One of them smiled:

"Miss Song, are you really sober?"

"I'm sober! I completely understand! All are fake! Citigroup is a bunch of liars!"

"I want to go home, back to China!"

"This disgusting country, I will never come again for the rest of my life!"

Song Yue's face is full of regret!

However, her heart is constantly fierce!

Citigroup is indeed rubbish!

But Jiang Fan, you actually destroyed my faith, you are going to die! You must die!

When I return to China and the Song family, I will kill you by all means!

Song Yue's eyes are full of resentment!

But the expression is still pitiful!


The other person also laughed:

"Miss Song, since you know to repent, then I can tell you what Mr. Jiang said!"

"Jiang Fan? He, what did he say?"

Song Yue was taken aback!

"Mr. Jiang said, the best punishment for trash like you is to completely collapse your worldview! In addition, he specially asked us if you really repented..."

"I really repented! He, does he want to forgive me? Want you to take me back?"

Song Yue looked surprised!


Jiang Fan, great!

Wait, then!

Once I go back, it will be your death date!


"Mr. Jiang said, if you really repent, then continue to stay here, spend the rest of the time, and work hard to atone for your previous words and deeds!"

After speaking, the two men smiled, turned and left!

But Song Yue opened his mouth wide!

From hope to despair, this kind of ups and downs has completely destroyed her spirit!

Song Yue trembled, her pupils had completely lost their focus, just like a corpse!


Time goes back to the early hours of that morning!


Seeing Song Yue being taken away, Jiang Fan finally looked at the only one still alive, Bishop!

At this moment, Bishop's right lung had been pierced by Lu Bu, and even the surrounding skin was directly burned into charcoal by the terrifying fire of Yuhuo Shen Gong!

However, Lu Bu was also punched by Bishop, with three broken ribs!

However, this little injury is not a problem for Lu Bu, who is on the battlefield!

After Jiang Fan helped him fix his bones, the goods carried a bottle of spirits and drank it!


Jiang Fan kicked Bishop's wound!


Bishop snorted and woke up directly from the pain!

"Jiang Fan!"

As soon as he saw Jiang Fan, Bishop suddenly roared!

But he was terrified immediately and found one thing!


There are corpses all around me!

This time, all the people from the Song family and the George family joined hands, unexpectedly all died!

He couldn't even escape!

"No, it's impossible..."

Bishop's face is unbelievable!

However, Jiang Fan had already stepped on his wound fiercely!

"Your name is... Bishop?"

"Ah!! You, what are you going to do? I tell you, I am one of the elders of the George family!"

Bishop screamed in pain, but immediately spoke in horror!

"Oh? It's still a big fish!"

Jiang Fan chuckled, then slowly spoke:

"In that case, I happen to have two questions for you!"

"You, what do you want to ask?"

"The George family, why do they bite me like a mad dog?"

"I, I don't know!"

The corner of Bishop's eyes jumped, and then he avoided Jiang Fan's eyes!

"Hehe, it seems that the respectable elder Bishop has a bad memory. In this case, I will let people help you remember the memories!"

As soon as Jiang Fan finished speaking, Curtis had already walked over with a smile!

When he saw Curtis, Bishop's face changed suddenly!

Just now because of this **** Necromancer, his two tricks that he could definitely kill were all avoided by the other party!

The point is that all the opponents use to block him are summons!

Instant summoning!

This kind of ability, let alone see, even his status, he has never even heard of it!

After Curtis came over, he didn't rush to do anything. Instead, he first took out a skull with two groups of green ghost fire burning in his pupils!

Then, he took out three more blood-colored, snake-head-shaped nails on his hands!

Then, it was a crystal clear bone knife with a black air lingering on it!

In the end, Curtis made another move, a magic circle flashed away in the air, and then fell directly down a weird spider with two pale fangs and colorful, the size of the palm of an ordinary human's hand!

As soon as he saw these things, Bishop's whole body tightened!

A hint of panic appeared in his eyes!

"You, what are you going to do?"

"Mr. Bishop, if you answer the master's question honestly, it is still too late!"

However, Bishop sneered directly with an arrogant expression!

"Huh! I don't know anything!"

"Also, I advise you, it's better to let me go!"

"I'm different from Eugene, I'm the elder of the George family!"

"The status is extremely honorable!"

"Let me go, you still have a chance of atonement, otherwise..."

"OK! OK! I get it!"

Curtis interrupted Bishop directly:

"Hehe, dear Mr. Bishop, thank you for your pretense!"

"Thank me?"

Bishop looked dumbfounded!

"Yes! Because of the endurance issue, many of my methods can't be used at all for existences below the Grandmaster level!"

"But you are different! A full sixteenth-level powerhouse! Definitely let me, the powerful Necromancer Curtis, fully demonstrate my unparalleled research methods in front of my master!"

"Next, let me give you a brief introduction to the purpose of my little darlings!"

Curtis rubbed his hands and pointed at the spider first.

"This little guy is called Hell Tarantula!"

"Although the level is not high, but there is a magical talent!"

"Its teeth are hollow, and it contains the darkness and fire poison that **** only has!"

"After being bitten by it, you will feel limp and weak at first, and then from the place where you were bitten, your wounds will start to burn!"

"This kind of burning happens to use your soul as fuel!"

"Of course, it burns very slowly, and the whole process takes about ten days!"

"And during these ten days, you will feel the pain from the soul all the time!"

"Of course, the above are all normal **** tarantulas, and the one I summoned is a masterpiece of my painstaking research!"


Bishop's face turned pale!

Just listening to Curtis tells him that this thing is absolutely terrifying!

Curtis was already rubbing his hands in excitement and pointed at Bishop!

"Next, as the first experiment, you can feel it!"

The **** tarantula immediately climbed onto the back of Bishop's hand!

"No! Don't! Hurry up and get rid of this ghost!"

Bishop was panicked!

Struggling desperately!

But feeling Bishop's struggle, the speed of the Hell Tarant suddenly accelerated, and then stretched out its fangs, and took a bite on the back of Bishop's hand!

next moment!

Bishop's body suddenly stiffened!

Then the whole body was tightened like a full bowstring!

At the same time, his face rose to purple-red almost instantly!

The blue veins on the forehead are all swollen!

At last!


Bishop seemed to have exhausted all his strength and suddenly let out an extremely miserable howl!

Even at this moment, he broke free from Jiang Fan's feet!

Rolling desperately!

The people around were dumbfounded, and only felt a tingling scalp!

It was so painful that even Jiang Fan's foot could break away. One can imagine Bishop's pain at this moment, to what extent!

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