God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 1533: Rampant dog licking

At four o'clock in the morning, a plane from Cangcheng slowly landed at the Los Angeles Airport.

The cabin door opened, and Song Yue stepped off the plane with a sneer on his face!

Behind her are two 16th-level master masters who are also from the Song family!

Song Mingchi, Song Heyang!

Song Mingchi is the strongest master of Song Jiaming's generation!

Song Heyang has been famous for many years, and is the cousin of Song Hexuan, the head of the Song family!

This time, the Song family is dominated by him!

Behind the two of them, there are five or six Song family powerhouses who have reached the fourteenth aura!

At the end of the team, it was Bishop and Eugene!

In order to prevent attention, these people first arrived in Cangcheng, and then Luocheng, which was transferred from Cangcheng!

Even if Los Angeles is all Jiang Fan's eyeliner, what they pay attention to is at most flights from the direction of Beijing!

And it's already early morning, when people are most relaxed!

A shot at this time will definitely have a miraculous effect!

Everyone left the airport and immediately boarded a bus outside the airport!

This was arranged by the Song family's subordinates who came in advance.

Seeing everyone getting on the car, the driver suddenly kicked the accelerator and went straight to the Jiangzhai!

"Mr. Bishop, the airport is less than an hour away from Jiang's house. Soon, we will be able to rescue Gal!"

Song Yue spoke to Bishop and Eugene with a fawning expression.

On this bus, the Song family and Bishop were seated very differently. Only Song Yue, as soon as he got on the bus, licked his face and sat beside Bishop and Eugene.


Bishop nodded in satisfaction, and at the same time a sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth!

They came this time, still with the idea of ​​catching Jiang Fan alive!

After all, the temptation of immortality is too great!

Of course, the prerequisite for capturing alive is to cut off all Jiang Fan's limbs!

It's best to even gouge out your tongue!

In this way, even if Jiang Fan can speak well, it won't affect others!

Song Heyang and Song Mingchi looked at each other, and they all saw the killing intent in each other's eyes!

Regarding Jiang Fan, the Song family definitely wants to kill and then hurry up!

As long as Jiang Fan died, the fourteenth level of the Song family who came to Los Angeles this time would quickly control Jiang Fan's subordinates and force them to inquire about the whereabouts of the goods from the Zhou family!

At that time, it is not only the benefits promised by the Zhou family, but if they want to exchange this batch of goods, the Zhou family will have to give another blood!

Both sides have their own calculations, but there is silence!

Only Song Yue kept screaming at Bishop!

Fully show the nature of licking the dog!


The bus turned around and stopped at the gate of Jiangzhai!

At the same time, the two men and horses who had been locking their respective breaths before suddenly flashed murderously in their eyes!


Bi Xiapu's whole body suddenly sprang up a golden grudge more than one meter high!

Shatter the roof directly!

In the next moment, he was already like a golden meteor, suddenly shooting towards the Jiang family's house!

And the others are almost only half a step behind, rushing out one after another!

"Swish swish!"

People flicker in the sky!

However, as soon as he entered the Jiangzhai, everyone was stunned!

I saw a group of people surrounded by Jiang Fan, headed by Jiang Fan, eating barbecue!

The table is full of duck intestines, squid, lamb skewers, plate tendons, hairy belly, tofu rolls...

The point is that there are actually two plates of sliced ​​watermelons next to it!

And the ground is still full of beer bottles!

Bishop and others were all dumbfounded!

Say good sneak attack!

It is said that in the early hours of the morning, it is the time when people are most relaxed!

Why do they have such a good spirit!

Even if I order this, I still eat it!

The point is, this is too fragrant!

Fortunately, Song Heyang reacted first!

"Jiang Fan! Death is coming, you still want to eat barbecue?"

"Death is coming?"

Jiang Fan smiled:

"Just rely on your rubbish?"

"Bastard! What did you say!"

Song Heyang was furious!

Just do it!

But at this moment!

"and many more!"

Bishop suddenly spoke:

"Jiang Fan! I can give you a chance!"


Jiang Fan hadn't reacted yet, and the Song family were immediately anxious!

"Bishop, our agreement is to kill Jiang Fan! What are you going to do?"

However, Bishop ignored them at all, just sneered at Jiang Fan:

"Jiang Fan, as long as you honestly come back to the George family for trial with me, I can spare your life!"

"Not bad! But the premise, you have to abolish all cultivation bases!"

Eugene spoke proudly!

"Hehe, aren't you stupid? Or do you really think you can kill me?"

Jiang Fan smiled disdainfully!

"Jiang Fan! You don't think about yourself, you better think about your subordinates! If you are not obedient, all of them will have to die! This is your last chance!"

Bishop's eyes were fierce!

Unfortunately, Jiang Fan shook his head and waved to him directly:

"I look forward to you guys doing it, come on, prove it to me!"

"you wanna die!"

Bishop and Eugene have a murderous flash in their eyes!

And Song Heyang and others are also ready to take action!

But at this moment!

"and many more!"

Song Yue suddenly spoke!

After that, she already looked at Jiang Fan with an arrogant expression!

"Jiang Fan! You little beast! Let's meet again!"

Jiang Fan glanced at her coldly:

"Isn't this Song Yue, the licking dog of the Song family? I remember I told you not to come to Los Angeles again. It seems that you are not very obedient!"

"Huh! Jiang Fan, you dare to be so crazy now! Hand over Gal immediately! I can make you die faster!"

"Gal? Who?"

Jiang Fan was taken aback!

However, the second and the thirteenth reacted immediately:

"My lord, she was talking about the one who arrived in Los Angeles with us and was beaten to death by you, the hapless George family!"

"Oh! So it was him!"

Jiang Fan finally remembered!

Song Yue was already stunned when he heard the words of the two of them!

"You, what are you talking about? Gal, was you beaten to death?"

"Yes, any comments?"

"You, you beast! That's an international friend of Citigroup! It's a real classy person! You, you actually beat him to death!"

"Do you know how many times I contacted the George family to save him!"

"He even encouraged my father to send someone to rescue!"

"But, you actually killed him!"

"You bastard! You **** Chinese bastard!"

Song Yue's face was fierce, like a shrew screaming constantly!

However, as soon as she uttered these words, Jiang Fan's expression immediately changed!

It's not just Jiang Fan, Long Yan, Yue Jianhan...

Even the expressions of Song Heyang and others have all changed!

Murderous intent has appeared in the eyes!

They wanted to kill Jiang Fan just because Jiang Fan and the Song family had an antagonism!

However, this definitely does not mean that they are running dogs!

Song Yue's words have already touched their bottom line!

But now, it's obviously not the time to care about this **** who has forgotten the ancestors!

The top priority now is to kill Jiang Fan!

Song Heyang waved his big hand and was ready to order!

But at this moment!

Jiang Fan's voice, which was so cold that it almost made the bone marrow freeze, sounded slowly!

"Catch that bitch! Kill the rest of the choppy!"

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