
The bicycle has rushed out like lightning!

And behind!

"Dang! Dang! Dang!"

The shells of a few big tortoises sounded!

There was even a spark of sparks on the ground!

But this shell is really strong and unscathed!

And a few big tortoises have all been amazed!


"It's too fast! This feeling of speed and speed is cool!"

"I feel like I'm going to fly!"

"There is also the pleasure of being rubbed by the ground, which makes me want to create!"

"Friction! Rub! Rub on this smooth ground!"

"With a tortoise shell, you are not afraid of darkness!"

"One step, two steps! One step, two steps! One step at a time is like a minion!"

"It's the pace of the devil! It's the pace of the devil!"

"Friction friction! Friction friction! Yo Yo!"

A few big tortoises have a B-BOX!

It's so refreshing to see the expression!

Jiang Fan was dumbfounded!


If you don't participate in the new rap, you will be blind!


Among the raps of several big tortoises, Jiang Fan has come to the building of Sykes Pharmaceutical Group!

This building is as high as sixty floors!

And on the rooftop is where Slade will release the poisonous gas!

Jiang Fan kept on riding his bike and rushed into the building!

Seeing someone break in, the security of Sykes Group immediately rushed up!

But a few big tortoises have already sang hi!

There is no need for Jiang Fan to take action. He has quickly killed a group of security guards!

Then the two sides divided into two groups, a few big turtles went to deal with Slade first, and Jiang Fan took April to find Sykes!

Soon, Jiang Fan and the two have reached the twenty-story, Sykes laboratory!

At this moment, Sykes was purifying the mutant with a look of excitement!

Seeing Jiang Fan and April break in, he was shocked!

But he immediately sneered, took out a pistol, and aimed directly at the two Jiang Fan!

"Hehehe, I didn't expect you guys to come here so soon! But it doesn't matter, prepare to die here like your father!"

"You bastard! So you killed my father!"

April looked angry!

"so what?"

Sykes looked triumphant:

"Your father dares to destroy the research results, that is to die! Today, you are the same!"

"But don't worry, I won't let you die so happy. After a while Master Slade spreads the poisonous gas, and there is no antidote, you can wait to be poisoned to death by the poisonous gas! Hahaha—"

"Haha your sister!"

Jiang Fan came to Sykes as soon as he moved, and he went out with a big mouth!


Sykes screamed, but Jiang Fan directly touched him by the window!

Immediately afterwards, he had smashed the glass and fell straight upstairs!

Accompanied by his long scream, the next moment!


A crisp sound!

Don't ask, Sykes must have been smashed into a pile!

At the same time, the system prompt also sounded directly!

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for killing the villain Sykes! Successfully drawn-the original mutant potion!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for killing the villain Sykes! Successfully achieved the title-Capitalist Nemesis!"


Jiang Fan looked happy!

Actually got another title!

Seeing that Sykes was dead, Appleton looked at Jiang Fan with gratitude!

"Jiang Fan, thank you!"

"Small! As a takeaway, I like helping others the most in my life!"

Okay, so noble!

April's heart beat!

at this time!


Above the building, a very powerful breath suddenly came!

At least it has reached level eleven!

Jiang Fan frowned. Needless to say, this must be Slade, and with those few tortoises that are only level ten, they are definitely not opponents!

Jiang Fan suddenly hugged April!

Appleton panicked!

Could it be that this takeaway boy finally couldn't resist his temptation and wanted to do it to himself?

However, this occasion is not suitable now!

But that's okay!

"Come on! Jiang Fan! I want to give you a monkey — ah!!!"

Before April finished speaking, she saw Jiang Fan jump directly into the window!

She screamed in fright:

"No! It's too early to die in love now!"

However, just after shouting, she realized that Jiang Fan not only did not fall, but seemed to be riding the wind, soaring upward!

Jiang Fan, actually flying!


April was stunned!

If she gave Jiang Fan a monkey, wouldn't it be a flying monkey?

When I think of that picture, it's just surging!

Unfortunately, good times always go by in a flash!

Jiang Fan is almost like a streamer, and while his figure is flashing, he has reached the rooftop in an instant!

At this moment, on the rooftop, a few big tortoises were covered with wounds, all lying on the ground with painful expressions!

Opposite them, a majestic man wearing a weird armor was looking at them with a pair of incomparable dark eyes!

The shape of the man’s armor is similar to the armor of the Eastern Samurai, but it is all forged from a special silver-colored metal, and there is even a power unit behind it, and more than a dozen sharp and unmatched machines extend from the arm. Knife!

Looks incredibly hideous!

This person is the big villain, the leader of the Bigfoot Gang, Slade!

Looking at the few Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles who fell to the ground, Slade sneered directly!

"Humph! Since you have escaped, you should cherish your life!"

"Since you take the initiative to die, then I will fulfill you!"

As soon as the voice fell, his right hand suddenly flicked!

In an instant, the dozen or so mechanical knives on his arm had suddenly popped out, and with an extremely fierce momentum, they suddenly stabbed a few tortoises!

At this moment, the tortoises were seriously injured, and they couldn't react at all!

Seeing a mechanical knife stabbed, there is no way to avoid it!

In the eyes of a few people, even unspeakable fear has appeared!

But at this moment!

A few figures flashed behind the turtles!

next moment!


The dozen or so mechanical knives sent by Slade were blown to pieces in an instant!

Everyone's eyes widened!

But he found that an extremely handsome man, like a magic soldier, fell directly in front of a few turtles!

In his arms, he was holding April!

"Jiang Fan!!!"

A few turtles were overjoyed!

But Slade's eyes were all shocked!

He really knows how powerful his mechanical knife is!

Even if it is an iron tower, it can collapse!

But now, I was actually beaten to pieces by the man in front of me!

The key is that he didn't see clearly how the other party made the move!

"You, are they in the same group?"

Slade's eyes grew gloomy!


Jiang Fan smiled slightly!

"Very good, then you go to die!"

Slade roared, his hands suddenly joined together, and in an instant, countless mechanical knives were suddenly integrated under the traction of an electromagnetic!

It directly formed a terrifying long knife that was two meters long!

And the next moment, this long knife seemed to be equipped with a jet, and with a harsh roar, it suddenly shot at Jiang Fan!

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