God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 1536: Licking Dog Drifting

As soon as Song Yue spoke, the two men's faces suddenly became disgusted!

"It turned out to be a licking dog!"

"Bah, junk stuff!"

Seeing the two of them look disgusted, Song Yue panicked!

"I, I'm not the same, I can get a green card right away, not the same as those inferior people!"

"Inferior? You actually call your compatriots inferior?"

The two men were taken aback!

"Yes! Compared to the Citi status that I can get right away, of course they are inferior!"

Song Yue looked arrogant!


"Fuck you code!"

The bald head just threw it up with a big mouth!

"Do you think the **** I mentioned earlier meant Huaxia people? No! Just talking about you!"

"That's right bitch! If you are here to consume, then you are Huaxia Dad!"

"But you actually want to settle down, are you worthy?"

"Even if you get a green card, you are still inferior!"

"We at Citigroup welcome immigrants, but we absolutely don't collect rubbish!"

"Especially you! To belittle your nationality and call your compatriots inferior people!"

The two men sneered!

Song Yue was stunned!

Join them by yourself, shouldn't they welcome themselves?

Why did I just curse a few words of Chinese untouchables, so that they would be so disgusted!

But the next sentence of the bald man directly made her cold!

"You bitch, if you can call the place where you live and raise yourself today as rubbish, you will call us that way tomorrow!"

"Batch! Listen well! No country will welcome your rubbish!"

"I really feel sad for your motherland! There will be something like you as a bitch!"


Listening to the merciless insults of the two men, Song Yue only felt that his worldview was collapsing!

Will not!

Will not!

I must have heard it wrong!

This is a free country!

is fake!

Everything is fake!

"Nonsense! Nonsense! You must be acting!"

Song Yue suddenly screamed!

However, she didn't finish her words, and the fat man slapped again!

"Bitch! Acting? Who do you think you are?"

"Notify Hans and send them back immediately!"

"Fak! What a bad luck, this is the second Chinese **** I took over today!"

"What is Huaxia going to do recently? Does Citigroup really treat us as a place of garbage acceptance? I want to protest!"

Two people looked annoyed!

And Song Yue almost collapsed!

It turned out that in the eyes of people like Citigroup, I was actually just rubbish!

Even, there is no useless garbage at all!

But at this moment!


The door was knocked suddenly!

Immediately afterwards, a short man with a sharp-mouthed monkey cheek had already walked in!

"Bill? What are you doing?"

The fat man frowned.

"Hehehe, Hans asked me to come!"

"Damn it! It seems we can't send this **** away?"

His brow furrowed!

But Song Yue was overjoyed!

"Haha! I knew it! You guys are acting! After all, this is a free country!"

The fat man and the bald man glanced at Song Yue as if looking at a stupid, and then directly waved at Bill.

Bill laughed, grabbed Song Yue and left!

Soon, the two were out of the immigration office!

And Song Yue already spoke with excitement:

"Where are you taking me? Is my green card already down?"

However, Bill just smiled coldly, and suddenly hit Song Yue's stomach with a backhand punch!

At this moment, Song Yue only felt that he was about to vomit out his intestines!

But Bill squeezed Song Yue's chin and spoke gloomily:

"Bi Chi! Listen carefully to Lao Tzu. As long as you are obedient, you can stay in this so-called "free" country. If you are not obedient, Lao Tzu will let you know what **** is!"

With that said, Bill had already thrown Song Yue onto a dilapidated van!

As soon as the driver stepped on the accelerator, the car left quickly!

In less than half an hour, the car had stopped in an unusually dilapidated street!

There are women with colorful hair dyed and exposedly dressed everywhere here!

And nearby, there are a few brawny men with guns coming together to play cards!

"Where is this place?"

Song Yue only felt bad for a while!

"Where? Of course it's a paradise to freedom!"

Bill laughed, grabbed Song Yue's hair, and threw the car down to her!

Song Yue exclaimed, but just as she got up, Bill had already grabbed her hair again!

"Bitch, listen now, I spent thirty thousand dollars to buy you from the pigs in the immigration office! So next, you need to pay me ten times the price!"

"What do you mean?"

"What do you mean? Of course it's the same as them!"

Bill smiled strangely, and pointed at the barely dressed women!

Song Yue was stunned!

I just feel cold all over!

"You, you can't do this! I, I have human rights!"

"Human rights? OK!"

Bill smiled and drew a big mouth directly on Song Yue's face!

Song Yue was beaten with a scream!

And Bill had already spoken ferociously:

"Bitch, listen! What you call human rights is nothing more than a tactic used by politicians to fool the people! There are no fewer than five MPs who frequent me here!"

"If there are human rights, it will definitely not appear in this sinful land!"

"Put away your **** of human rights, freedom, and what garbage thoughts!"

"Remember, squeezing is our goal!"

"Here is the true face of capital society!"

Bill said, kicking Song Yue away!

And the two burly men had dragged Song Yue, whose eyes were dull, into a building like a dead dog!

Soon, Song Yue's screams sounded again!

Three days later!

Song Yue stared at the ceiling blankly, the whole body had completely collapsed!

During these three days, she even secretly contacted Andy!

However, what the other party said directly stunned her!

A worthless dog licking is meaningless to the George family!

Even Andy told her intimately that he felt sick when he heard her voice!

Tell her not to contact herself in the future! It's better to die in that chicken coop!

Song Yue's entire worldview almost collapsed!

And what happened today has become the last straw to crush her!

Today, she received a big man, a congressman!

She took the opportunity to ask the other party to rescue herself, and gave Balabala a bunch of free thoughts!

It's a pity that the congressman brought her pants and sold her!

Song Yue, who was severely taught by Bill, the lighthouse in his heart finally went out!

The worldview completely collapsed!

She only felt a burst of total despair!

Looking back on the past, she realized how ridiculous she really was!

At this moment, the door suddenly opened!

Immediately after sending her to Citigroup, the two people under Jiang Fan have already walked in!

Upon seeing these two people, Song Yue was startled, and then suddenly got up with joy!

"Help me! Help me!"

"It's my fault!"

"Citi is shit! What freedom, human rights, I don't believe it anymore!"

"Take me back to China! Please! I, I want to go home!"

Song Yue begged and cried!

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