God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 1514: Million causality points

As Yu Qingzi raised his hand, the entire sky was instantly dark!

next moment!


A piece of flying sword like a hill has already smashed to the ground fiercely!

Smoke and dust rose on the ground for an instant!

The whole Jiangzhai is in a flash!

"This, so much?!"

"Fuck! Yuqingzi, you guys have wiped out the entire cultivation world, right?"

"This scene is so spectacular!"

"Come on, take a selfie!"

Wang Yi and others do not know the true meaning of these things!

I was just shocked by this amount!

But Jiang Fan is different!

These flying swords may be just weapons for others!

But for him, that is the hardest currency!

This, what a causal point it must be!

At this moment, Jiang Fan, seeing so many flying swords appearing, couldn't keep calm for the first time!

Even his excited eyes are red!

"Mr. Jiang, guess how many are there?"

"how many?"

Yuqingzi took a deep breath before speaking slowly

"Sixty-one thousand two hundred and four!"

"Sixty thousand?!"

For a moment, Jiang Fan only felt that his scalp was numb!

A flying sword is worth 20 causal points, and those sixty thousand flying swords are-one, ten, one hundred, one thousand, ten thousand...

1.2 million!

A full 1.2 million! !

Millions of money!

Unprecedented horror gains!

It's even more than the three-turn mission!

Jiang Fan almost gasped out of his nose!

He reluctantly stretched out his hand, grabbed the cigarette from Wang Yi's mouth, and took a hard sip, which was considered to be a little stable!

too exaggerated!

Even if he was mentally prepared, Jiang Fan never expected that his business with the cultivation world would actually make such a profit!

You know, the last time I went to Jing Lingzong, Yu Xuzi mentioned only 30,000 handles!

But in just over ten days, there are so many more!

But this is after all the result of squeezing all the trading partners of the Jing Lingzong in a short time!

And before those trading partners have digested the corpses of the monsters, I'm afraid there won't be too much money!

Unless you can continue to expand the scope of business!

But what we face like that is limited productivity!

Only Curtis and Justin are the mentors and apprentices, not enough!

Unless it is... all the necromancers in the Dark Council are taken over!


Jiang Fan, who calmed down, let out a suffocating breath, and then slowly spoke:

"Yuqingzi, good job! Curtis was arrested this time and was forced to recruit a lot of monsters by the Dangshan Sect. Go find him and take all those things away!"


Yu Qingzi was overjoyed and hurried to find Curtis!

Jiang Fan couldn't wait to take a few steps quickly, and put his hand directly on the pile of flying swords!

"System! Pack and sell!"

"Ding! The sale is successful! Congratulations to the host for obtaining-1224080 causal points!"

One and two hundred and twenty thousand! !

At this moment, Jiang Fan's heart was completely filled with this unspeakable joy!


Jiang Fan's laughter resounded across the world in an instant!

A group of Jiang family thugs are inexplicable, and they don't understand why Jiang Fan has a perverted preference for such low-level flying swords!

But adults must have their own reasons!

A group of people shrugged their shoulders, ready to go their own way!

But at this moment!

"Justin, big and small, as well as Christine, Douglas, you guys come with me!"

As Jiang Fan said, he was already in the villa.

Now that you have money, the first thing is of course to improve the strength of your subordinates!

Especially Justin and Curtis, upgrade them, that is to increase productivity!

But Curtis' injury has not healed, so give him a few days off!

Jiang Fan opened the trial map, and finally his eyes fell on the "Dark Elegy"!

Dark Elegy: Silver-level authority belongs!

Map level: Silver level-Gold level!

Entry reminder: The first time the host enters, it takes 200,000 causal points to open the map for the first time!

Entry rules: You can enter once every twenty-four hours, and each stay will last for eight hours!

Clearance conditions: Kill the gold guards in the area!

Clearance reward: experience value!

Silver level permissions: have two chances to resurrect, carry up to five members, and have a certain chance to obtain special materials in addition to experience points!

Remarks: The silvery white light pierced the dark sky, and the powerful black knight could only turn into dust under the burning of the light. The countless army of skeletons hung in the ground quietly, hoping that the creator of darkness would be able to Come back again!

Inferior authority opening prompt: Kill the six gold-level guards in the silver-level map to obtain the golden core!

"System! Enter the dark sad song!"

"Ding! It takes 200,000 causal points to open this map. Do you want to open it?"

"Turn on!"

With Jiang Fan's low drink, the entire 200,000 causal points disappeared instantly!

Then, white light flashed!

In the next moment, Jiang Fan and the others have once again come to the weird temple!

Brother Douglas came here for the first time, and when they saw this magnificent and weird temple, they were stunned!

Jiang Fan took a deep breath and stepped out of the temple!

The first thing that catches your eyes is a dark swirling cloud covering the sky and the sun!

This dark cloud is not ordinary gray, but as thick as ink, as if the sky is falling, full of endless depression!

On the dark brown ground, a few dead trees lie on the ground, bones everywhere, extending to the end of the line of sight!

At the end, there is a huge, mountain-like altar!

Everyone was stunned when they saw the picture in front of them!

"Big, my lord, what is this place?"

Christine looked shocked!

"Different space!"

Jiang Fan made up casually!

In fact, what he said is not a lie, it must not be the earth here!

"The monsters inside are all infected by inexplicable alien energy. As long as they are killed, they can absorb their energy and quickly increase their strength!"

"But there are a lot of strong people here, so be careful!"

Jiang Fan expressed the experience value in another way that several people can accept.

Hearing Jiang Fan's words, Justin and the others suddenly realized!

Before, their strength increased rapidly, and they couldn't help but wonder, but they didn't dare to ask more. Now Jiang Fan made up a few words casually, which immediately made them understand!

But this also shocked them more and more!

I didn't see what Jiang Fan was doing, and he actually took them to this place. It seems that the strength of the adults is far from the bottom!

"Let's go!"

This time, Jiang Fan no longer took a few people to fight against the wind. After all, this black cloud was not a good thing at first glance. The key was that he took a few people to fly, and the goal was too big!

This is already a silver-level trial area. In other words, the monsters here are all level ten or above!

Even if there are a bunch of 14-level limits, it is not impossible!

I'm not afraid, but these few hands are facing the kind of strong, but they will die if they touch it!

Those two resurrection opportunities were not used in this way!

With a few people officially stepping out of the temple, all of them felt different in an instant!

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