The tiger is dumbfounded!

Is this still a human?

How can it be different from those coquettish **** I have seen before?

It's too fierce!

If this hits one's head...

The tiger is straightforward!

Tears are coming down!

"Brother, I, I have fresh cowhide, my fur is really not suitable for making a mattress!"

"Don't worry, I don't want your life!"

As Jiang Fan said, he directly burned the donkey meat out!

As soon as the takeaway was taken out, that strong fragrance filled the cave!

The tiger stared directly!

The big tongue spit out like a dog!

The saliva is even more flowing on the ground!

"It smells so good! I've never smelled such a smell before!"

The tiger swallowed desperately!

"Want to eat?"

"Think! Think!!"

"You are not allowed to eat people in the future!"

"Big Brother! In other words, I have never eaten anyone!"

"All right, here you are!"

Jiang Fan talked and handed the donkey meat to the tiger directly!


The tiger had a big mouth, and he ate all ten donkey meat in one bite!

"It's delicious! This, this taste, so curious!"

"Not a pig, not a cow, so delicious!"

"The point is, after eating, I'm not afraid anymore!"

"Heart rate has stabilized! There is no fear at all!"

"Which, what is this?"

The tiger looked at Jiang Fan in shock!

"This is called donkey fire!"

"Donkey meat?"


"What is a donkey?"

"It's the one that scared you with soft legs!"


The tiger was shocked:

"This thing is so delicious!"

"Of course, as the saying goes: Dragon meat in the sky, donkey meat on the ground!"

Jiang Fan smiled slightly!

The tiger's eyes lit up!

Then look directly at Jiang Fan!

"Since you humans can eat donkey meat, you must know **** donkeys and teach me what to do? As long as you teach me, let me do anything!"



"Fuck off!"


The tiger was directly angry!

He is the king of beasts!

Killable! Don't be insulted!

However, Jiang Fan only said two words--


"You beast!"

Tiger looked wronged!

He rolled directly on the ground, and then kept sticking his tongue out, looking at Jiang Fan eagerly!

"It's so good! Come on, stretch out your front paws!"

Jiang Fan handed out a hand!

"Asshole! Don't take it easy!"

The tiger's eyes are full of anger!



The tiger cursed, but his body was so honest, he lifted his front paws directly!

"sit down!"

"stand up!"

"Get down!"


Under the temptation of donkey meat, the tiger has completely fallen!

Jiang Fan even took out his mobile phone and took pictures!

Seeing that the toss was almost done, Jiang Fan immediately waved!


Along the way, Jiang Fan directly told the donkey's ability!

The tiger was shocked immediately!

Soon, Jiang Fan and the tiger had returned to the place where the donkey was tied!

As soon as I saw the tiger, the donkey screamed again!

The tiger rolled his eyes and took two steps back slightly cautiously!

But immediately greeted him tentatively!

Everything seems to be back on track!

Jiang Fan is preparing to return, but at this moment!

The grass on one side moved, and then, the uncle who gave Jiang Fan the way before suddenly got out!

"Oh? Why are you here?"

Jiang Fan looked curious.

"I, I want to see how you beat a tiger, so I followed!"

The uncle laughed, but suddenly saw the tiger teasing the donkey!

At this moment, the donkey was screaming frantically at the tiger, and kicked the tiger with his hoof!

The tiger laughed, and finally completely believed Jiang Fan's words. It seems that this donkey is just as capable!

Immediately shouted "Stop this ear", and then bit the donkey's neck in one bite!

The uncle looked at it with relish, and nodded again and again.

Jiang Fan was curious!

"Can you animals speak?"

"Animals speak? Haha, brother, what are you kidding?"

"Can't you hear? The tiger said a trick to stop his ears!"

"No! Wait! The skills stop this? Ah! Yes! I want to write this into a story!"

Uncle suddenly looked excited!

And at this moment!

"My lord! My lord! Where are you? There are tigers around here, so don't go far!"

A loud voice suddenly rang out in the distance!

Jiang Fan was blessed to his heart, and suddenly looked at the uncle in disbelief!

"You, are you surnamed Liu?"

"Oh? How do you know, little brother?"

Uncle looked shocked!

"Fuck! So it's you!"

It's been a long time!

This uncle is actually Liu Zongyuan!

In that case, this donkey of Guizhou was written out entirely because of his own prompts?

Do evil!

How do I face those scumbags!

But Jiang Fan hasn't finished with emotion yet!

"Ding! Your stay is over! Will return soon!"

The next moment, a white light shone, Jiang Fan was nowhere to be seen!


Back to the system space, the reward prompt sounded suddenly!

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for getting 2863 causality points!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for getting the tiger's return-the **** is so skillful!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for gaining the worship of Liu Zongyuan-the donkey of Gui!"

Good guys!

It's all about donkeys!

The donkey of Qian: The shape of the giant is also virtuous, and the sound of the grand is also capable!

Note: With this item, you will summon a handsome donkey!

I rely on!

Jiang Fan casually threw this thing into his backpack, and looked at the guilt-back!

Guiqi poor skills: skills stop this ear! !

Item grade: Gold level!

Remarks: Use this item to seal the opponent's all skills! Duration, three minutes!

Tip: The duration will increase or decrease with the opponent's level, but the minimum maintenance time will not be less than 30 seconds!

Damn it!

Jiang Fan gasped directly!

Too tough!

Seal all the skills of the opponent!

This means that once this item is played, the enemy is completely abolished!

Especially the mage class, it is equivalent to taking the blue time!

Even if it is a Chinese warrior, that body protection can't even be used!

Because that is also a skill!

And no matter how strong the opponent is, it means that even if the opponent is level 20 or above, the duration will never be less than 30 seconds!

Although this item is only a gold level item, its effect is no less than the legendary level!

Jiang Fan was satisfied and left the system space with a big laugh!

After boarding the car again, Jiang Fan immediately went straight to the SF Express Point on Da'an Street.

Soon, Jiang Fan has arrived!

Say hello to the courier boy at the door, and the other party immediately found Jiang Fan's courier.

This express is about the same length and width as the chair surface.

Jiang Fan opened it and saw it was a tablet computer!

But as soon as his finger touched the screen, a pattern of thorns popped up directly on it!

Jiang Fan was startled slightly, and suddenly thought that Fiona had said before that she had mailed an internal, special tablet to herself!

And with this tablet, you can redeem it from a long distance!

It now appears that it is this one!

Jiang Fan was overjoyed!

With a full 200,000 points, I can finally change it!

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