"Fang Ya! Fang Ya! Fang Ya!!!"

The cheers of the audience are like landslides and tsunami!

And at this moment, all three classes are also excited!

"Fang Ting! Well done!"

"so amazing!"

"This is the star of our third class!"

"Oh! Pity the love letter I gave her, it can only be rotten in the bag!"

"Why don't you have a schoolbag!"


Immediately afterwards, the host announced that Jin Zhu, the producer of Huaxia King of Songs, had given Fang Ya a trophy with a warm smile on his face.

"Fang Ya, congratulations, do you have anything to say to the audience in front of the TV?"

The host handed the microphone to Fang Ya.

Fang Ya took it, hesitated for a moment, and then spoke:

"First of all thank you judges and teachers, everyone from the media, and all the audience friends who support me!"

After saying this, Fang Ya suddenly fell silent.

While the host was stunned, he thought Fang Ya was nervous, so he immediately prepared to remind.

But at this moment!

Fang Ya suddenly raised her head and looked at the camera.

At this moment, her eyes were full of inexplicable emotion.

"Besides, what I want to thank most is my teacher."

"Teacher, thank you!"

"If it were not for your encouragement, I would not dare to continue to step on this stage!"

"If you hadn't given me such a voice, I wouldn't have achieved the same results as today!"

"Teacher, I remember all your teachings!"

"I, I will continue to work hard, and I will continue to learn, teacher..."

"I, I miss you so much..."


Fang Ya said, suddenly burst into tears!

Everyone was stunned!

The audience in the audience is even more noisy!

"Fang Ya's teacher?"

"Who is that?"

"Listen to her, her voice was given to her by her teacher?"

"How is this possible! She meant that the person trained it!"

"This is too exaggerated! Who is her teacher who can train such a voice?"

And the big guys of many entertainment companies on the scene are even more eye-catching!

The purpose of their coming this time is to directly win these contestants!

Take advantage of the fact that the other party is not in a big fire, sign it directly!

But as soon as Fang Ya spoke, many active minds had already directly ordered!

"There is such an expert!"

"Fang Ya obviously has unusual feelings for him as a teacher. With him as a teacher speaking, it must not be difficult to sign her!"

"The key is that since the other party can cultivate a Fangya, it will certainly be able to cultivate more talents!"

"Go, find out who the teacher of Xiaoya is!"

"Dong Liu, there is big news!"

"No matter who the teacher Fang Ya is, dig him out for me immediately!"

"You can find the other party for as much money as you want!"


And the students in Class 3 have already reacted!

"Fang Ting said, isn't Jiang Fan?"

"Speaking of which, that **** hasn't shown up for days!"

"Hmph, I didn't come to class! Report him in a while!"

"Yes! Can't let this **** have a good day!"

"Hehehe, we can wait for him then, crying and crying and begging us to help him stay in Blue Eagle!"

"Hey hey, you are still bad!"

A group of students are overjoyed!

But at this moment!

"Excuse me, where are you going to report me?"

"Of course it is--Jiang Fan!??"

Lu He who smiled triumphantly screamed directly!

That appearance is more horrified than seeing the toilet paper leaking when you wipe your butt!

"You, you, you, you, when did you come?"

The others who had conspired also looked terrified!

And Jiang Fan has taken out the ruler with a weird smile!

"That's early! Let's talk, where do you want to report me?"

"Jiang Fan! You, you, we are joking!"

"Yes, yes! You, don't go too far!"

"I tell you, you must have a bottom line!"

"Calm down, what is there to discuss!"

A group of students are frightened!

"Don't talk nonsense, keep watching!"

Seeing that the goal of deterrence was achieved, Jiang Fan immediately sat down in a chair.

But at the moment the show has come to an end.

"Murongcui, when is this show? I remember that the final should be tonight, right?"

Jiang Fan suddenly remembered the arrangement of the show, and asked immediately.

"The feature film was only aired tonight, but my cousin is the deputy director of the scene. This was sent to me specially by him last night. It is the original version without trimming. The feature film can only be broadcast tonight!"

Murongcui has a proud face!

"Well, it's not bad, it's okay, class will start right away, quickly put away your tatters!"

"Damn! You turned your face too fast, right?"

Murongcui's pride froze directly on his face!

"Nonsense, after listening to Fang Ting's song, let's look at some woolen yarn!"

Jiang Fan stood up directly:

"By the way, there is one more thing, do you all know the parent meeting the day after tomorrow?"

"of course I know!"

"Fatty Ma said it a long time ago!"

"But this time we are not afraid!"

"Yes! With so much improvement in grades, my dad can't wait to come!"

The students are triumphant!

"Okay, so I won't give you test indicators this week. Of course, you can continue to bet against me!"

Jiang Fan smiled slightly!

A group of students whispered for a long time, and finally Murongcui sneered!

"I'll give you news after school!"

"Okay! Waiting for you!"

Jiang Fan left three shifts and went straight to the office.

In the office, not only Hu Guang and Yang Jianye, but also Wu Tao!

As soon as he saw Jiang Fan, Wu Tao's eyes lit up!

"Ms. Jiang!"

"Huh? Teacher Wu is early!"

"Teacher Jiang, come out!"

As Wu Tao said, he hurriedly took Jiang Fan to the corridor, then took out his mobile phone and handed it to Jiang Fan.

Jiang Fan took the phone, but saw that a slightly blurred picture was displayed on the phone.

The photo seems to be taken in a shopping mall, and the distance is quite far away.

There was a tall middle-aged man. Because he was shot from the side, he couldn't see his face clearly, but his neck was close to his ears, but there was an unusually eye-catching scar!

As soon as he saw this photo, Jiang Fan's eyes reddened instantly!

The killing intent was almost out of control!

At that time, it was this man who punched the two offerings of the Jiang family to death!

Forcibly suppressing all killing intent, Jiang Fan suddenly exclaimed:

"Huh? This person, and the one I saw, the person who killed the First Judge, looks like! Look at this scar on the neck, it's almost exactly the same!"

"Are you sure it is him?"

Upon hearing Jiang Fan's words, Wu Tao was immediately excited!

"Well, 80% sure!"

"Good! Great!"

Wu Tao almost cried for joy!

Solomon's Key had not developed many manpower in China, and during this time, he almost gave up everything and tried his best to track down this person!

Lessons from the heavens!

Hard work pays off!

The point is, once the identity of this person is truly ascertained, then he can be completely liberated!

By the time……

Jiang Fan, you can honestly become Lao Tzu's contribution value!

Of course, the most **** thing is that fat man Tang Zhiyuan!


In less than two months, how much benefit have you received from Lao Tzu?

You must die!

Wu Tao gritted his teeth!

But at this moment!

"Teacher Wu, where did you find this person?"

Jiang Fan chuckled, suddenly raised his head and asked.

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