God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 1570: I Jiangfan Humane Lighthouse

Seeing that in just ten seconds, the alien who was still aggressive before has already died more than half!

The remaining aliens are finally panicked!

Aoao screaming, ran away!

However, Jiang Fan has been eyeing them, even if they want to run now, they have no way at all!

The Shuiyu Zimu Sword suddenly rushed to the end of the corridor and directly blocked the remaining alien shapes!

Alien this kind of monster is worthy of a natural killing machine!

When I saw that the back road was blocked, I actually seemed to understand what was going on!

A few of them were left behind, and the rest rushed towards Jiang Fan and the others like crazy!

In order to survive, the remaining aliens have soared in speed!

He was in front of Jiang Fan almost instantly!

The crowd suddenly exclaimed!

But Jiang Fan just disdainfully smiled!

Facing the alien who rushed up first, he just slapped up!


A loud noise!

This alien flew upside down suddenly!

There was a sudden burst, the highest scream in history!

And when it was still flying upside down, its entire body trembled suddenly, and then it was directly exploded into pieces of meat in the sky!

The few aliens that followed it were all dumbfounded!


This human being is even more terrifying than that flying sword!


For an instant, the remaining aliens dared not rush towards Jiang Fan, turned around and ran!

But just as they moved, the Shuiyu Zi-Mother Sword had passed from them in a flash!

Then, he flew into Jiang Fan's hands again!


The rest of the aliens are all down!

So far, in just half a minute, these hundreds of aliens were all killed by Jiang Fan!

At this moment, the entire corridor is full of alien bodies!

It's like a brutal slaughter scene!

The crowd was completely stunned!

too exaggerated!

Really chop melons and vegetables!

For them, aliens that are more terrifying than natural disasters, they did not expect that in front of Jiang Fan, they would actually look like ants, so vulnerable!

You can't even run away!

"Jiang Fan, no! Great God! You are too hungry!"

"With you, facing this kind of monster, it's almost flat!"

"You are like a little mother going to space-the world is awesome!"

"Great God! How did you control this sword just now? Why didn't you see the remote control?"

The crowd was chattering, they all looked at Jiang Fan with excitement!

Jiang Fan smiled slightly!

"Let's go, there are more monsters waiting for us to remove them!"

"Huh? Continue?"

Everyone was taken aback!

"Jiang Fan, just blow up this planet!"

Ripley said even more!

However, Jiang Fan has a sad expression on his face!

"No! Even if you want to explode, you have to see if there are any survivors!"

"And, Burke is still alive!"

"Although he is wicked, he is also a life!"

The crowd didn't know that Jiang Fan was purely for scoring points!

Hearing this, all of them looked admired!

"I didn't expect the great **** to be so kind!"

"It's great! It's a beacon of humanity!"

"The character of the great **** is so noble, it really makes me feel ashamed!"

"All listen to the great god! We will follow the great god!"

The crowd spoke!

However, this corridor has been corrupted by alien blood, even Jiang Fan does not want to be contaminated!

A group of people suddenly changed their way and walked toward the depths of this steel city!

Jiang Fan changed his previous state and started to walk three steps back three steps!

It's all about grinding time for the title!

But the crowd was amazed!

"The Great God is really cautious!"

"Yeah! Obviously so powerful, but still so cautious!"

"This kind of caution, we must study hard!"

"Yes! Being cautious is a virtue!"

However, despite Jiang Fan grinding time, after three hours, he finally came to a deep corridor!

Unlike other places, the inside of this corridor was completely re-glued with mucus and wax!

Walking on it, it feels like walking on the carpet!

Obviously, here is the edge of the alien lair!

Standing at the door of the corridor, Jiang Fan glanced back calmly!

Behind him, in a position invisible to everyone, at this moment, wealth is dragging a half-dead man, secretly following!

This man was covered in blood, and the flesh on his **** had almost disappeared!

He is the villain, Burke!

Jiang Fan kept him alive purely to drag time!

But now that you have reached the alien nest, it's useless to keep this stuff!

Jiang Fan whistled directly!

In the next moment, Fortune had already grabbed Burke and rushed out directly!


As soon as she saw Burke, Ripley was furious!

Going up is just a kick!

Burke was beaten and howled!

"Don't fight! I was wrong!"

"I was bitten by this dog and even lost my ass!"

"You have pity on me!"

"Spare! Uuuuu..."

Burke's cry is called a desolation!

After all, Ripley was not a cruel person, she finally let go of Burke with a move of compassion!

But the next moment, Jiang Fan grabbed him by the neck and lifted him up!

"You, what are you going to do?"

Burke was shocked!

But Jiang Fan smiled slightly!

"Don't you like to bring aliens? I'll help you!"

As the voice fell, Jiang Fan strode directly toward the depths of the corridor!

When a group of people came to the end, they suddenly realized that they had come to a place like a honeycomb!

There are all human beings bound to the wall by alien slime and wax!

At first glance, there are no fewer than a hundred people!

However, everyone here has cracked chests, their faces are distorted, and they are obviously dead!

And on the ground, in front of everyone, there are also alien pupae that look like giant eggs!

This thing is the egg laid by the alien mother!

Here, the worm hatches first, and the worm will adsorb to the animal and discharge the alien embryo into the opponent's body!

In the end, these embryos grow into chest-breakers in the host's body, then break out, and finally become aliens!

Everyone was stunned when they saw the sight here!

I just feel that my scalp is numb!

Just by looking at the expressions of these people, you know that before death, they must have suffered unimaginable pain!

At this moment, an alien pupa on the ground is still wriggling!

Jiang Fan directly carried Burke and walked over!

"You, what are you doing! Let me go!"

Burke already vaguely knew what Jiang Fan was going to do, and he was frightened for a while!

"You, stop it!"

"I'm the top of the company!"

"It's the person in charge of this mission!"

"If something happens to me, everyone will be unlucky!"

Burke screamed desperately!

But Jiang Fan was not moved at all!

Press his head directly on the alien pupa!



"I was wrong! I was really wrong!"

Burke was scared and pissed!

But it's too late!


The alien pupa wriggled for a while, and finally it seemed to bloom, and it split into four petals!



A face-hugging bug rushed out from inside, and hugged Burke's big face tightly!

Jiang Fan casually threw Burke to the ground!

"Young man, the alien embryo is given to you. It's up to you to take it back!"

Seeing Burke rolling desperately on the ground, the corners of the crowd twitched!

I was wrong!

This great god, what a kind, innocent, and noble character!

This guy is clearly an executioner who kills without seeing blood!

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