Standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows, watching Zhou Yandao's car drift away, Jiang Fan suddenly spoke:

"Staring at Zhou Yandao and Zhou Yuanhe, before they leave Los Angeles, no matter what they do, they will contact me directly!"


With this response, Curtis, the newly promoted master, appeared at the same time!

It turned out that when Zhou Yandao contacted Jiang Fan, he had already let Curtis secretly hide next door!

If you reach the Grand Master level, if you try to converge your breath, even if the opponent is two or three levels higher, you will definitely not be able to find it!

Although the Zhou family said it was here to negotiate, Jiang Fan has always prepared with both hands!

It's fine if you have a good talk, then just do it!

But I didn't expect that this time, Zhou Yandao was the only one who came to Zhou's family!

However, Curtis and others exposed that Jiang Fan still drove Zhou Yuanhe out!

Standing quietly at the window and watching for a while, Jiang Fan suddenly smiled meaningfully:

"Unexpectedly, Zhou Jiaran gave me such a few benefits!"

"Master, it seems that the Zhou family is more sincere!"

"Sincere? Hehe, the benefits they promised are just to keep me here!"

"Brother Fan, what do you mean?"

"Is it unclear? No matter how much money or benefits are given to me, as long as I die, these are still theirs!"


"Does the Zhou family still have to attack you?"

"But the contract has been signed!"

Several people looked surprised!

However, Jiang Fan shook his head:

"You have entered a misunderstanding, don't forget our purpose for doing all this, what is it!"

All is a stunned!

Only Yue Jian said coldly:

"Destroy the Zhou family!"


Jiang Fan smiled softly:

"So the Zhou family is not afraid to sign the contract at all, because they know that sooner or later I will come to the door! They are waiting for me to take the initiative to break the contract!"

"Even I can think that from this moment on, the Zhou family will definitely contact allies and masters from all walks of life, and wait for me to take the initiative to enter the urn!"

"Hehe, I want to fight a decisive battle with me, and I will do my best in one battle!"

"Damn! These bastards!"

"Master, just do it now and kill Zhou Yandao and them all!"

A few people looked ruthless!

However, Jiang Fan shook his head.

"Can't kill!"

Everyone was taken aback!

But Jiang Fan stared at the crowd coming and going outside the window.

It took a long time to speak:

"Of course the Zhou family needs time to contact allies and wait for me to enter the urn, but don't I need time to grow my wings?"

"So even if I know clearly that this is just a delay in the Zhou family, I still can only agree to it!"


Jiang Fan suddenly smiled:

"This hand is a hundred times better than Zhou Yuande and Zhou Yuanwang's fueling tactics..."

"Such a shame..."

"Zhou's family, there is an expert!"

Everyone is shocked!

The face is unbelievable!

Jiang Fan, was it calculated this time?

There are people who can calculate Jiang Fan?

But looking at Jiang Fan's expression, not only was he not annoyed, he seemed to be excited?

"Master, isn't this Zhou Yuanwang's idea?"

Curtis asked tentatively.

Jiang Fan shook his head:

"This is definitely not something Zhou Yuanwang can think of! Zhou Jing can't do it either! He is too tender!"

"Zhou Yandao?"

Yue Jianhan spoke again!


Jiang Fan was taken aback!

Zhou Yandao's performance just now seemed to be good, but his eyes flickered and he was full of cowardice. It really didn't look like a wise man!

"How could you doubt him?"

Jiang Fan looked at Yue Jianhan curiously.

Yue Jianhan frowned:



The crowd waved!

Jiang Fan pondered for a moment:

"It's not impossible, but no matter how he moves or looks in his eyes just now, there are indeed no flaws!"

"Such a person is either really a coward, or..."

Jiang Fan slowly spoke with a solemn tone:

"...I'm afraid it will be more difficult than Qiu Yuanfeng!"

Everyone's complexion changed!

Although Qiu Yuanfeng is dead, he almost destroyed the entire Jiang family before!

At that time, if Jiang Fan hadn't hesitated to die and had diverted the attention of the Zhou family in Goryeo, at this moment, none of them would have survived!

After the Battle of Twilight City, if Jiang Fan's strength had not exceeded the limit of Qiu Yuanfeng's vision, even if it were to change to a grandmaster, there would only be a halberd to sink the sand!

If Zhou Yandao's scheming is still above Qiuyuan Peak, then I am afraid, this guy is the real enemy!

"My lord, I will kill him!"

Number two's complexion sank!


Jiang Fan waved his hand.

"Even if it is Zhou Yandao, there is no way to kill him now! Don't forget the contract!"

Everyone was taken aback, and Jiang Fan had already spoken lazily:

"Let's go, go home!"

In fact, Zhou Yandao may not be unable to kill, for this batch of goods, the Zhou family will definitely grit their teeth and endure!

It's just that Zhou Yandao didn't make a mistake. Perhaps Jiang Fan is really too proud!

Just like facing Yang Qi, facing Wang Wenjie!

He clearly knew that the other party would keep burying his opponents, but for that hearty revenge, he still kept giving the other party opportunities, making the other party continue to be desperate and completely swallowed up!

This kind of pride, I am afraid that even Jiang Fan himself did not notice it!

However, there are not few people who know Jiang Fan’s weakness, and enough people take advantage of this weakness!

But without exception, those people all failed!

Zhou Yandao's calculation was successful this time, so why didn't Jiang Fan take the initiative to enter the urn?

Carrying the momentum of the thunderbolt, to completely destroy the Zhou family, so carefree, so fierce, so crazy, that Jiang Fan has imagined countless times in his heart, the real revenge!


A group of people have returned to Jiangzhai!

As soon as Jiang Fan entered the villa, he saw the tablet that was still charging!

His eyes lit up suddenly!

After charging for a day, why should it be finished?

But it hasn't waited for him to walk over!

"Ding Ding Ding!"

The phone rang suddenly!

Jiang Fan took it casually, and Lu Zhenglong's voice immediately rang from the other side:

"Mr. Jiang, Zhou Yandao and Zhou Yuanhe have all gone directly to the airport just now, and have not been in contact with anyone else!"


Jiang Fan was about to hang up, but at this moment!

"However, Zhou Yuanhe returned to the capital, but Zhou Yandao got on the plane to Yucheng!"

"Yu Cheng?"

Jiang Fan was startled, he always felt that someone had mentioned this place!

But at this moment!

"Ding! You have a new takeaway order!"

The system prompt sounded suddenly!

"It is said that there is a scenic camp in this world!"

"There seems to be some kind of magic in this camp, which keeps attracting people to come!"

"But only those who really come know that this is not heaven, but the most terrifying hell!"

"Because the name of this camp is called—Crystal Lake!"

Listening to the system prompt, Jiang Fan was stunned!

Can't think about other things anymore!

Crystal Lake!

It turned out to be Crystal Lake!

My client...

"Ding! Please give Jason a hot duck blood vermicelli soup!"

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