God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 1511: Brothers don't panic

But Sykes is not here at the moment, obviously the blood draw is finished!

These tortoises have lost a lot of blood, and they are already dead!

Raphael, who rushed in behind Jiang Fan, wailed when he saw that his brothers were motionless!

He rushed to the vicinity of one of the cages, and then hit it with a punch!

However, the cage just shook slightly, and the tempered glass on it didn't even appear to crack at all!


Raphael was stunned!

Why is this glass so hard!

Your own fist can penetrate even steel!

But hitting this glass, nothing happened!

He suddenly copied out his three-pointed thorn, took a deep breath, and suddenly a stab!


A bang!

The cage suddenly flickered!

Even the ground trembled!

But it was such a terrifying blow that there were no scratches on the tempered glass!

Raphael was completely stunned!

What is this thing, how can it be so hard!

He suddenly looked at the group of staff!

"Hurry up and open this shit!"

"I, we can't open it!"

One of the staff members spoke cautiously.

"What?! I warn you! If you don't open it right away, I will kill you now!"

Raphael was furious!

Among the four Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, he is the most violent. At this moment, he is worried about his brother's safety and can't care about anything!

"No! I, I didn't lie to you! This cage is locked with Sykes' fingerprints and voiceprints, and only Sykes can open it!"

"Six is ​​not here now, we really can't help it!"

"Moreover, this cage is made of special alloy fibers and mixed with other rare materials. The strength is exaggerated!"

"Even if the rocket blasted up, it wouldn't hurt at all!"

"We really can't help it!"

A group of staff screamed in shock!

Raphael was dumbfounded!

A look of panic!

How to do!

What should I do!

Just look at Leonardo and their breath, and if you don't let them out, you will definitely die!

Raphael was sweating profusely, and even tears flowed out!

But at this moment!


I saw Jiang Fan carrying a small hammer, and suddenly tapped on the indestructible cage!

next moment!

In the eyes of everyone's unbelievable!


The cage that was unscathed even after Raphael's full blow was directly exploded into fine glass slag!

And Jiang Fan, with his hands behind his back, walked towards another cage after Shi Shiran!

This time he didn't even use the hammer at all, just like listening to the watermelon is ripe or unripe, he flicked it twice!


There was another explosion!

The cage was also broken into dross!

As for the last cage, Jiang Fan didn't bother to go there, so he picked up a brick and threw it over there!


Sure enough, this last cage was also completely blown up!

The crowd was all dumbfounded!

The mouth is open, as if it can fit two prickly durians in!

"This, is this for cei?"

"That, that's reinforced glass made of special alloy fiber!"

"The missile can't be broken! He actually smashed it with a brick!"

"It's terrifying! Who the **** is this guy!"

A group of staff is almost crazy!

Jiang Fan's actions have completely deviated from the category of normal people!

Do not!

It's not just detachment, it's another higher creature in human skin!

Raphael also completely forgot about his brother, just looked at Jiang Fan with a dull expression!

As for April, his eyes are full of admiring little stars, and he has completely forgotten everything!

But Jiang Fan didn't even look at them. He just raised his hand and took out all the remaining pot helmets!

In an instant, the rich scent completely filled the entire laboratory!

The few Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles who were already dying, when they smelled this, their bodies trembled and they couldn't help but get up!

Then, I saw a few of them rushing forward!

Grab the pot helmet around the stove and eat it!

"It's delicious! It's delicious!"

"It's crispy in the mouth, the more you chew, the better!"

"And not only is it delicious, I even felt the blood flow again!"

"It's so cool! It's so cool!"

Seeing a few big tortoises whose blood was dwindling, just because they ate Jiang Fan's food, they were immediately alive and kicking, and a group of staff who had never recovered from it were suddenly even more surprised!

"This, what is this?"

"There will be such an effect!"

"It breaks the traditional medical category!"

"This is a miracle! No! It is a miracle!"

"This handsome and cruel brother! Excuse me, what is that?"

The crowd was shocked!

Finally couldn't control my curiosity anymore, all looked at Jiang Fan longingly!

"This is a Chinese delicacy, called-the stove Guokui!"

Jiang Fan smiled slightly!


"This, this turned out to be, Chinese food?!"

"No wonder!"

"My cousin has been obsessed with the hot pot there ever since he visited Huaxia once!"

"Even after returning, I have developed anorexia for our local food!"

"In the end, I actually lost 200 catties to 80 catties!"

"I thought that was the limit! Unexpectedly, Huaxia Food still has the same magic power as it is today!"

"I, I don't want to do this kind of cruel research anymore! Starting today, I will change my mind and study Chinese cuisine!"

A group of staff all knelt to Jiang Fan!

Wash your heart and tears!

However, Leonardo and a few people after eating the takeaway, have already jumped up, and they all looked at Jiang Fan with excitement!

"Little brother! Thank you!"

"The food you brought is amazing!"

"If it weren't for you, we would all have to die!"

"You're welcome! As a takeaway, it is my duty to deliver food to you!"

Jiang Fan smiled slightly!

What a missionary takeaway!

Several turtles were shocked!

But at this moment!

"No! Slade must release poison gas now! We must hurry over!"

Michelangelo suddenly exclaimed!

The tortoises' complexion changed, and they rushed out in a group!

They were all dumbfounded when they arrived in the yard!

The power of Jiang Fan's landing just now was too great, and all the cars exploded!

Without a car, they couldn't make it!

However, Raphael's eyes lit up immediately, his eyes pierced, and he looked at Jiang Fan's bicycle!

"Brothers, don't panic! I have a way!"

As he said, he had directly found four ropes, all of which were tied to the back seat of the bicycle!

Then, he grabbed the rope and lay down directly on the ground, all his hands and feet shrank into the shell of the tortoise!

"Jiang Fan! In this way, you can drag us all the way!"

Raphael is triumphant!

Damn it!

I planned to take you to fly!

Jiang Fan's face was covered in circles!

However, since you have this hobby, it will fulfill you!

Seeing that the other people were also grabbing the rope, Jiang Fan put April on the front bar without saying a word, and then kicked hard!

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