God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 1545: I can't take this job


One minute passed!

Two minutes passed!

Ten minutes passed!

Jiang Fan's neck was sore!

Obviously the system can't bear it anymore!

"Ding! Host, what do you think?"

"The reward for killing Sebastian! Where did you fix it?"


Vaguely, the system seemed to curse lowly, and then continued to speak!

"Ding! Unfortunately, Sebastian Shaw is still alive, so the host cannot get the kill reward!"


Jiang Fan was immediately stunned!

"That guy is not dead?"

"Yes! Not dead!"

"My Ciwu..."

Jiang Fan's blue veins jumped on his forehead!

Sebastian was not dead!

But soon Jiang Fan calmed down!

The other party didn't die, so on the other hand, it also proves that this energy absorption has unlimited potential!

Forget it, there will be an order next time and kill him again!

"Wait! We will see you sooner or later!"

Jiang Fan smiled gloomily and was about to leave!

However, at this moment, he suddenly remembered that he still had a wish!

Bring up the panel attributes, and a wishing force slot suddenly appears!

"System, what exactly is this willingness used for?"

"Ding! The most important purpose of wishing power is to generate the godhead!"

"When the aspiration power reaches a certain level, according to the receiver's own ability attributes, it will sublimate a certain ability that the opponent is best at, and then condense it into a godhead!"

"In addition to this, you can also use the power of willingness as a simple energy absorption to achieve the effect of strengthening strength and increasing lifespan!"

"Or you can use your willingness to continuously purify and sublimate your body, this is a false god!"

"In addition, when there are coordinates (reminder: coordinates generally refer to altars or callers, etc., which can determine the location of the opponent, or the person or thing in the dimensional location), you can also choose to consume a varying amount of willingness to proceed. Coming!"

"still alright……"

The system has spoken out several effects of the power of wishing, and Jiang Fan was in full bloom when he listened to it!

However, Jiang Fan's willingness at the moment is only a few thousand, and it can only be said that it is better than nothing.

Fortunately, there is no end to the aspiration slot, so let the aspiration slowly accumulate.

Leaving the system space, Jiang Fan immediately went straight to the Heisei Medical Center!

It's just that when he arrived at the gate, Jiang Fan suddenly smelled a faint smell of sulfur in his nose!

The point is, the smell of this sulfur is not that kind of medicinal, on the contrary, it still carries a trace of evil!

Jiang Fan frowned slightly as he stepped into the hospital!

The scene that followed directly caused him to be trapped!

The Heisei Medical Center has been in operation for more than 100 years. There is a jujube tree planted by the predecessor who opened it in the yard. This jujube tree has grown for a hundred years, with luxuriant branches and thick trunks. It is difficult for two adults to hug it together!

And at this moment, under this big jujube tree, a group of people, headed by Ding Xuan, are climbing the tree in a hurry!

At first sight, one of the young men had climbed five or six meters, but at this moment!


Above the branches and leaves covered, a strange voice suddenly sounded!

Immediately afterwards, a green date suddenly hit the young man's forehead with the whistling wind!


The young man let out a cry, his hands loosened, and suddenly fell from the tree!

The crowd below all exclaimed!

But at this moment!


The figure flashed, and the young man was firmly caught!

It was Jiang Fan who shot it!

"Brother Jiang!"


"Great! Master is here!"

"Young Master Ding must be fine now!"

Seeing Jiang Fan's arrival, the morale of the crowd suddenly boosted!

And Jiang Fan frowned and said:

"what happened?"

"Brother Jiang, that's it! Little Treasure had been having a high fever before and couldn't move at all!"

"But as soon as I finished calling you, Little Treasure suddenly fell into his upper body, jumped up and ran!"

"A group of us chased after him, who knew this little **** actually got on the tree!"

"I have worked so hard, pulling him up with **** and piss, but I didn't realize that this kid has such a talent for sports!"

Ding Xuan seemed to be panicked, his words couldn't be more than four or six!

And a group of medical practitioners also spoke up:

"It's okay to climb the tree, Master, you don't know, this kid burned all black!"

"The key is that it still has a strange smell!"

"It's like sulfur!"

"The body is also terribly hot! Smoke is coming out of a splash of water!"


Jiang Fan's face was at a loss!

Does this mean people?

Why does it sound like the black charcoal under the barbecue?

"Okay, I'll go and see!"

Jiang Fan waved his hand and moved directly towards the tree!

But just came up seven or eight meters!


That strange voice sounded again!

Immediately afterwards, a green date had been smashed directly at Jiang Fan!

However, when the green jujube was about to hit Zhong Jiang Fan, Jiang Fan suddenly disappeared!


Hidden among the luxuriant foliage, a dark monster suddenly changed his complexion!

He was about to continue sprinting upwards, but at this moment!


Behind him, a big hand had grown out of nothing, clasping the back of his neck tightly!

It is Jiang Fan!


Jiang Fan's neck was clasped, and this thing suddenly let out a fierce roar!

The hands and feet are constantly struggling to move!

He actually flew the whole branch of the tree where he was holding the sawdust!

It's a pity, no matter how strong he roars, Jiang Fan's big hands are like alloy iron tongs, not moving at all!

Jiang Fan had already moved and returned to the yard!

With a palm of his hand, Jiang Fan stunned this thing, and Jiang Fan could see his current appearance clearly!

The face of this thing can vaguely recognize Xiaobao's appearance!

But his skin looks like black charcoal!

And the eyes are completely blood red!

There were sharp claws on the hands and feet, and there was a horn of horns on the forehead!

Jiang Fan was stunned, and finally looked at Ding Xuan:

"Brother Ding, what do you feed your children at home? This is so nutritious, right?"

Ding Xuan breathed a sigh of relief when Jiang Fan was still in the mood for joking now.

He gave a wry smile:

"Brother Jiang, Xiaobao's situation..."

"Don't worry, it should be parasitized by something!"

Jiang Fan smiled slightly.


"Yeah! It looks like a Western evil or something... Strange, has Xiaobao been exposed to anything recently?"

Jiang Fan asked curiously.

"No, since Xiaobao was kidnapped last time, I have sent double bodyguards, careful and careful, never let him come into contact with any suspicious people or things!"


Jiang Fan nodded, then stopped asking more, just stretched out a finger and tapped it directly on Xiaobao's forehead!

At the same time, the fierce and unparalleled infuriating energy has spread directly to Xiaobao's limbs!

In an instant, Jiang Fan sensed the position of Xiaobao's eyebrows, and a strange, dark energy body appeared!

Jiang Fan was waiting to refine this stuff with his true energy, but at this moment, Xiao Bao suddenly opened his eyes!

Staring at Jiang Fan fiercely!

"Human! Let go of me!"

This voice was extremely gloomy, full of cruelty and tyranny!

Everyone was taken aback and took two steps back!

"This, this is the upper body of a ghost!"

"Master! Let's find a Taoist priest!"

"There is a specialization in the surgery industry, we can't handle this job!"

A group of medical practitioners panicked!

But Jiang Fan just smiled:

"who are you?"

"I am the great undead god, Grissia Labos!"

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