God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 1569: Why is it upside down

And hearing the words of the crowd, Ripley also remembered!

I have been asleep for more than fifty years!

She didn't expect that now, after listening to others, she discovered that Jiang Fan was actually the same as before!

"Jiang Fan! You, are you also asleep in space?"

"Hehe, Ripley, why are you here? Where are the others on the Nostromo?"

Jiang Fan changed the subject directly.

But when asked about this, Ripley was suddenly excited!

"After you left, we went to sleep again!"

"But I didn't expect that the spacecraft would malfunction during sleep!"

"We have been drifting in space for more than fifty years!"

"Until I encountered the company's rescue boat, I was re-awakened!"

"After returning to the company, the others didn't want to set sail anymore because they encountered this monster!"

"I didn't intend to continue in this business, but I didn't expect that the company would colonize this planet!"

"I reported to the company what I encountered alien, but it didn't get attention!"

"After that, something happened in the colony, so I was invited by the company!"

Ripley just finished explaining, she suddenly covered her chest!

His face was even more painful!

Obviously it is the alien egg in the body, it is about to start to develop!

"Jiang Fan!"

Ripley was panicked!

Jiang Fan smiled slightly, and directly showed the hot and spicy chicken!

"Great! You really brought this here!"

As soon as she saw this, Ripley was overjoyed, her eyes lit up, and she took the takeaway directly!

At this moment, the little girl Newt also woke up!

As soon as I smelled the scent of takeaway, I could hardly control it and rushed up!

The two feasted, and soon, a delicious spicy chicken was swept away by them!

And just after eating the takeaway, both of them shook their bodies immediately, and then a mouth sprayed out a puff of dark smoke!

The whole person also showed an extremely relaxed expression!

This is a special-shaped egg that has entered their bodies, which has been burnt directly into blue smoke by the hot chicken!

"Jiang Fan! Thank you! If it weren't for you, we would definitely be dead this time!"

Ripley looked grateful!

"You're welcome!"

Jiang Fan smiled slightly, and then suddenly spoke:

"How did this worm get in?"

Ripley was taken aback, and suddenly reacted!

"It's Burke! It must be this bastard!"


The crowd was taken aback!

"Why did he do this?"

"for money!"

Ripley looked angry:

"This bastard! He wants me and Newt to breed aliens, then freeze our bodies and ship them back!"

"In this way, you can pass the quarantine station. No one knows that he will bring back a monster!"

The crowd was stunned!

And Ripley has already looked at Jiang Fan!

"Jiang Fan! You must stop Burke! Otherwise, once this **** brings back the power, humanity will be over!"

"Ding! Ripley has released a side mission to you-stop it!"

"Quest detailed: use any means to prevent Burke from bringing back the alien!"

"Does the host take it?"

"Take it!"

you still need to ask!

Jiang Fan tempted Ripley to say these things, before deliberately letting Burke go, just waiting to inspire this side mission!

You know, he covets more than the aliens on this planet!

He himself has an important title!

Capitalist nemesis!

Capitalist Nemesis: Title

Attribute: In a world with world-class capitalists, every minute the host stays, he will get 1 causality point!

Remarks: Only when the world's top capitalist is eliminated can there be a certain chance of dropping this title!

Tip: This title does not need to be activated, it takes effect passively! And can be used in stacks!

In this world, Ripley and the others are all monopoly employees of the huge spaceship company!

It meets the requirements of the title too much!

As long as you don't complete the task, you can stay here forever!

Stay on yourself for a while, then earn more!

Jiang Fan has just taken over the task here!


Suddenly there were shots in the distance!

The faces of a group of soldiers changed drastically!

"Not good! It's the defensive turret that was arranged before!"

"That group of monsters must have killed it!"

"Oh, hurry over!"

"What about rushing over? We are not opponents to those monsters at all!"

The crowd is in chaos!

However, Jiang Fan smiled slightly!

"Don't panic, it's no big deal!"

The crowd was taken aback!

And Jiang Fan patted his wealth!

"Go to Burke, don't kill it!"

Wealthy screamed, and rushed out quickly!

Jiang Fan strode in the direction where the gunfire came from!

The group looked at each other, and finally gritted their teeth, and they all followed Jiang Fan!

For them, this man is really full of mystery!

The key is that his strength has exceeded everyone's imagination!

Perhaps the most correct choice is to stay with him now!


The crowd has come to the corridor where the gun tower is arranged!

However, as soon as they saw the sight here, everyone gasped!

At this moment, the two machine guns are frantically spitting out tongues of fire!

And their goal is exactly a large densely packed alien!

There are simply too many aliens, to a heinous level!

Almost filled the entire corridor!

At least hundreds of them!

And one after another!

Despite the blood flowing from the shell being hit by the machine gun, as long as there is still a breath, you will rush before you desperately!

Everyone was stunned by the fierceness of this creature!

He was so stiff that he didn't even dare to lift the muzzle!

And at this moment!


The two gun turrets suddenly made an empty noise!

Surprisingly, the bullets have been exhausted!

But at this moment, the group of aliens paused at the same time, and the next moment, they roared at the crowd, and rushed up!

That's it!

Everyone's mind is blank!

But at this moment!


Jiang Fan flicked his right hand, and a long sword that exuded wisps of water and mist, like a work of art, had suddenly appeared!

Shuiyu Zimu Sword!

And the moment this long sword just appeared, it had already flew out of thin air, and suddenly shot at a group of aliens!

Suddenly it was Jiang Fan who started, Yu Jianshu!

next moment!

"Puff puff puff puff puff!!"

Where the Shuiyu Zi-mother sword passed, countless aliens all screamed that they were killed twice!

Full of corrosive blood, it is sprinkled all over the sky!

The entire corridor instantly turned into a terrifying slaughterhouse!

At the same time, in Jiang Fan's ear, the system prompt sounded like a screen swipe!

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for killing Alien! Successfully obtained 100 Karma Points!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for killing the alien! The Shuiyu Zimother Sword gives 20 causal points!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for killing Alien! Successfully obtained 100 Karma Points!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for killing the alien! The Shuiyu Zimother Sword gives 20 causal points!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for killing the alien..."

Jiang Fan was desperate for causality, and the title of mosquito legs was neglected, and the feedback of the Shuiyu Zimujian did not fall!

In the face of the Shuiyu Zimu Sword, the alien was still resisting at first!

He even tried to corrupt this weapon with his own blood!

However, the Shuiyu Zimu Sword is too fast!

Often when the sword light flashes, an alien is chopped into pieces!

In the end, even the aliens who don't know what fear is, are stunned!

Shouldn’t it be yourself, the most ferocious species in this world?

Why is it upside down now?


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