God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 1520: The benefits of imagining the limit

When he saw Jiang Fan's smiling eyes, Wu Tao didn't know what was going on, and his entire body was erected!

But the chill just passed away in a flash!

He looked at Jiang Fan's eyes again, but he couldn't feel anything.

Wu Tao directly attributed this to an illusion, and immediately began to tell with excitement!

"This master happened by a friend of mine in Yucheng, which is a coincidence."

"I told him about this expert before. It happened that yesterday my friend was shopping. Seeing that this person looked a bit like, I took a sneak shot."

Wu Tao smiled.

But in fact, it was the person who had just taken the photo and was discovered by the other party. He hurriedly threw the phone in the trash and hid it, and there was no more news after that!

"Yu Cheng..."

Jiang Fan smiled softly, and suddenly asked Wu Tao:

"Teacher Wu, this expert, after all, has a...saving grace for me! I want to keep a copy of this photo, can I?"

"Of course! I'll pass it to you!"

After sending the photos, Jiang Fan continued:

"Teacher Wu, next, are you going to Yucheng to apprentice?"

"Hehe, now I just happened to take a photo of this expert. As for who the other person is, I don't know yet! But the friends over there have already helped me look for it, so I will go if I find it!"

"In that case, can you take me with you then?"

"Take you?"

Wu Tao was taken aback!

"Yes, savior, why should I thank you in person."

Jiang Fan smiled without any impurities.

"no problem!"

Hey, it will happen to kill you together at that time!

Wu Tao sneered in his heart!

Nothing happened next, and a few people simply played poker.

The morning passed by in a hurry, but Murongcui didn't come until this time.

Jiang Fan estimated that nine out of ten of the bets this time were going to take a dip, so he went to the cafeteria and ate two bites of rice in a hurry, and then he was ready to continue to deliver food.

Just when he came to the door, a young man in a neat suit greeted him.

"Hello, is it Mr. Jiang?"

"I am, who are you?"

In Jiang Fan's impression, he had never seen each other.

"Hehe, I'm just an unknown person, it doesn't matter. Mr. Jiang, our boss wants to see you."

"No time, I have to deliver food!"

"Hehe, Mr. Jiang, I advise you to see it. The benefits that our boss can give you, even the limit you imagined, I'm afraid they won't reach it!"

The young man smiled proudly!


Jiang Fan was shocked directly!

Imagine the benefits that can't be reached at the limit!

It's been a long time since I heard such awesome lines!

This person, he must see it!

"Are you sure, is it a benefit that I can't even reach the limit of my imagination?"

"of course!"

"OK! Lead the way!"

Seeing Jiang Fan's shocked promise, the young man suddenly showed a smug smile!

Then he pointed directly to a Lincoln Navigator parked across the road.

"Mr. Jiang, please get in the car!"

Jiang Fan got into the car, but found that there was only one driver on it!

"Huh? Where's your boss?"

"Hehe, the boss is waiting for you at the hotel, he will be there soon!"

The young man smiled and looked at the driver:


Soon, the car came downstairs to a hotel!

Here, it turned out to be the Eight Immortals Tower!

The last time Jiang Fan came over, it was because of the competition in Luocheng District of the King of Chinese Songs. Together with Qiu Mingyue, he brought Cao Zhixu and other judges to dinner together.

And that time, it has directly become the starting point for destroying the Wang Family!

And now, the bones of the royal family are probably all rotten, right?

Jiang Fan stared at the signboard of the Eight Immortals Tower, thinking silently.

Seeing Jiang Fan's expression, the young man smiled contemptuously!

Sure enough, he is an inferior person who has never seen the world!

When I saw the sign of Baxianlou, I couldn't even move my steps!

The boss is really amazing, and what he wants to do next will definitely go smoothly!

"Mr. Jiang, please come in!"


Jiang Fan shook his head and strode towards the inside!

Seeing a guest came in, the lobby manager at the door suddenly greeted him with a smile on his face.

But before she could speak, the young man waved his hand impatiently:

"There is no need to entertain, we booked the room upstairs."

The lobby manager was taken aback, and immediately looked at Jiang Fan tentatively.

Jiang Fan waved his hand calmly and followed the young man directly upstairs.

Soon, the young man had pushed a box upstairs and walked in with Jiang Fan.

There were only two people in the box, one man and one woman.

The woman is in her twenties, with a charming figure and a charming face.

When I saw Jiang Fan's appearance, his eyes lit up.

And the man is in his forties, he has a big belly, he has a big back, and his face is written "Successful People"!

However, when he saw Jiang Fan, the man's reaction was completely opposite to that of the woman, frowning slightly and opening his mouth in disdain:

"Are you Jiang Fan?"

"it's me."

Jiang Fan smiled slightly.


The man snorted coldly, then looked at the young man:

"Xiao Zhao, tell the waiter to serve!"

"Okay, Fan Dong!"

Xiao Zhao agreed and left the box immediately.

And the man then glanced at Jiang Fan in disgust:

"sit down!"

Jiang Fan smiled and found a chair to sit down.

The man said casually:

"Boy, do you know why I came here?"

Jiang Fan shook his head: "I don't know."

"Tell you, I am looking for you because there is a great thing for you!"

The man speaks from above.

"I listened to your follower on this, he told me, can you give me benefits that I can't even reach the limit?"


The man smiled proudly!

"Awesome! Dare to ask your surname?"

"You don't deserve to know my name, just like Xiao Zhao, call me Fan Dong!"

"Not worthy...know your name?"

The corners of Jiang Fan's mouth gradually aroused, and a faint smell of danger appeared in his eyes.

But at this moment!

"Little handsome guy! Don't even want to find out Fan Dong's name. It's hard for you to come into contact with him in the future!"

The woman smiled softly.

Jiang Fan was already a little impatient at this time, so he simply spoke up.

"To put it bluntly, what is this benefit that I can't imagine the limit?"

Hearing Jiang Fan's question, the disdain on Fan Dong's face became even stronger!

Has become contempt!

Sure enough, it's a small person, I can't wait to hear that it's good!

He directly waved his hand at the woman beside him.

The woman immediately took out a document from her bag and put it gently beside Jiang Fan.

At this time, Fan Dong had already taken out a cigar and lighted it, took a deep breath, and then slowly opened his mouth:

"This is a contract with our company. The benefits are here. Take your time to read it!"

Jiang Fan suddenly looked forward to opening the contract!

But when he saw it, he was stunned!

It turns out that Fan Dong is a director of a company called "Shengshi Entertainment"!

The reason for finding myself is to let myself be a vocal guide in this company!

As for the benefits of the limits of one's own imagination that the other party said, it turned out to be--

Annual salary of 1 million!

Seeing Jiang Fan stunned, Fan Dong smiled triumphantly!

Sure enough, he is a bun who has never seen the world!

Compared with the salary of delivery staff or teachers, this figure has obviously scared the other party into a fool!

"Boy! How's it going? Are you scared? Ha ha, this is the strength of our Shengshi Entertainment! Hurry up and sign..."

Before Fan Dong finished speaking, Jiang Fan suddenly raised his head and stared at him firmly!

"Fatty man! You **** **** me!"

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