"Grashiya Rabos? Seventy-two Pillar Demon God?"

Jiang Fan's expression moved!

"Hahaha! Humans, I can't think of knowing my great name! Now let go of me, I can forgive your sins and give you the glory of being my slave!"

Gridshiyarabos laughed loudly!

However, Jiang Fan's eyes were already slightly narrowed!

"How did you... parasitic on this child?"

"Bastard! You ants are not qualified to ask me questions! Now, do as I say!"

Grishia Rabos was furious!

But Jiang Fan suddenly laughed!

An extremely dangerous light gleamed in his eyes!

"Hehe, I like your kind, hard-mouthed guys!"

Hearing Jiang Fan's words, I don't know what's going on, Grashiya Rabos just felt cold all over!

There is a feeling that it is about to die!

He suddenly opened his mouth!

Suddenly, a puff of black smoke came out of Xiaobao's mouth!

After that, he plunged into the ground very quickly!

It's a pity that the black smoke hasn't touched the ground yet, a big hand has firmly gripped him to the palm of his hand!

With the black smoke erupting, Xiaobao quickly returned to his normal appearance!

"Asshole! Asshole! Let go of me!!"

The black smoke kept bursting from left to right in Jiang Fan's palm!

Unfortunately, it's useless!

"Little Treasure is okay, this thing has not been parasitic for a long time, and there will be no loss of life, but I am afraid that it will be weak for a while!"

Jiang Fan looked at Ding Xuan.

"Thank you brother Jiang!"

Ding Xuan looked grateful!

I don't know how many bridges their father and son have built in their previous lives, so they can actually meet Jiang Fan!

Otherwise, the two of them would be finished!

"You're welcome, Xiao Hu, you guys, according to what I taught you before, give Xiao Bao some nourishing medicine."

Jiang Fan gave another command to several doctors in the medical clinic!

Afterwards, he took out his cell phone and sent a text message!

Before long, the excited Necromancer rushed in!

"Master! Master! I'm here!"

"Where is that Demon God?"

"I just analyzed it, it must be a ray of soul of Grashia Labos!"

"This stuff is a big supplement!"

At this moment, Grashiya Rabos was constantly roaring in Jiang Fan's palm!

However, as soon as Curtis screamed with excitement, this guy was shocked!

"Then, who is that?"

"Why do I feel a smell of death?"

"Damn it! It's a necromancer!"

"How can there be such a thing here!"

"Bastard! Let go of me! Let go of me!!"

In an instant, the struggling of Grissia Labos more than doubled!

It's a pity that Jiang Fan's big hand is like a steel prison, no matter how hard he works, he can't shake a single trace at all!

But Curtis sniffed vigorously, and then, like a little wolf dog waiting to be fed, he rushed to Jiang Fan with a stride, staring at Jiang Fan's palm with overflowing saliva!

At this moment, that group of black smoke was being firmly bound by Jiang Fan's infuriating energy above the palm of his hand!

Curtis' eyes went red when he saw this thing!

"Sure enough! Master! Leave it to me! As long as I swallow him, I can definitely understand more!"


Grizzia Labos suddenly burst out, screaming in horror!

"Human! Let this necromancer go away! I can say anything!"

Jiang Fan motioned Curtis to stay calm, and then finally smiled at the black smoke:

"Let's talk, how did you get to Xiaobao!"

"I, I said yes, but you have to swear by your soul. After asking what you want to ask, you must let me go!"

Grashiya Rabos suddenly started bargaining.

But Jiang Fan just sneered and handed his palm to Curtis!

"Forget it, I suddenly don't want to ask, Curtis, he is yours!"


Grissia Labos suddenly howled miserably!

Then just speak directly without thinking about it:

"It's a call!"

"Someone called me!"

"But one of the sacrifices has no soul!"

"That's why I followed the induction of blood and came to this child!"

Jiang Fan was confused when he heard it, and suddenly frowned:

"More details!"

"I, I'm just a ray of divine soul, and still a trace of insignificant divine soul, just remember these!"

"Master, I probably understand!"

Curtis suddenly spoke at this moment:

"Someone should have summoned this guy, but there is something wrong with the sacrifice. It is very likely that this sacrifice is Little Treasure, or a certain part of his body..."

"For these demon gods, the sacrifices are not complete, so correspondingly, the strength will be seriously damaged!"

"That's why he will separate a ray of soul, to slowly consume the soul of Xiaobao!"

Curtis is worthy of being a master of summoning, he said it directly!

But Jiang Fan suddenly narrowed his eyes!

"Little treasure...sacrifice...incomplete body...clone?"

Jiang Fan was silent for a moment, his eyes suddenly brightened:

"Solomon's Key!"

"It's them?"

Curtis was stunned.

"It can't be wrong! The last few people who caught Little Treasure were the remnants of the Holy Light Judgment, and the Holy Light Judgment is the subordinate organization of Solomon's Key!"

"Solomon's Key has been dedicated to summoning the seventy-two pillars of the Demon God, and I want to complete the book "Solomon's Key"!"

"The place where we ended up in Mexico last time is their testing ground!"

"And this kind of huge organization, there will never be only one proving ground!"

"Now it seems that this should be something that was done in another test field!"

"Their cloning technology is unparalleled. They must have obtained Xiaobao's blood and so on to create a clone!"

"Then use the clone to summon!"

"This led to this hapless guy, parasitizing this soul on Xiaobao through a secret method!"

Jiang Fan's analysis is in full swing!

Curtis also showed a daze!

Jiang Fan looked at Grissia Labos:

"What else do you know?"

"No, I don't know, I'm just a thread..."

Grashiya Rabos opened his mouth cautiously.

It's a pity that he hadn't finished speaking, Jiang Fan flicked his finger and threw him directly into Curtis' hands!


"Praise you! My great and wise master!"

Curtis looked surprised!

"no, do not want!!"

Grissia Labos screamed suddenly!

It's a pity that Curtis opened his mouth in the next moment and swallowed him directly!

At the same time, the distant European land!


An angry roar suddenly resounded through the entire underground space!

Angelina and others shivered, all knelt on the ground, looking at the altar in the center with horror!

This altar was all covered with blood, and at this moment, a giant canine-shaped creature with black wings exuding a terrifying aura, was barking with fangs, roaring frantically!

"damn it!"

"Which **** is it! I dare to swallow my soul!"

"I curse you! I curse you will be burned by the flames of **** for ten thousand years!"

"No! It's not just you! I want to kill all the races who have your blood!"

"I want to peel and deboning you all!"

"I want to chew your souls completely!"

"I want you to live forever and scream in my stomach!"


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