Fiona is still explaining, and Jiang Fan's face has gone dark and gloomy!

"Fiona, this tablet, I received it yesterday afternoon!"

"This is impossible!"

Fiona suddenly exclaimed!

"Jiang Fan, could you make a mistake?"

"No! There is an exclusive logo for the Sword of Thorns on this, you can't go wrong!"

Jiang Fan said coldly!

Fiona's face changed completely!

Only the Sword of Thorns knows about shipping to Jiang Fan!

But after the technical department had a problem with the front foot, Jiang Fan received the fake tablet on the back foot!

What a coincidence!

"Jiang Fan, I will check it now!"

Fiona hurriedly spoke!

But Jiang Fan's tone was plain:

"It's already obvious who did it. At the very least, the technical staff who contacted you can't get rid of the relationship! What I want to know now is whether there will be problems with my points!"

Fiona was silent for a moment, and finally spoke slowly:

"...Normally, no!"

"That means there might be a problem?"

Fiona sighed:

"Yes! Jiang Fan, your points are probably stolen!"

Jiang Fan's expression was ugly to the extreme in an instant!

But the more this time, the calmer he is!


Jiang Fan slowly spit out a foul breath!

After a long time, he said:

"Can you get it back?"

Fiona explained:

"Jiang Fan, I once told you that in order to maintain the fairness of points, the Sword of Thorns system is controlled by a brain!"

"This brain will ensure that the points will never be tampered with, or it will prevent the use of points to increase the authority!"

"However, this does not include normal transactions!"

"Because the points under normal transactions will not have the effect of enhancing the authority!"

"If the other party steals your information and provides Zhi Brain with a false transaction information, then your points belong to another person!"

"In this case, unless the other party takes the initiative to trade to you, or we cheat the points back in the same way, otherwise, there is no other way!"

After listening to Fiona, Jiang Fan was relieved!

As long as there is a way!

"Very well, I see, goodbye!"

"Wait! Jiang Fan, are you not afraid of your points being spent?"

Fiona was taken aback!

Jiang Fan sneered:

"The other party will not be so stupid! Such a huge amount of points is hacked, then what will the rest of the people think?"

"No matter who did this thing, he is adventuring with the prestige of the sword of thorns!"

"It's the limit to cheat away my points! If you still want to spend it, it's just killing yourself!"

Fiona was startled, and suddenly asked:

"Jiang Fan, do you know who did it?"

"Hehe, how could I know?"

Jiang Fan asked with a smile, and hung up the phone!

And the moment the phone hung up, Jiang Fan's expression was completely gloomy!

"Libra! You bastard!"

"It's okay to make that idiot Liandre trouble me over and over again!"

"Now, I even dare to black out Lao Tzu's points!"

"very good……"

In fact, it is too obvious who the other party is!

Inside the Sword of Thorns, who didn't know that Jiang Fan was the most important lord of Isaac!

And not only Isaac, but even Master Joshua also favors him!

The key is that Jiang Fan is also Lord Field's savior!

It's too late for others to flatter him, so how can he be in the mood to provoke him?

The only person who has hatred with Jiang Fan is Liandel!

And such a big thing, obviously not a small lord Liander can carry it down!

The real man behind the scenes must be behind him, that Libra!

"If you take my points, you can't spend it..."

"Hehe, you want to be a bargaining chip and negotiate terms with me?"

"But, old stuff! You got the wrong person this time!"

The fierce light flickered in Jiang Fan's eyes!

at this time!


Wang Yi suddenly walked in!

"what's up?"

Jiang Fan frowned!

"Song Yue's phone rang, it was Song Minghe's call!"

"give me!"

Jiang Fan answered the call and clicked directly!

The next moment, Song Minghe's slightly anxious voice sounded quickly!

"How did you answer the phone! Do you know I'm so worried! Why haven't I come back?"

Song Minghe was full of anger, and in the study, he patted the table while questioning loudly!

However, the next moment!

The anger on his face turned into fear in an instant!

Just because of the phone, a male voice full of magnetism and mockery suddenly rang!

"Sorry, they can't go back!"

Song Minghe was silent for three full seconds, and then suddenly he let out a scream, full of incredible screams!

"Jiang Fan?!"

"Why do you seem surprised?"

Jiang Fan smiled softly!

And Song Minghe was blinded!

"No, it's impossible! You, you can't be alive!"

"That's four sixteenth levels!"

"There are seven fourteenth levels!"

"Even if you can kill the fifteenth-level grandmaster, you should definitely die!"

Song Minghe's face is unbelievable!

"Tsk tusk, Mr. Song, it seems that you haven't learned the lessons of those in the Zhou family at all! I have counted the past times, but whoever wants to kill me Jiang Fan will die!"

Jiang Fan was full of sneers!

Song Minghe trembled all over!

"You, you killed them all?"

"Otherwise? Sell it to Siam for ass?"

"Then, what about my daughter?"

"Oh, she's still alive!"

Song Minghe suddenly breathed a sigh of relief!


The daughter is still alive!

"Jiang Fan! Send Song Yue back to me immediately! Otherwise--"

"Sorry, your daughter is now receiving education on human rights and freedom from Citigroup. She must be reluctant to think about it now. I am afraid that she will not be able to return in this life!

"what did you say?!"

Song Minghe was stunned!

But immediately, he was furious!

"Jiang Fan! I warn you! If you dare—"

Song Minghe suddenly roared!

However, what greeted him was Jiang Fan's even more terrifying roar!

"Shut up to Lao Tzu!"

Song Minghe's body trembled, but Jiang Fan's roar full of murderous intent was so shocked that he really closed his mouth!

And Jiang Fan's gloomy voice has slowly sounded!

"Song Minghe, your dog's head seems to be unable to wake up forever!"

"So, I can tell you very bluntly now that the Song family has only two ways to go next!"

"First, send me the body of the main messenger this time to Los Angeles!"

"Secondly, the Song family and I are endlessly dying!"

"You, are you crazy?"

Song Minghe was stunned!

But Jiang Fan just sneered!

"The last person who said that to me is now lying in mud three feet deep!"


Hang up the phone!

Song Minghe looked at the hung-up cell phone, and his whole body was completely sluggish!

for a long time!

"No, no! I have to contact my father quickly!"

Song Minghe was sweating profusely, desperately looking for a mobile phone on the table!

But he forgot, the phone is clearly always in his hand!

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