God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 1554: Zhou's condition

At this moment, Jiang Fan has a look in his eyes, which can swallow the gluttony of heaven and earth!

That kind of desire and greed, even Zhou Yandao, whose scheming deepened to the extreme, this time, it was really true, and it was shocking!

He calmed down quickly, and Zhou Yandao smiled reluctantly:

"Mr. Jiang, why don't you talk about the price you want first?"

"you sure?"

Jiang Fan's mouth hooked!

Zhou Yandao was startled slightly, but then sighed.

Indeed, you don't have to think about it at all, you know that Jiang Fan's conditions are absolutely impossible for them to agree to!

So Zhou Yandao pondered for a while, and finally spoke:

"The Zhou family can give you money!"

"Haha, money? How much?"

"On the basis of the value of this batch of goods, there is an excess of 20%!"

The value of this batch of goods must be in 100 million units!

Overflowing 20% ​​of the price, this wealth makes even the devil jealous!

But Jiang Fan just smiled softly:

"Mr. Zhou, if I remember correctly, the wealth that the Zhou family got from the ruins of the Jiang family must be at least this number, a hundred times, right?"

Zhou Yandao looked stagnant!

And Jiang Fan continued to speak:

"So, if you want to use money to open the way, you'd better be able to really come up with a price that makes my heart beat!"

Zhou Yandao nodded:

"Well, in addition to money, there are a lot of pill Spirit Fruits in the Zhou Family Treasury that can improve strength, even the monster inner pill! Mr. Jiang, you should know that these things can't be bought with money! "

"not enough!"

Jiang Fan didn't move his eyelids.

"Of course! So, from now on, all of our Zhou family's properties in Lingzhou will belong to you!"

"Mr. Jiang, although the factory in Lingzhou seems to have a high degree of damage, our Zhou family has visited the site, but the foundation has not been damaged. It can be put back into production within two months at most!"

"The reconstruction work is funded by our Zhou family, and the products produced by Lingzhou in the future will be picked up by our Zhou family!"

The meaning of Zhou Yandao is self-evident!

This is not only equivalent to giving Jiang Fan Lingzhou for nothing, but also spending money to buy Jiang Fan's goods!

In other words, this is to directly let Jiang Fankong glove the White Wolf!

Jiang Fan has Xiangzhou mines in his hands, and it can be said that this is nothing at all!

It's almost the same as net profit!

However, Jiang Fan still didn't look up, just staring at his hands in a daze:

"carry on!"

Zhou Yandao's eyes twitched!

"Mr. Jiang, these benefits are already a lot!"

Jiang Fan smiled:

"Zhou Yandao, do you have to try to understand and pretend to be confused?"

"Lingzhou is engulfed by the three cities of Qingjiang, Xiangzhou, and Wucheng. Do you really think that you can continue to run Lingzhou?"

"Lingzhou, it was originally in my palm!"

"Use my things as a bargaining chip in this transaction, you are not sincere enough on this condition!"

Zhou Yandao shook his right hand, and the tea cup on his hand rippled with ripples directly——

Just like his mood at the moment!

After a moment of silence, Zhou Yandao finally spoke:

"Okay! China's seven giants, four major families, and some big powers, there is an auction of strange objects every three years!"

"This year's auction time is ten days from now!"

"This year, our Zhou family will give up the auction and give you this qualification, and you can choose three things, all of which will be paid by our Zhou family!"

Jiang Fan Gu Jing Wubo's face finally showed a smile!

This three-year auction of strange objects can be said to be China's largest auction business!

The gathering is the top forces of China!

Even in the game three years ago, even Tianding Shiji participated!

The meaning can be imagined!

Jiang Fan picked up the teapot and added another trace of tea to Zhou Yandao.

Zhou Yandao felt relieved!

But the next moment!


Jiang Fan smiled and spoke slowly!

This time, even Zhou Yandao, his face was slightly gloomy!

"Mr. Jiang, with these three conditions, the Zhou family is really sincere!"

"I can see the sincerity, but it's a little bit!"


Zhou Yandao slowly exhaled a foul breath!

After a long time, he said:

"From today, as long as you don't do it first, the Zhou family will never trouble you for the least!"

"This agreement can be signed!"

"And the Zhou family will never destroy the contract by any means!"


Jiang Fan laughed!

But Zhou Yandao finally let out a long breath, stretched out his arm in disregard of dignity and wiped the fine sweat from his forehead!

Then, he hurriedly picked up the teacup in front of him and drank it all in one go!

"Mr. Zhou, you don't need to be so nervous, you see, I am just as sincere!"

"Hehe, yeah, yeah!"

Zhou Yandao barely showed a smile!

Soon, the two parties have signed all the above four contracts!

And Jiang Fan took out his cell phone very happily and sent two text messages!

"Mr. Zhou, you can pick up the goods in Lingzhou in twelve hours at the latest!"

"Thank you, Mr. Jiang!"

Zhou Yandao finally showed a real smile.

"You're welcome, by the way, I'm also going to deliver food, please feel free to do it!"

Jiang Fan smiled, turned around and left Qingzhuxuan!

Standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows, watching Jiang Fan pedaling away, Zhou Yandao finally showed a meaningful smile on his face!

For these four conditions, the Zhou family seemed to have suffered a great loss, and even gave up the idea of ​​revenge against Jiang Fan, but in fact, if you change the angle, the Zhou family will have no loss at all!

That is, Jiang Fan will die!

Jiang Fan will never let the Zhou family go!

This is a sure thing!

According to Zhou Yandao's speculation, after Jiang Fan's wings are full, he will definitely use the power of thunder to go to the capital to pacify Zhou's house!

As for Zhou's family, it has already started to decorate, just waiting for Jiang Fan to throw in the net!

As soon as Jiang Fan died, no matter how much benefit he gave him, in the end, it was Zhou's family!

As for the last item, I would never provoked Jiang Fan. On the surface, it seemed to give Jiang Fan a chance to grow, but in fact, it was also time for the Zhou family to contact allies!

To put it simply, this time, from the perspective of the Zhou family, it is indeed a complete loss!

It won’t be long before this benefit will be fully recovered!


At this moment, the sound of the wind flashed!

It turned out that Zhou Yuanhe went and returned!

It's just that his face is still gloomy at the moment!


Zhou Yuanhe spoke coldly.


Zhou Yandao nodded respectfully.

"What are the conditions?"

Zhou Yandao immediately recounted what had happened before!

Zhou Yuanhe was not surprised, after all, Zhou Yandao had already stated all these conditions before coming to the teahouse.

"It's a pity, otherwise I really want to kill this little beast now!"

"Grandpa, don't worry, Jiang Fan will go to the capital sooner or later, he can't run away!"

"Huh! I hope so!"

Zhou Yuanhe snorted coldly:

"Since the talk is over, let's go and go back to the capital!"

"Grandpa, please go back first, I also want to see a friend."

"It's up to you!"

Zhou Yuanhe turned around and left.

Zhou Yandao was silent for a moment, then smiled suddenly, and then left!

And not long after Zhou Yandao left, Jiang Fan, who should have left long ago, actually returned to the private room again!

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