Without a word, Jiang Fan rushed to the gate directly!

At this moment, several soldiers were smoking under the canopy at the gate.

Seeing Jiang Fan coming over like a whirlwind, everyone's complexion suddenly changed!

"what is that?"

"It seems to be a human!"

"Impossible! How can people be so fast!"

"Fuck! It's really a human!"

"Fagan! Raise the alert!"

"Ra Nima's alert! Go ahead and shoot!"

The crowd is in chaos!

But before they could react, they just felt the sound of the wind flashing in their ears!

next moment!

Jiang Fan has disappeared directly from their eyes!

Several soldiers were stunned!

I just suspected that I was **** just now!


Jiang Fan came to the concentration camp in an instant!

However, when he saw the scene inside, Jiang Fan was stunned!

I saw countless desperate faces on the muddy land inside, being escorted into barracks by a group of soldiers!

These people are ragged and skinny!

And everyone is locked in fetters!

Even the position of many people's ankles is bleeding and purulent!

It was already raining heavily at the moment, these people only wore clothes that barely covered their bodies, all of them shivering!

The point is, there are many children inside!

Some children seem to be less than three years old!

And these people walked a little slower, and the hideous soldiers next to them rushed up and smashed their **** down fiercely!

For a split second, Jiang Fan simply suspected that he had come to hell!

And at this moment!

A withered man shook his body and fell to the ground!

A soldier smiled sullenly and smashed the man with the **** of his rifle!


The man spit out a mouthful of blood after being smashed!


The woman beside him exclaimed, she leaned directly on the man and hugged the man tightly!

At the same time, she looked at the soldier in despair!

"Stop it! You guys, why are you doing this to us!"

However, apart from the sneers on the faces of the soldiers, the only answer to her was a black muzzle!

I saw an officer who didn't know when he came over. With a pistol, he stubbornly withstood the woman's forehead!

Then sneered!

"Why? Because your blood is low! You are not qualified to live!"

The officer sneered and looked directly at all the refugees!

"You mice with dirty blood, listen to me!"

"I can still breathe, I am already my greatest kindness!"

"Now you dare to ask, that would be a blasphemy against my noble blood!"

"There is only one dead end!"

The officer said, already grinning and pulling the trigger!


A gunshot!

All the refugees closed their eyes in despair!

That's it!

When will this **** end?

Only at this moment!

"You, who are you?!"

The officer's voice was full of disbelief, and it suddenly sounded!

Everyone opened their eyes in surprise, only to find that the woman was unscathed!

And in front of her, I don't know when, there was a tall and handsome black-haired man!

At this moment, the officer's pistol is in his hand!

It seems that he turned out to miss the officer just now, and even grabbed the opponent's pistol!

Everyone was stunned!

The officer was even more stunned!

But the handsome man smiled slightly!

"My name is Jiang Fan, I'm a takeaway!"

Although Jiang Fan was smiling, his eyes were full of coldness!

War is merciless, and death is inevitable!

But treating civilians so cruelly, especially, there are so many old and weak women and children, it is simply frantic!

After saying this, Jiang Fan has already turned and looked at the woman!

"Are you okay?"

"No, it's okay, thank you! Thank you!"

Women and husbands are grateful!

But in this gratitude, there is also a deep guilt!

Because they knew that although this man saved his couple, this brutal officer would never let them go!

At that time, not only their husband and wife, this little brother who shot will also die!

"Sorry, we, I'm afraid we will hurt you!"

The Lennys gave a wry smile.

But Jiang Fan just smiled.

Look at the officer again!

"Release these people!"


When the officer heard Jiang Fan's self-introduction before, he was so confused!

After all, he has never heard of any takeaway!

And now, the other party actually let him let these people go!

What a joke!

"Huh! Do you think that if you grab my gun, you have the capital to negotiate with me?"

"Boy, listen to me! Kneel down immediately, and you can still get me, with great Aryan blood, forgive me, Major Goethe!"

"Otherwise, I will let you..."


Before the military officer finished speaking, Jiang Fan just kicked him and hit his knee fiercely!


The officer fell to the ground, hugged his knees, and suddenly let out a terrible scream!

Everyone was stunned!

A group of refugees looked at Jiang Fan in disbelief!

This man, don't you want to die?

How dare to attack this officer!

You know, the fate of fighting back is more terrifying than death!

However, this little brother is really kind!

All the refugees looked at Jiang Fan with admiration!

But those soldiers are all angry!

Everyone aimed their guns at Jiang Fan!

However, Jiang Fan ignored him and stepped directly on the officer's head!

"Let them go!"

"Asshole! You dare to hurt me! Kill! Kill him!"

The officer roared suddenly!

The next moment, on the guard tower in the distance, a sniper smiled coldly at Jiang Fan in the scope, and then suddenly pulled the trigger!


A gunshot!

A sharp sniper bullet had directly hit Jiang Fan's forehead!

And the sniper's face was full of bloodthirsty smiles, as if he had seen Jiang Fan's brain splashing!

Only the next moment, he was stunned!

The bullet looked like a meteor, but in an instant, it had already hit Jiang Fan's forehead fiercely!

However, in everyone's imagination, the blood splattering scene did not happen at all!

I saw the bullet hit Jiang Fan's forehead, as if it hit a meteorite!


A bang!

Not only did Jiang Fan's head have nothing but the bullet, it was constantly twisted and deformed, and in the end, it was directly exploded into a ball of iron powder!

Everyone was stunned!

Open your eyes!

The officer was even more sluggish!

Jiang Fan touched his forehead, smiled suddenly, and pulled out a piece of hair casually!

Then, just watch his right hand flick!

next moment!


A harsh scream suddenly sounded!

That hair actually looked like a sharp arrow, and it spanned a distance of hundreds of meters in an instant!

Directly penetrated the sniper scope!

After that, the remaining power was unfailing, and he suddenly pierced the left eye of the sniper!

In the end, it exploded his entire head fiercely!


For a time, blood is flying all over the sky!

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