God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 1559: Bone Knife in Zhenguanxi

Seeing time is running out, Jiang Fan finally looks at Jason!

"Remember what you said! Be a good man!"


Jason nodded repeatedly!

Jiang Fan's brutal attack disappeared, and Jason suddenly became dumb again!

"Also, if you have trouble in the future, continue to order my takeaway!"

"When I come again next time, I will completely take you away!"

After speaking, Jiang Fan waved his hand directly at Kris and so on!

"System! Back!"


White light flashed!

Jiang Fan has returned to the system space!

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for obtaining 4212 causality points!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for acquiring Jason's absolute fear-hockey mask!"

"Ding! Since the host reward has been doubled, a bronze-level lottery draw is specially awarded!"


There is only one bronze prize draw!

Jiang Fan casually called out the lottery roulette, and then turned hard!

next moment!

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for obtaining-Zhenguanxi's Bone Knife!"

Jiang Fan picked up this thing and looked at it, and saw that the knife was only 30 centimeters long. The handle of the pear wood had been paved, and the blade was shimmering with cold light. It was extremely sharp at first sight!

Boning Knife in Zhenguanxi: Special Bronze Equipment

Function: Kitchenware

Introduction: This is a knife used to cut bones and cartilage in slaughter. The knife has a short body and a hard texture. It can also be used to cut meat or as a skinning knife.

Attribute: When cutting with this equipment, there is a certain chance to get higher quality ingredients!

Remarks: This is the favorite knife of Zheng Butcher, nicknamed "Zhen Guanxi". Unfortunately, he was beaten to death by a strong man with three punches, and this knife was also missing!


It's actually a piece of kitchenware!

The last time I got the kitchenware was the "tiger-patterned bronze tripod" I got in Shencheng!

The probability of obtaining this thing is almost lower than that of blood!

nice one!

Good stuff!

The effect of the tiger-patterned bronze tripod is that the boiled pork bone soup will increase the training speed by more than ten times!

But if you use this deboning knife to improve the quality of pork bones, wouldn't the broth made out of it be stronger?

Jiang Fanqiang resisted the urge to try, and looked at the mask again!

Hockey Mask (First Generation Basic Edition): This is a mask that Jason picked up casually, and its abilities have not been completely released!

Note: With this item, conscience and emotion will be deprived of all!

Tip: Put on this mask, you will feel an uncontrollable bloodthirsty impulse, and you will be deeply addicted to the killing!

Warning: The minimum time limit for bloodthirsty impulse is no less than ten minutes!

This thing is useless!

After wearing it, there is no value except to become a perverted killer!

Jiang Fan shook his head. Although this thing is rubbish, it's not a loss to get another kitchenware...

and so on!

Looking at the mask in his hand, a thought in Jiang Fan's mind suddenly flashed like a sparkle!


This thing might be of great use in the future!

Putting away the two props, Jiang Fan finally left the system space!


The next step is to test the power of this deboning knife!

Jiang Fan went straight to the vegetable market!

Although it is getting late at the moment, two butcher shops are still open in the market!

Jiang Fan entered the house casually, rounded up all the remaining big bones, and then returned to Jiang's house enthusiastically!

Before Jiang Fan asked Lu Zhenglong, Zhong Shu and others to select many subordinates with sufficient loyalty and teach them the Nine Suns Truth!

In order for these people to be quick, Jiang Fan kept the tiger-patterned bronze tripod in Jiangzhai!

Back at Jiang's house, Jiang Fan immediately went into the kitchen!

Then, picked up this Eviscerate from Zhenguanxi, and started to face a bunch of big bones!

Along with Jiang Fan's continuous meat picking and cutting, the system prompts also sounded continuously!

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for getting the low-grade big bones!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for getting the low-grade meat tendons!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for obtaining medium-grade bone marrow!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for getting a medium-grade big bone!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host..."

Soon, tens of kilograms of big bones were all cut by Jiang Fan!

Nearly half of them were actually upgraded in quality!

Jiang Fan chose a few medium-grade big bones and threw them into the tiger-patterned bronze cauldron, and then started cooking with a look of excitement!

Soon, with bursts of fragrance wafting out, the system prompt officially sounded!

"Ding! Congratulations on getting the top grade pork bone soup!"

The effect of pork bone soup, although the theoretical value can reach twenty times, but it is only a theory after all!

Adding my own culinary proficiency before, it is an increase of 11 times at most, and the lasting effect is only 12 hours!

But with this pot, the whole effect has changed!

Pork Bone Soup: Within 24 hours after consumption, the training speed is increased 15 times!

Additional attributes of mid-level ingredients: All defenses are increased by 5% during the existence of the effect of the pork bone soup!


The middle-grade ones have this effect, what about the top-grade ones? What about the boutique? What about the best?

It seems that if there is a chance in the future, I have to continue to improve this boning knife!

At this moment, smelling the scent of bone soup, Long Yan was the first to come over!

Before Jiang Fan could speak, this product had already scooped up a bowl and drank it all!


Long Yan's eyes widened directly!

"It smells so good! It smells so good!"

"Brother Fan! This bowl of soup is so exciting!"

"It's so delicious than the meaty bones you made before!"

And hearing Long Yan's exclamation, the others followed curiously!

Just a taste, everyone suddenly showed surprise expressions!

"This is a medium-grade ingredient, it must taste different! After drinking the soup, hurry up and practice!"

Jiang Fan directly ordered!

A group of people rushed to drink the soup, not knowing if they heard it!

Jiang Fan shook his head, and went straight back to the villa!

At this moment, the tablet is still charging!

Jiang Fan rubbed his hands with excitement and finally picked up the tablet!

The points here are worth at least 800,000 causal points!

"Hehehe, baby! Dad is here!"

Jiang Fan pressed the power button!


The tablet still has no response!

No matter how many times Jiang Fan tried, it was still like that!

Jiang Fan's face became heavier and heavier, and finally he was directly angry!

Picked up the phone and called Fiona directly!

"Jiang Fan? It's a coincidence that you called. I was about to talk to you about your remote exchange computer..."

"Damn! So you know that there is a problem! I am also a lord of my size. Don't you check the products before they go out?"

Jiang Fan is angry!

But Fiona was taken aback!

"You, how do you know something is wrong?"

"Nonsense! I've been charging for a day, this ghost can't turn on at all!"

"Ah? But...your remote exchange computer was sent out last night! Did you receive it so soon?"

Fiona looked blank!

And Jiang Fan was also stunned!

"It was only sent out last night?"

"Yes! The one sent to you before, the technical department said something wrong, and re-arranged it..."

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