"Yes! Now that Jiang Fan's ultimate goal is determined, what we have to do next is much simpler!"

Zhou Yandao took a sip of tea lightly, and a sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth:

"When Jiang Fan came to the door, he must have been fully prepared!"

"He will definitely think that his strength has completely overwhelmed us!"

"But what if our power exceeds his imagination at this time?"

Zhou Yuanwang understood thoroughly!

Even an extremely excited smile appeared on his face:

"You mean, let us find allies and expand our strength?"

"Yes! But it's not just that! Jiang Fan and Yu Family are extremely close now. Once he makes a move against our Zhou Family, Yu Family will definitely get involved!"

"And get rid of Jiang Fan, don't think of being alone in the family!"

"We use this to contact the rest of the family and promise them the entire Yu family. No one will be tempted by this transaction!"

"This kind of method of catching Jiang Fan and his allies at one go is the real one-time-for-all!"

Zhou Yuan gasped!

After a long time, he said in a deep voice:

"But if things get bigger, what if those ten monsters make a move?"

"It's okay, don't forget, the one from the Lin family is one of the ten monsters, a good thing for the benefit of the children and grandchildren, presumably he will not object to it?"

Zhou Yandao smiled slightly!


Zhou Yuanwang slowly let out a turbid breath.

Barely suppressing the excitement in my heart, only then spoke with a vibrato:

"Say! I didn't think I was wrong about you! Looking at the overall situation, Zhou Ning and Zhou Jing, the two hairy boys, are really far behind you!"

"Hehe, although Xiaoning and the others are smart enough, they have too little experience after all... Patriarch, I have finished the analysis. Next, it depends on your choice!"

"Haha! Do you still need to choose? But it's a matter of negotiation..."

"Patriarch rest assured, I will go to Los Angeles in person for this negotiation!"

"You go in person?"


"But in case Jiang Fan shoots you..."

"Isn't there Zhou Yuanhe? He can't kill Jiang Fan, and Jiang Fan shouldn't be able to keep him!"


Zhou Yuanwang nodded:

"Zhou Yuanhe has suffered a lot, and it is quite honest. I will let him pick you up at that time! When are you going to leave?"

"Tomorrow, I believe that by that time, Jiang Fan should also take care of Song's chores!"

Zhou Yandao smiled slightly, then put down his teacup:

"Patriarch, it's getting late, so you should rest earlier."



As soon as Zhou Yandao left Zhou Yuanwang's villa, the cold aura of the whole person disappeared, and once again became the same as before!

No one would have thought that Zhou Yandao in this way was able to talk freely just now, completely seeing Jiang Fan's heart!

It's just that Zhou Yandao hadn't been far out of the villa, and a voice rang in a low voice!

"Big Brother!"

Zhou Yandao looked back and found that it was Zhou Yantang!

"Yantang? Why are you here?"

"Brother, why did you come out from Zhou Yuanwang? What did he do with you?"

Zhou Yantang looked serious!

Zhou Yandao smiled:

"Nothing, I just want to ask the Patriarch, when can I let my father go."

"Oh! Brother! You are confused! Zhou Yuanwang finally caught his father's sore spot, how could he let him go!"

Zhou Yantang looked annoyed!

"Ah? But, but, according to what the Patriarch meant, it's not impossible?"

Zhou Yandao asked cautiously.

"Big brother! Oh! Forget it, anyway, I have found a way to save my father! You will have less contact with Zhou Yuanwang in the future, and be careful of being sold by him!"

However, when he heard Zhou Yantang's words, Zhou Yandao's eyes flashed suddenly!

"Have you found a way to save your father?"


"What way?"

"I can't say this. Anyway, the other party agreed to me. As long as he wants to, not only will the father be fine, but also Zhou Yuanwang can be attacked in the future, and our department will rise again!"

Zhou Yantang smiled proudly!

However, Zhou Yandao narrowed his eyes and spit out a word coldly:


Zhou Yantang's body trembled for no reason, especially when he looked at Zhou Yandao's eyes, there was an inexplicable heartbeat!

He involuntarily spoke:

"Yes, it's Jiang Fan..."

"Jiang Fan?"

"Yes, he said that if he doesn't want his father to die, he'd better cooperate with him..."

Zhou Yantang couldn't help but recounted his deal with Jiang Fan!

Zhou Yandao was silent for a long time before suddenly speaking:

"If that's the case, just follow what he said, alas, as long as you can save your father, everything is fine!"

Zhou Yantang finally breathed a sigh of relief:

"Big brother, your expression just now scared me!"

"Haha, do you? Maybe I care about my father too much, oh, yes! I just heard Zhou Yuanwang say that the Song family is going to fight Jiang Fan with the George family. You should tell Jiang Fan, in case he is underhanded, then When the father comes..."

"What? Okay, I'll tell him right away!"

Zhou Yantang's complexion changed and he hurriedly spoke.

"Well, go, I have to go back and rest."


Seeing Zhou Yantang leave, Zhou Yandao's mouth twitched!

"Jiang Fan...hehe, you can even think of putting a nail in Zhou's house, you are really a genius! What a pity, this world, the most indispensable, is precisely the genius!"


"Ding Ding Ding!"

The phone's ringtone suddenly rang!

Sleeping Zhengxiang Jiang Fan suddenly cursed vaguely from his throat, and then he picked up the phone in a daze:


"it's me!"

"Huh? Zhou Yantang?"

For an instant, Jiang Fan was completely sleepy!

"Mr. Zhou, what's the matter if you call so late?"

"The people from the Song family and the George family are ready to find you. I don't know who the Song family will send, but the George family comes from two sixteenth levels. Don't die!"

After speaking, Zhou Yantang has hung up the phone.

But Jiang Fan was startled, but a trace of ruthlessness suddenly appeared in his eyes!

"Damn! Let's forget about the George family, but your Song family is really cheap!"

Jiang Fan's face was gloomy, and he was wondering how to deal with the Song family, just at this moment!

"Ding Ding Ding!"

His cell phone rang again!

"Hello. Who is this?"

"Jiang Fan...hehe, I am Zhou Yandao!"

Jiang Fan frowned, his eyes narrowed slightly.

Zhou Yandao!

Although this person Jiang Fan had never seen him before, he heard it from Uncle Zhong!

Back then, this person was one of the most promising geniuses in the Zhou family!

He was even considered by the ancestors of the Zhou family to be the most hopeful person to take over the position of Patriarch!

It’s just that I don’t know what happened later, Zhou Yandao’s martial arts was completely abolished, and the whole person became more conscientious!

However, when the Jiang family was destroyed, he was probably affected by Zhou Ning's light, and only then did the ancestors of the Zhou family think of him again.

Now he came to contact himself, what is he doing?

Jiang Fan was silent for a moment, then smiled and said:

"Zhou Yandao? Your Zhou family is willing to take the initiative to contact me, but it is rare!"

"Jiang Fan, you swallowed the Zhou family's goods and forced us to take action against the Song family. Are you just waiting for us to contact you?"

"Hehe, indeed, that said, have you come up with a suitable price?"

"Then it depends on what Mr. Jiang wants. I will be in Los Angeles tomorrow afternoon. Maybe Mr. Jiang won't kill me as a messenger?"

"How come? I didn't kill your son, let alone you?"

"Haha, well, see you tomorrow then!"

"see you tomorrow!"

When the phone hung up, Jiang Fan frowned!

Zhou Yantang told him before that Song Mingzhuo of the Song family had conspired with Zhou Yuanwang and seemed to be against him!

But why in a blink of an eye, it was the Song family and the George family uniting, while the Zhou family wanted to negotiate with themselves?

I'm afraid there is a story in it!

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