God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 1513: Mutant Original Potion Wang Baguizi

"heads up!"

"Can't stop!"

"Hurry up!"

Several big tortoises screamed directly!

And April screamed in fright!

Just, the next moment!

Just watch Jiang Fan stretch out **** and lightly pinch the blasting long knife!


This long knife, which was enough to pierce through the steel wall, was killed by Jiang Fan's two fingers!

Even though the tail buzzed and trembled, it was impossible to shake Jiang Fan's finger at all!

Everyone's eyes widened in shock!

Jiang Fan had already looked at Slade with a smile, and then shook his hand!

"Back to you!"


The moment the long knife was thrown out by Jiang Fan, there was a piercing sonic boom!

The blade rubbed against the air, and it became fiery red in an instant!

Slade only had time to open his mouth and uttered a syllable of "Fa", and the whole person was directly pierced by a long knife!

And that long knife went on castration, and even flew him high!


In the loud noise, Slade was nailed directly to the tower behind him by a long knife.

Slade looked at his chest incredulously, and finally uttered the last syllable-"ke"!

Then, the big villain's neck crooked and hung up!

The crowd looked dumbfounded!

This, the strongest villain was just killed by Jiang Fan?

He didn't even have time to say the most complete "FUCK"!

Too inhuman!

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for killing the villain Slade! Successfully drawn-the machine has enough!"

With a foot in Dongying, it is a name for ancient armor!

And the machine is full, isn't it Slade's armor?

Unexpectedly, this thing burst out!

"Jiang Fan! You are amazing!"

"It actually gave Slade a second!"

"In order to express our gratitude, we must create a B-BOX for you~!"

"Think of the name, so I'll call it No. 1 Spark with Lightning!"

A few Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles looked excited!

But Jiang Fan waved his hand!

"Thank you, but I have to go now, and I will continue to order my takeaway if I have trouble in the future!"

"Wait! I haven't given you a flying monkey yet—"

April looked dissatisfied!

But before she finished speaking, a white light shone, and Jiang Fan was nowhere to be seen!


As soon as Jiang Fan returned to the system space, the reward prompt sounded!

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for getting 3356 causality points!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for gaining the gratitude of the Sprint family-Wang Baguizi!"

Damn it!

The name of this item sounds domineering!

However, Jiang Fan also noticed a problem. It seems that after reaching the gold level, the causal points obtained by each order have increased a lot!

This is a good thing!

Take a look at this newly acquired thing, and it really is!

This is a huge tortoise shell!

Wang Baguizi: Don't doubt, this thing is definitely worthy of the name!

Remarks: When using this item, there is bound to be a king's shell behind! The shell's defense is sufficient to resist any mortal attack!

Jiang Fan's mouth twitched!


This item is domineering, resisting any mortal attack!

However, why does Nima's grow to the back?

Isn't this so that whoever uses it is the best?

Angrily threw this thing to the ground, Jiang Fan simply looked at the mechanical equipment that Slade had exploded!

Mechanical equipment: silver level

Equipment requirements: Level 5

Defense strength: high

Attributes: 1. Power blessing! 2. Electromagnetic flying knife!

Power blessing: It can increase the user's strength by 20%!

Electromagnetic flying knife: Use electromagnetic to start the flying knife, so that the flying knife has stronger lethality, and the flying knife can be adsorbed back at any time!

Tip: The equipment needs to be recharged every twenty-four hours, and the recharge time is one hour! Will not be able to wear during this time!

Remarks: I, I, Slade, die...don't look down!

If this thing was before getting the iron-blood suit, it would be a good thing for Jiang Fan. However, although the iron-blood suit is temporarily scrapped, its powerful attributes have dumped ten streets of this thing!

Jiang Fan has already eaten big fish and meat, how can he chew his bones!

Immediately throw this thing into the backpack improperly!

Next is the original mutant potion exploded by Sykes.

This thing is a tube of injection, rippling with a layer of green light.

Jiang Fan didn't have time to look at this thing before it came out. Now that he suddenly saw the properties of this thing, he was stunned!

Mutant Original Potion: This thing was produced entirely by an accident, and it can no longer be copied!

Item level: Gold level!

Remarks: Injecting this item into any organism will inevitably make it wise and anthropomorphic!

Jiang Fan stared at this thing fiercely, and turned seventeen or eight thoughts in his mind!

After a long time, he exhaled a long breath and put it in the backpack cherished and important!

Next, Jiang Fan finally looked towards the last item!

Capitalist Nemesis: Title

Attribute: In a world with world-class capitalists, every minute the host stays, he will get 1 causality point!

Remarks: Only when the world's top capitalist is eliminated can there be a certain chance of dropping this title!

The host has not obtained two kills before: the two unsuccessful ones are——

You from the stars-Lee Jae Kyung!

Iron Man 1-Obadiah!

Tip: This title does not need to be activated, it takes effect passively! And can be used in stacks!

What the hell!

Jiang Fan was excited!

It doesn't look much at 1 o'clock a minute, but an hour is 60 o'clock. If you complete your order once, it takes two hours!

Good luck, like I was in the Lord of the Rings World before, but I stayed for more than a week!

That's 10,000 causal points when converted!

The point is, looking at this introduction, any top capitalist in the world has a certain chance to fall!

If this kills a few more...

Putting away a bunch of things contentedly, Jiang Fan finally left the space!

At the moment it was almost dinner time, Jiang Fan bought two Roujiamo, and after eating, he continued to run orders!

Fortunately, the lucky bike is about to be upgraded, so I have to be diligent now!

Just after running two orders, his phone rang directly!

It seems that the electricity is actually Yu Qingzi's!

The corners of Jiang Fan's mouth raised, and he immediately answered the phone!

"Yuqingzi, what's the matter?"

"Mr. Jiang! Are you at home?"

Yu Qingzi's voice is full of excitement!


"You, come back quickly! I'll bring our harvest back!"

Yuqingzi almost yelled this sentence out of her throat!

"Hahaha! Good!"

Jiang Fan laughed!


The business with Jing Lingzong has finally reached the harvest season!

After hanging up the phone, Jiang Fan stepped on his feet and went straight to Jiang's house!


Jiang Fan went back to Jiang's house, and at this moment, Yu Qingzi and others were all waiting for him eagerly!

As soon as Jiang Fan came back, Yu Qingzi jumped over!

Jiang Fan's big hand held in one hand!

"Mr. Jiang! Get rich! Get rich! You can't guess how much we made!"

Seeing Yu Qingzi's red face with excitement, Jiang Fan's heart was also unstoppably excited!

"how many?"

"I, I'll let you see first!"

Yu Qingzi took a deep breath, then opened his storage bracelet, and then suddenly raised it to the sky!

next moment!


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