Jiang Fan said dazedly!

And the prompt of the system has sounded directly!

"Ding! Please give a hot donkey fire to a hungry and frightened tiger!"


Stone hammer!

The system you are really hanging!

You can wear this!

With a sullen expression on his face, Jiang Fan tilted the handlebar and ran straight to a nearby stall!

"Boss! Ten donkey meat to burn!"

"Brother, do you want so much? Can you finish it?"

"It's not me who eat, I want to feed the tiger!"

"Hehe, my little brother can really be joking, it looks like your wife has a stupid body!"

The boss laughed!

Jiang Fan was stunned for a long time before he understood what the boss meant!

Women are tigers!


Ten donkey meat fire has been packaged!

Holding the takeaway, Jiang Fan went straight into a green belt not far away, and then squatted down!

"System! Enter!"

"Ding! The reincarnation of the Ten Thousand Realms is on! About to enter-"The Donkey of Guizhou"!"

Damn it!

Actually it is!

The donkey of Guizhou was written by Liu Zongyuan, a great writer in the Tang Dynasty and one of the eight great masters in the Tang and Song Dynasties.

The full text is as follows, for everyone to recall the beautiful youthful years:

There are no donkeys in Guizhou. If there is no use, put it under the mountain. When the tiger sees it, the behemoth also thinks it is a god, and sees it from the forest. A little closer, I feel ashamed, I don't know each other.

Tomorrow, the donkey crowed, the tiger was terrified, and fleeing far away; thinking that it would eat oneself, fearful. However, the person who looks at it and feels that there is no supernatural ability; learns its voice, and then comes close to it, and finally dare not fight. A little closer, Yixie, leaning against the danger. The donkey cannot overcome the anger, the hoof. Because of joy, the tiger said, "Stop this ear with skill!" Because of jumping, he cut off his throat and exhausted his flesh, but to go.

Alas! The shape of the Pang is also virtuous, and the sound of the grand is also capable. Although the tiger is fierce and fearful, the **** dare not take it. If it is today, sad husband!

The general idea is that Qianzhong Road (where the four provinces of Hunan, Hubei, Sichuan, and Guizhou meet) does not have any donkeys.

The tiger had never seen this thing, and was startled at first glance, but he didn't dare to show his face.

However, after a few trials, the tiger found that this product was so twice, and immediately ate it and slipped away!


Jiang Fan appeared again and had already arrived at a riverside wharf!

I saw several huge cargo ships moored here, and a group of people were unloading their cargo.

There are a lot of stalls on the pier, people come and go, it is very lively!

Seeing Jiang Fan suddenly appeared, many people looked shocked.

But Jiang Fan didn't want to take care of them, just silently looked at his task reminder, and then sighed directly!

My customers this time are too nonsense!

It's actually a tiger!

After looking around, Jiang Fan finally took out the compass!

Unfortunately, this tiger doesn't even have a name, and the compass is also a blind lap.

Jiang Fan had to put it away, and then looked at an uncle!

"Uncle, find out, where is a tiger?"

The uncle was drinking water, and he looked at Jiang Fan up and down when he heard the words, and then he kindly spoke:

"Boy, what are you doing looking for that thing?"

"Um... I, I want to give him something to eat!"


The uncle spit out water directly!

The others looked at him as if they were mentally handicapped!

"This kid is going to give himself to the tiger to eat, right?"

"This young man is so handsome, he didn't expect to be mentally retarded!"

"Oh! God is really fair, given him a perfect appearance, it is destined to not give him a brain!"

"It's a pity, I don't know whose son's brother actually got this disease!"

"Brother, there is a tigress here, do you want to~~~"

The crowd was chattering for a while!

And the uncle also spoke:

"Young man, do you believe in Buddhism?"

"Don't believe me, what's the matter?"

"That's okay!"

The uncle spoke and patted Jiang Fan on the shoulder, then pointed at a small town not far away:

"Come! Have you seen that side? There is a Lichunyuan there, where the tigers in the town are all there!"

Speaking of dragging Jiang Fan, he started walking there!

Jiang Fan followed him for several meters before reacting:

"No, uncle, I don't go to Lichunyuan, I really want to look for a tiger!"

"Trust me!"

The uncle looked serious:

"The tiger you are looking for must be there!"

Jiang Fan opened his mouth wide and finally walked to the side of a huge boulder on the shore!

Then he raised his arm and hit it with a punch!


The boulder seemed to be hit by a heavy sniper, but was punched through by Jiang Fan!

A group of people were all stunned!

Looking at Jiang Fan incredulously!

"Well, how can this kid have so much strength!"

"No wonder he is looking for a tiger, this is about to fight a tiger!"

"Awesome! Master, accept me as a disciple!"

"If you have such strength, you can carry at least one hundred shi a day! Getting rich is just around the corner!"

The crowd is all excited!

The uncle was stunned!

Looking at Jiang Fan dumbfounded!

"Uncle, can you tell me where there is a tiger now?"

Jiang Fan patted the dust on his hands and asked with a smile.


Without a word, the uncle pointed directly at the foot of the mountain in the distance!

"Thank you!"

Jiang Fan thanked him, took out the bicycle directly, and stepped on it, and it was nowhere to be seen!

The crowd was amazed again!

And Jiang Fan soon came to the dense forest at the foot of the mountain!

But when he just came here, he heard a loud cry-donkey cry!

"Hiccup~~ Ga~~"

"Hiccup~~ Ga~~"

found it!

Jiang Fan looked excited and went directly to the place where the donkey called!

I saw that here was a clearing, and a donkey was being tied to a big tree!

Not far away, a tiger was shivering, backing desperately, and disappeared into the woods almost in the blink of an eye!

Jiang Fan was stunned!

And the donkey actually spoke!

"Bah! Counsel!"

Damn it? !

Donkey, donkey speaks!

Jiang Fan opened his mouth and rubbed his eyes vigorously, making sure that he was right!

And the donkey looked at Jiang Fan proudly!

"Wu, the thief! What do you look at! You can't come to untie the rope for me!"

"You can speak!"

"Nonsense! Rare and weird! I have never seen the world!"

The donkey looked disdainful!

Jiang Fan was at a loss!

I was actually despised by a donkey!

"I'm a human being, so you are not afraid that I will kill you soon?"

"Yo-yo-yo! I can do it for you! Did you get scared away by Sajia without seeing the tiger? You count that little garlic seedling! Hurry up and untie the rope for me, otherwise Sajia will kick you to death!"

The donkey looked arrogant!

Jiang Fan blinked his eyes, turned and left!

No wonder the tiger wants to eat him in the end, this donkey's mouth is too cheap!

Seeing Jiang Fan was about to leave, the donkey roared suddenly!

It's a pity that it's useless!

Jiang Fan activated his super-sensitive sense of smell, and soon found the tiger!

At this moment, the bully was lying in a cave, shivering!

He didn't respond when Jiang Fan came in!

"Hi! Buddy, what's the matter?"

Jiang Fan took the initiative to speak.


The tiger jumped up suddenly!

When I saw that it was a human being, I immediately relaxed!

He has seen this stuff, nothing terrible!

"Someone unexpectedly came! Fortunately, the king was frightened by the monster and his legs were weak. I guess he won't be able to get out these days. He just happens to treat you as food!"

The tiger has a fierce look!

However, Jiang Fan smiled slightly and hit the wall of the cave with a punch!


The whole cave trembled!

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