God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 1568: What kind of dog is this

A group of people looked at Jiang Fan with dull faces!

"This, this guy, really is not a human!"

"These monsters are terrible!"

"Forget about evolution! You can still evolve so handsome!"

"I have lived for more than 20 years, and yet no monster looks good!"

"It's not fair!"

"The point is, why is there a Tairitian at his feet?"

The crowd is babbling!

However, they reacted soon!

Direct the gun in your hand at Jiang Fan!

"Don't come over! Otherwise we will shoot!"

Jiang Fan didn't say much, just took the hot chicken in his hand and revealed it!

In an instant, that hot and passionate scent rushed directly into everyone's nostrils!


"This, what is this?"

"It smells so good! It smells so good!"

"Saliva can't be controlled at all!"

"Little brother! We believe you are definitely not a monster!"

"Just give me a bite, and I will mix with you in the future!"

A group of people threw their guns, and they all rushed towards Jiang Fan with saliva!

Anyway, this time I ordered a huge portion, Jiang Fan simply rewarded one piece!

After this group of people got it, they immediately threw them into their mouths!

"Oh my God!"

"What exactly is this?"

"The delicious ones are crying!"

"The key is, this hot feeling! It actually made me mention endless courage!"

"I am not afraid of seeing aliens! I am more nervous! Not afraid of not afraid!"

"It's not afraid to sleep alone! Courage is a quilt! Not afraid or not afraid!"

The crowd was full of excitement!

The look in Jiang Fan's eyes is full of worship!

This little man is really a takeaway!

The key is that they dare to come here to deliver food, this kind of courage is simply their idol!

Seeing everyone's emotions stabilized, Jiang Fan finally spoke:

"Why didn't you see Ripley?"

"Are you here to see Ripley?"

A soldier who seemed to be the leader asked.

This person is the protagonist of Alien 2, Hicks!

"Well! I'm here this time, just to deliver food to Ripley, where is she?"

"I asked her to rest. She should be sleeping with that little girl Newt now!"

Hicks said, pointing to another corridor in the distance!

Jiang Fan was startled, his face suddenly sinking!

In the original plot, as the person in charge of the company this time, Burke has always wanted to bring the Alien back and make a fortune!

So when Ripley and Newt were resting, he directly put the face-holding bug in!

I want the two of Ripley to be parasited!

And I received an order from Ripley and came to this time period again, obviously because of this!

Jiang Fan didn't hesitate anymore, and hurried to that side directly!

Hicks and the others looked gloomy, and suddenly felt bad for a while, and they hurriedly followed!

Soon, a group of people came to a rest area changed from a laboratory!

Here is an airtight room made entirely of special tempered glass!

This room is a temporary rest area!

And at this moment, Ripley and Newt's faces are being held fast by two monsters similar to the hybrid between spiders and scorpions!

This thing is exactly the worm!

And just outside the room, a man with a grim face and excitement in his eyes is laughing lowly!

This man is the villain, Burke!

"Ripley! You bitch!"

"Tell you not to cooperate with me! Deserve it!"

"Now that you have been parasitized, I see what you do!"

"This alien, you must bring it back to me!"


Burke Yin couldn't help laughing!

But when he saw the crowd coming, he was taken aback!

Then, run away!

The crowd didn't know what was going on at this moment, but when they saw the parasitized Ripley, they didn't even bother to take care of him!

Hicks said nothing, raising the gun and aiming at the tempered glass for a burst of fire!

"Da da da da!"

The glass was banged!

However, only a few scratches were left on the glass!

This special tempered glass is unexpectedly hard!

But feeling the gunshots outside, the face-holding bug squirmed faster!

Even through the glass, everyone could clearly see that Ripley's throat was trembling!

Obviously, the face worm had injected the alien cub into her body!

Everyone panicked!

"Damn it!"

"It's over!"


A group of people are desperate!

But at this moment!

"Let let!"

Jiang Fan suddenly strode out, and then, just when everyone didn't react, he hit with a punch, and the hardness was exaggerated to the limit of the glass!



The glass, which was helpless by bullets before, was directly exploded into debris!

Everyone was stunned!

I can't believe my eyes!

Is this a fist?

This is a rocket launcher!

The key is, why do you have such a strong combat effectiveness as a food delivery person!

And at the moment the glass shattered, riches and honours had already rushed in!

Just one bite on Ripley's face, the face-bearing bug!


A large amount of green blood flowed directly from the wound of the worm holding the face!

"not good!"

"Quickly let your dog shut up!"

"The blood of this monster is all strong acid!"

"Even space alloys can corrode!"

"As long as your dog gets a little touched, it will definitely die-Sri Lanka!"

"I buy Karma!!"

A group of people who were still panicked before, directly stunned!

I saw that the strong acid blood flowing out of the worm was actually swallowed by the rich!

The point is that not only did this dog have nothing to do, but his eyes brightened!

Almost three times and five divided by two, he gobbled it up and ate the whole face-carrying bug clean!

No blood was wasted!

And after eating this one quickly, Fortune has already rushed to the one on Newt's face again!

The crowd opened their mouths wide and their faces were dumbfounded!


"Sheng Tun Hugging Face Worm?"

"Better than eating crispy bone skewers!"

"What kind of dog is this special?"

"It's crazy! The deliveryman's dog is so hungry too!"

After being eaten by the rich and honorable, Ripley finally coughed violently!

And Jiang Fan strode directly over and held Ripley in one hand!

"Jiang Fan?!"

When Ripley saw Jiang Fan, she was overjoyed!

Before, she was parasitized by a worm holding her face, and her heart was full of despair!

After all, this thing injected the alien egg into the human body, and then the terrible picture that burst out of her chest was a nightmare she didn't want to even dream of recalling!

When she thought of the horror picture of the alien coming out of her, she was desperate and terrified!

She was already ready to commit suicide!

However, unexpectedly, Jiang Fan actually appeared!

As long as you eat the takeaway delivered by Jiang Fan, you can definitely sit back and relax!

Seeing that Ripley actually knew Jiang Fan, the crowd was taken aback!

"Ripley, do you know him?"

Hicks looked surprised!

"Of course! He is what I told you, the Jiang Fan who saved us on the Nostromo!"


"It's him?"

"How is this possible!"

"That's been over fifty years ago!"

The crowd was shocked!

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