This is no longer food, but art!

From China, five thousand years of accumulated food art!

In the face of this kind of art, their burgers, pizzas, and steaks are like lowly slaves facing the noble emperor!

Was hung and beaten completely!

"Don't cry, I will give you this one around the stove!"

Jiang Fan smiled and delivered a hot pot helmet to April!

For a moment!

Holding this stove pot helmet, April only felt that she was holding the whole world!

She forcibly resisted the desire to eat it all, broke half of it and put it in her arms!

She wants to store this half of the stove pot helmet like a family heirloom!

In her later years, when she dies, she can proudly tell her descendants:

I was fortunate enough to have food from China in my most beautiful years!

Your descendants will definitely be proud of it!

At this moment, Big Mouse Sprint had finished the takeaway and bowed directly to Jiang Fan!

"Jiang Fan! Thank you for your takeaway! If it weren't for you, I'm afraid I would be dead!"

And Raphael also looked at Jiang Fan with gratitude!

"Seisei! Thank you very much! Let me eat such delicious food! I was wrong just now! Please forgive me!"

"You're welcome!"

Jiang Fan smiled slightly!

He looked around and suddenly said:

"Where are the rest?"

Upon hearing Jiang Fan's question, Rafaelton said with an angry expression:

"Just now the Bigfoot Gang raided, and they were all taken by Slade! The **** said that there is a mutant in our body and wants to take us back to make medicine!"

Sprint pleaded:

"Jiang Fan, you are so strong, help us and save my sons!"

"no problem!"

Jiang Fan did not hesitate!

After all, what the order requires is to send the takeaway to the Sprint family!

Hearing Jiang Fan's promise so readily, a few were overjoyed!

"I will go with you!"

Raphael looked excited!

"I will go too! I know where they were caught!"

April also hurriedly spoke!

"Okay, then go together! Mouse, take good care of your house!"

"I am not a mouse! I am a house mouse!"

"It doesn't matter!"

Jiang Fan laughed and took out the bicycle directly!

Then waved his hand!



April and Raphael were all stunned!

"Jiang Fan, the bike is too slow, let me call my cameraman!"

"Yes, when we arrive, Leonardo and the others will probably all be made into turtle porridge!"

The two hurriedly spoke.

However, Jiang Fan directly stretched out his hand and put April on the front bar of the bicycle, and then reached out his hand to grab Raphael and put it on the back seat!

"Hold me tight and go!"

Accompanied by Jiang Fan's soft drink!


The bicycle was almost like lightning, and it rushed out suddenly!

"I'm a god!"

April and Raphael exclaimed at the same time!

too fast!

This is a bicycle, this is clearly a single-soldier propeller!

The two of them couldn't care about anything else, they all hugged Jiang Fan tightly!

Soon, Jiang Fan had come to the end of the sewer, and then suddenly mentioned the handlebar!


The bicycle leaped, unexpectedly jumped directly, and hit the ground!

April suddenly exclaimed!

But the next moment!


Jiang Fan burst into force and directly blasted a hole in the ground, and brought the two of them to the ground!

Raphael was dumbfounded!

This is the "qi" in the Chinese legend!

Unexpectedly, Jiang Fan actually mastered the use of Qi!

It's really amazing!

If he didn't use his feet just now, but directly gave himself such a shot, now he can hold soup in the tortoise shell!

Seeing Jiang Fan rushing out, the pedestrians on both sides of the road were directly stunned!

"Fuck! What is that!"

"So fast!"

"I vaguely saw a big bastard!"

"Don't be nonsense! How can a **** run so fast! Do you think it is Gamella?"


The crowd spoke!

And Jiang Fan has gone away in an instant like a meteor!

Under the guidance of April, Jiang Fan soon came near a well-defended castle!

Here, it is the owner of Sykes Pharmaceutical Company, Sykes’ lair!

At the same time, this is also his experimental base!

After Slade caught the remaining three Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, he gave it to Sykes!

In Slade's plan, he wants to release a poisonous fog in Bull Demon Nii City to control the entire city!

What Sykes has to do is to draw the blood of three Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles to make an antidote!

At that time, if you want an antidote, you can only succumb to Slade!

And Sykes will earn countless money by selling antidote!

At this moment, the fence of the old castle!

Several security guards are smoking and chatting!

One of them suddenly looked into the distance with a puzzled look!

"what is that?"

Several companions followed his gaze, and they were all taken aback!

"So fast!"

"It's almost the same as a missile!"

"It seems to be... a bicycle?"

"Fake it, what kind of bicycle can be so fast!"

"No! There is still a big **** on it!"

"It's the companion of those monsters!"

Several people reacted and immediately sounded the alarm!

In an instant, the harsh alarm bells spread directly throughout the castle!

And behind the three-meter-high iron gate of the old castle, a group of security guards have directly aimed at Jiang Fan!

Just wait to get into range and shoot!

However, in the next moment, everyone was stunned!

I saw that the bicycle, which was already reaching the limit, suddenly rose to the sky when it was about to reach the gate!

This bicycle, unexpectedly, is flying!


"Illusion, hallucination?"

A group of security guards suddenly widened their eyes!

Look at this scene incredibly!

If the eye sockets are not too small, I am afraid the eyeballs will fly out!

And the bicycle accompanied by Jiang Fan flew over the iron gate and fell to the ground again!

However, at this moment, the bicycle seemed to be transformed into a meteorite in an instant!

As he fell, there was a harsh whistle!

next moment!


A loud noise!

The bike has been smashed to the ground!

And at this moment, the entire ground was like a wave, and it trembled suddenly and continuously!

The security guards all over the yard screamed, and all the people who were shocked flew more than ten meters high!

Then it crackled like dumplings and fell off!

In an instant, countless screams were deafening!

The one who fell the lightest, can't get out of bed within three months!

April and Raphael were all stunned!

They are sitting on their bicycles and feel absolutely nothing!

But I didn't expect that the power of this fall was so great!

Jiang Fan has simply surpassed the scope of human beings!

Jiang Fan had already put away the bicycle and kicked open the door of a factory building in the castle!

This is obviously a laboratory, and there are many staff members who have been shocked!

In the center of the laboratory, there are actually four cages made of tempered glass!

In three of them, there are three tortoise people who are motionless!

Needless to say, these tortoises must be Leonardo, Michelangelo, and Donatello!

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