God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 1539: Eric's Hot and Sour Noodles

Next, Jiang Fan ordered his subordinates to clean up the yard, and he went back to the bedroom to start sleeping!

After sleeping until ten o'clock in the morning, Jiang Fan woke up lazily!

But just after washing up, his phone rang!

Jiang Fan picked it up and saw that it was actually Ding Xuan calling!

Just after answering the phone, Ding Xuan's nervous voice came over!

"Brother Jiang, where are you?"

"At home, what's wrong?"

"Xiaobao has a high fever, and he started talking nonsense. I went to the Heisei Medical Center just now. Doctor Sun is not there, and the rest of the people can't see the problem. Can you come and have a look?"

"The people at the Heisei Medical Center didn't notice it?"

Jiang Fan was startled.

The doctors of Heisei Medical Center are all disciples of Sun Chuanyi!

And I have been there several times before and taught them a lot of things!

Although these people are quite tender compared to themselves, but normally speaking, they are definitely elites!

And Ding Xuan has already spoken:

"Yeah! I took my child to the hospital first, but all kinds of examinations were done, and I couldn't find the reason. Then I came to the Heisei Medical Center, but they didn't expect to see it! In desperation, this I have to trouble you!"

"Big Brother Ding, you don't have to be polite, there is nothing numb and troublesome! I'll be there now!"

Jiang Fan smiled slightly.

The doctor is kind, and Ding Xuan has a very good relationship with him, and almost made Xiaobao recognize that he is a godfather. If the child has something to do, he must go!

"Thank you Brother Jiang! I bother you for a trip. Actually, I should have brought Xiaobao to find you, but now, this kid is really...In short, Xiaobao is too weird now!"


Jiang Fan was taken aback!

And suddenly there was chaos!

"catch him!"

"Don't let him run away!"

"Tap, tap!"


"Don't panic! Master will be here soon!"


The phone hangs up.

Jiang Fan looked blank, listening to the movement over there, how could it be like catching a monkey?

Forget it, go check it out!

Jiang Fan took out the bicycle, stepped on his feet, and went straight to the Heisei Medical Center!

But just went out!

"Ding! You have a new takeaway order!"

Orders came at this time!

"Mutation is the key to evolution..."

"It allows us to evolve from a single cell to the master of the universe..."

"Of course, the evolution process is very long, and it often takes thousands of years..."

"Fortunately, every million years, there will be a major breakthrough suddenly..."


Is it the world of Wang Baguizi again?

Jiang Fan looked curious!

And the next moment, he was stunned!

"Ding! Please give the desperate Eric a super spicy hot and sour noodle that can stimulate his potential!"

mutation! evolution! breakthrough! Eric!

Adding these keywords together, the world you have entered is ready to come out!

X-Men! Magneto!

This is a world where abilities are king!

If you get the powerful self-healing ability of Wolverine, your combat effectiveness will inevitably reach another level of qualitative change!

If it is to get the power of the magical girl, then it will be even better!

Putting on blame, it's just plain trip!

Jiang Fan is extremely excited!

On the way to Heisei Medical Center, there happened to be a hot and sour noodle shop!

Jiang Fan didn't hesitate anymore, and suddenly kicked!


The bicycle suddenly rushed out like a sharp arrow!

Soon, Jiang Fan has come to the door of the hot and sour noodles!

"Boss, a bowl of hot and sour noodles! Super spicy! Pack it!"


The boss promised, and soon, a fragrant hot and sour powder was packaged!

Jiang Fan carried the takeaway and rushed into the restroom of the store!

"System! Enter!"

"Ding! The reincarnation of the world is on! About to enter-"X-Men · First Battle"!"

It's actually this world!

Before seeing those keywords, Jiang Fan already knew that he had entered the world of X-Men, but he did not expect that he would enter this!

The X-Men · First Battle tells about the young Professor X and Eric, the king of Magnetism, who are a pair of good friends who share aspirations.

They discovered their superpowers first, and worked in the CIA with several other mutants.

Sebastian Shaw, the Nazi warmonger who triggered Eric's superpower, has been trying to provoke a nuclear war, but has tried every means to provoke the contradiction between the United States and the Soviet Union.

Eric and Charles have been fighting against Xiao's mutants, trying to stop Xiao's conspiracy.

Xiao urged the Soviet Union to cause the Cuban Missile Crisis. After Charles and Eric learned of the news, they fought against Xiao's mutants in the Gulf.

In the end, Xiao was wiped out by Charles and Eric. However, in the process, Eric was gradually influenced by Shaw's political views, which caused a rift with Charles.

Through this battle in the Gulf, Eric and Charles finally broke, one side became Professor X who supported the peaceful coexistence of humans and mutants; the other insisted on the idea that mutants would rise by eliminating humans, claiming to be the Magneto King!


Jiang Fan appeared again, already in a sparse forest!

And in the sky, it is still dripping drizzle!

Jiang Fan looked around, but found that through the gaps in the shadows of the trees in front, a group of buildings could be vaguely seen!

Jiang Fan moved forward and quickly walked out of the woods. Only then did he discover that there was a tall and endless wall there!

These walls are more than three meters high and are covered with sharp iron nets to prevent climbing. At the gate, there are many soldiers with helmets and guns!

As soon as he saw this picture, Jiang Fan was startled!

Although the system is unreliable, the location of the teleportation will never be too far away from the target. How can you get a barracks for yourself?

The point is, why do the clothes these people wear so much like villains?

Moreover, on the neckline of that costume, that logo...

Damn it!

Isn't this the character "卍"!

Is this group of people ready to slay?

and so on! wrong!

That's not swastika, it's the opposite!

This, this is so... Nazi!

In an instant, Jiang Fan finally knew when he had arrived!

For the entire X-Men series, this screen has only appeared for one time period!

That is when the future Magneto, now little Eric, was caught in a concentration camp!

Actually, I came to Eric when he was a kid!

In an instant, Jiang Fan's tears almost came down!

He never expected that he would come to this time!

Wolverine must be out of play!

The magical girl is still a little loli, there is nowhere to find it!

Jiang Fan's mood is almost the same as the weather when the plan to collect the power is lost!

But he immediately got excited again!

Wolverine and the Devilish Girl can’t get it, but Sebastian Shaw!

This product is the big villain in the first battle, and it is even called the Black Emperor in the comics!

The key is that this guy's ability, but energy absorption!

He is even strong enough to absorb nuclear energy!

Then bombard this power out again!

Even through energy absorption, you can reach the point of eternal youth!

Although there is a limit to this absorption, there is no limit to one's own future!

If you can get this ability, it will be cool!

Kill him!

He must be killed!

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