God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 1544: God's grace is like sea, god's mighty like prison

Everyone was stunned!

Shaking all over, looked at Jiang Fan, who was in the air, bathing in all the light!


Not knowing who started, countless refugees fell to their knees one after another!

All of them were pious and stretched out their hands to Jiang Fan in mid-air!

It was as if they were begging Jiang Fan to lead them into the kingdom of gods!

Facing this kind of sight, the colonel and others were all stunned!

I just feel my scalp is numb, and my hair is standing up!

"God, it's really a god..."

"Oh my God! What did we do just now?"

"God... forgive me!"

All the people who shot before are muttering to themselves!

However, Jiang Fan just glanced at them coldly!

Then, suddenly facing this group of people, slowly stretched out a hand!

"The blasphemer will fall to **** forever!"

Accompanied by Jiang Fan speaking!


A giant holy beam of light that pierced through the world and had a diameter of more than 200 meters fell directly on the colonel and the others!


In an instant, everything around, including the colonel, burned violently!

Soldiers turned into coke, guns turned into scrap iron, and even gravel turned into colored glaze!

At this moment, Jiang Fan, the holy light that is fully exerted, is simply terrifying!

It has far exceeded the scope of level 15!

Everyone looked at Jiang Fan with trepidation!

God's grace is like the sea!

Divine power is like prison!

There were still many people who were dubious about Jiang Fan before, but seeing Jiang Fan at this moment, everyone had only one thought left in their hearts!

This is the true god!

This is God!

At this moment, everyone kneeled to the ground, completely surrendering to Jiang Fan's feet!

And when he personally destroyed the colonel and others, Jiang Fan's stay is about to end!

However, the last one is forced, you can't just pretend it hastily!

Jiang Fan burst into force and suddenly shouted in a low voice!

"I drop the oracle today!"

"The war must end in a year!"

"You need to unite and be friendly in the future to develop the congregation!"

"Inform new entrants, who praise my name, and enter my heaven in the future!"

As soon as the voice fell, a white light shone!

In the next moment, Jiang Fan has disappeared!

A group of refugees was stunned!

This kind of sudden disappearance is not a god, what else can it be!

However, immediately afterwards, everyone talked!

"The war will end in a year?"


"Bastard! This is an oracle! How could it be fake!"

"Yes, yes! Since it's what my lord said, it must come true!"

"My lord's meaning is to let us develop and grow?"

"But we are like this now..."

"A bunch of idiots! Since my lord has said that the war will end in one year, there will be business opportunities after that year!"

"If we take it right now, a year from now, then..."

Lenny, who was first rescued by Jiang Fan, suddenly spoke with excitement!

Other people's eyes lit up too!

After that, everyone involuntarily looked at the man who had previously consulted Jiang Fan about the oracle!

The man's name was Sibulun, he was in his fifties, and his face was kind. Although he was skinny, he still had a temperament that made people feel like a spring breeze!

Seeing everyone looking at him, West Brun suddenly smiled.

"Since my lord has sent down the oracle, we must obey it!"

"But Lenny is right. To promote the power of my lord, money is indispensable!"

"Let's leave here first, and then plan it out!"


With Silombu speaking, the others nodded suddenly!

As a group of people left, the entire concentration camp was empty for a while!

But at this moment!

In a car that had melted into iron, a human-shaped coke-like object suddenly moved slightly!

With this movement, numerous cracks appeared on the coke!



The coke suddenly exploded!

Then, a handsome young man appeared inside, but his eyes were full of cunning!

Look carefully, this man turned out to be twenty or thirty years younger, Sebastian!

However, at this moment, Sebastian is full of aura, which is almost ten times stronger than before!

He clenched his fist fiercely, and in the palm of his hand, he exploded a group of intense energy and anger!

Seeing this burst of anger, Sebastian's face was full of disbelief!

"So strong!"

"too strong!"

He suddenly couldn't help laughing wildly!

"Hahaha! I didn't expect it! I actually got a blessing in disguise!"

"Not only did he not die, he actually got such an exaggerated energy!"

"But the opponent's casual blow can actually make me evolve to this level, so if I use my full strength..."

He trembled, his eyes were full of fear!

"No! Me, I want to become stronger! I want to absorb more energy!"

"It is said that Citigroup is studying a kind of extremely terrifying bomb. If it can be absorbed, it will definitely make me extremely powerful!"

"When the time comes, you won't have to be afraid of this **** anymore!"

"Wait, then!"

"Sooner or later, we have another day!"

Sebastian smiled sullenly, turned and left!



Along with a white light, Jiang Fan has returned to the system space!

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for getting 3981 causality points!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for obtaining Eric's extreme gratitude-steel blessing!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for obtaining Eric's extreme worship-Metal Control (Elementary)!"


Jiang Fan looked at the first reward first!

Steel Blessing: This is the blessing of a straight man of steel!

Remarks: This item takes effect passively. After use, any metal weapons, objects, abilities... will reduce your damage by 10%!


Although Jiang Fan's body is strong at this moment, it has reached a level that is difficult to destroy at level sixteen!

However, if the opponent is holding a magic weapon, it may not be able to hold it!

And this 10% reduction in metal damage is likely to be the distance between life and death!

carry on!

Metal Control (Elementary): By learning this ability, the host will be able to drive the power of metal to a limited extent!

Power level: Bronze

Note: This ability is a reduced version of Magnetic Field Control, and because Eric's current strength is insufficient, the host cannot increase this ability to more than ten!


If it was Eric in the era of apocalypse, then what he got would be the full version of magnetic control!

And when that ability is used to its limit, it can almost have an impact on the continental plate!

If it was a comic-level Eric, it would be even more against the sky!

Enough to reach the level of extinction!

Jiang Fan's abilities have reached level 15, so once any abilities are learned, they will stay firmly at this level!

However, because of restrictions, this metal mastery can only exert the power of level nine!

But even so, Jiang Fan is satisfied!

At the critical moment, any change is enough to affect the situation of the battle!

And what comes next is the highlight!

Jiang Fan looked at the sky expectantly, waiting for the prompt from the system!

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