that ordinary bullets can't cause damage to the ion cannon at all!


A terrifying roar suddenly came from the armor of the predator!

The next moment, the predator suddenly rushed towards Jiang Fan!

It wants to completely pull out the spine of this soldier!

Facing the predator rushing up, Jiang Fan just kept backing away!

However, the direction he retreated was vaguely drawn into an arc!

Looking at Jiang Fan's movements, Da Qi and others suddenly remembered something!

All offensives, almost all rushed in one direction!

Seeing that the predator was only less than 20 meters away from Jiang Fan, Jiang Fan smiled slightly, and then he shot and hit the ground!

Predator, startled slightly!

The next moment, a line of fire suddenly rose!

And Jiang Fan had already hid under a low slope!

The predator paused, and he couldn't help looking at his feet!

There, it is the location where Jiang Fan buried a lot of explosives!


With a loud and deafening noise, an orange flame suddenly spurted out of the ground!

Cover the predator completely!

The next moment, a strong shock wave burst out, unexpectedly blasting the predator high into the sky!

It can be seen to the naked eye that the armor of the predator's body has been faintly deformed!

It's just that it's not over yet!

In Jiang Fan's hands, I don't know when, an extra slender sniper rifle has been released! With a stern expression, he aimed at the predator in mid-air!

Seeing Jiang Fan would pull the trigger!

But at this moment, the ion cannon on the predator's shoulder suddenly aimed at Jiang Fan!

If Jiang Fan does not hide, even if a bullet hits the predator, he will undoubtedly die!

However, if you avoid it, you will never have this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!

Jiang Fan's choice is hard resistance!


A loud noise!

The spirit pattern armor-piercing bullet suddenly shot out!

At the same time, the blue attack wave of the ion cannon suddenly shot towards Jiang Fan!

"'Kuba' Summoning Card! Activate!"

In an instant, a three-meter-high, terrifying giant tortoise suddenly appeared in front of Jiang Fan!


The attack of the ion cannon is terrifying!

Kuba just appeared, before he had time to say hello to Jiang Fan, the tortoise shell on his back suddenly exploded to pieces! He himself uttered a miserable cry and disappeared directly!

And the spiritweave armor-piercing bullet, also--

Jiang Fan's pupils suddenly shrank!

The predator actually avoided this blow!

And the next moment, the muzzle of the ion cannon, already, there was a blue flash again!

A moment of life and death!

But at this moment!

The spirit pattern armor-piercing projectile, unexpectedly hit by the impossible, suddenly crossed an arc, hitting the ion cannon!

Circular ballistics!

The moment Jiang Fan fired this shot, he had already calculated the radian! The bullet, where it was supposed to hit, is exactly the ion cannon!

Although the spiritweave armor-piercing projectile is strong, it can penetrate the helmet of the predator, Jiang Fan, is not sure!

However, he has full confidence in the ion cannon!

The armor of the predator cannot be destroyed by an explosion on the earth! However, if the ion cannon from the same technology explodes, it will be able to severely damage, even kill the predator!


A more terrifying explosion than before suddenly appeared in mid-air!

The dazzling flash makes everyone can't help but close their eyes!

When the light dissipated, the trees more than two meters high within 100 meters around, all disappeared in thin air!

All the people who were still alive looked at the scene blankly!

The explosion of the ion cannon was so terrifying!

However, the more terrifying thing is Jiang Fan!

The next moment, a group of survivors all looked at Jiang Fan with shock!

"Jiang Fan, how did you do it?"

"It's amazing! A bullet that turns around!"

"Sorry, I shouldn't doubt you just now!"

"Thanks to you! This time, I finally avenge my brothers!"

"Heh! This kind of explosion, that monster, absolutely turned into flying ash!"

However, everyone's excited discussion is not over yet, Jiang Fan has already spoken coldly!

"It's not dead!"


Everyone looked at Jiang Fan blankly!

Jiang Fan frowned, staring at the ground!

There were a few pieces of metal with green fluorescence scattered there, looking at the material, it was exactly, the armor fragments of the predator!

Moreover, on the ground, a series of green blood is pointing to the distant jungle!

I spent a lot of energy arranging traps, calculating various battle details, using the ‘Kuba’ summoning card, and the two hole cards of the spirit pattern armor-piercing bullet, but it was only a serious injury to the predator!

The key is whether it is seriously injured or not, right now, it is completely uncertain!

At least, the predator can escape, which means that its combat effectiveness may not be affected much!

Jiang Fan's face is gloomy!

It's just a job transfer task. Why is it so difficult?

"Jiang Fan, now, what should I do?"

Jiang Fan looked up and saw that Da Qi and others, all looked at himself expectantly!

Jiang Fan was silent for a long time, and then coldly spit out a word!


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