
A loud and deafening noise suddenly resounded throughout the entire world!

Right in front of Jiang Fan's eyes, the sky over that huge steel city suddenly spewed out a horrible flame that was hundreds of meters thick and blue!

As for the height of the flame eruption, it has reached several kilometers!

As for the heat contained in the flame, even Jiang Fan was palpitating!

No matter how tough he is, he is still a mortal body at the moment!

If you are in the flames and you can't hold on for a second, you will have to turn to fly ash!

And with this flame erupting, the next moment, there seemed to be an extra black hole under the ground, and it was full of infinite suction in an instant!

Everything on the ground, including the flames, began to collapse and sink strangely!

At this moment, the iron-blooded spacecraft has broken through the atmosphere!

Looking down from here, I saw that not only the entire steel city, but also the surrounding land within thousands of kilometers, was rapidly collapsing inward!

Facing everyone, the planet seems to have become an hourglass!

At the same time, it seems that the entire planet is beginning to tremble!

Even everything on this side, including the air, clouds, and even the iron-blooded spacecraft, was torn down and swallowed!


Jiang Fan only felt his scalp numb!

It's a big game!

The planet explosion is so terrible!

He almost didn't even think about it, he directly opened another function of the spacecraft that he had never used before!

Space jump!


A wormhole suddenly appeared in front of the spacecraft!

The next moment, the entire spacecraft rushed in directly!

At this moment, Jiang Fan only felt his mind dizzy!

In the next moment, the iron-blooded spaceship has appeared, another floating in space, near the giant spaceship!

This giant spaceship was the one that Ripley and the others took when they came!

"Hurry up!"

"Bishop! Open the spaceship!"


"so horrible!"

The crowd was all dumbfounded!

Hurry up!

Soon, this giant spaceship sucked in the iron-blooded spaceship!

Immediately afterwards, the giant spaceship seemed to be mad, and with all its strength, it suddenly rushed out towards the distant starry sky!

And just behind them, the collapse of that planet has reached its limit!

at this time!

The whole planet was calm for a moment!


In silence, this planet exploded directly into an extremely dazzling light!

No sound can be transmitted in a vacuum, but everyone seems to be able to hear it, the deafening, roaring loud noise!

Everyone stared blankly at the disappearing planet!

Didn't even notice Jiang Fan's disappearance!


A white light flashed, Jiang Fan, with a dull face, had returned to the system space!

The planet explosion is really shocking!

That is the shock that the pen and ink cannot describe at all!

Even Jiang Fan, by now, hasn't recovered yet!

Even looking at his own hands, he actually feels unreal!

Own, really exploded a planet?

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for obtaining 35231 causality points!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for gaining Ripley's admiration-female man, stand up!"

"Ding! Congratulations on completing the side mission ‘Block’! The system will reward you with a silver-level lottery!"

The sound of the system finally pulled Jiang Fan back from the sluggish state!

Thirty-five thousand causal points!

Not bad!

Jiang Fan looked at the props Ripley gave him again!

Female man, stand up: If it's a maiden, just rush forward! My mother has never been counseled in her life!

Remarks: With this item, you can be a fragile little fake lady, or a charming Lin Daiyu, and instantly become a female man!


Can I use this thing?

Jiang Fan cursed and threw this thing into his backpack!

And then finally looked at the silver level lottery with enthusiasm!


A big silver-white turntable has appeared directly!

Jiang Fan turned hard!

Soon, the pointer stopped in the blood unity grid!

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for obtaining the bloodline of the Alien Empress!"

Alien mother emperor blood? !

Jiang Fan was stunned, and suddenly looked at the specific attributes!

Alien Mother Emperor Bloodline: Silver Bloodline!

Remarks: Injecting this bloodline will give you alien talents such as strong acid blood, killing instinct, and even spawning! And transform into an alien!

Transformation: Transformation once every twenty-four hours, the transformation effect lasts for ten minutes!

Tip: After injection, there is a small chance of deformity! Or gender disorder!

Strong acid blood!

This attribute alone is powerful enough!

The point is, there is still spawning!

Doesn't that mean that countless aliens can be transformed?

However, Jiang Fan will never inject, let alone inject his subordinates!

It becomes deformed, but some people who pursue power can still accept it!

But gender disorder, who can stand it!

Imagine the scene of Long Yan laying eggs...it's so sour and cool!

But if this thing is injected into wealth, what will it be like?

Jiang Fan pondered for a long time, but finally did not start!

Put away the two props, Jiang Fan is about to leave!

But at this moment!

"Ding! Because of the destruction of a planet under the leadership of the host, the title-Planet Destroyer is officially unlocked!"

"Ding! Due to the destruction of a planet under the leadership of the host, 1,000,000 causality points are deducted and a core fragment is given to the host!"

The first reminder Jiang Fan was surprised!

After all, in the original plot of Alien 2, the planet was blown up in the end!

So Jiang Fan pushed the boat along the way, wanting to see if he could get any benefits from blowing up this planet!

It doesn't hurt to try anyway!

The benefits really came!

But who would have thought that the negative impact would be so great!

Jiang Fan stared at the string of zeros blankly!

One, ten, one hundred, one thousand, ten thousand...

one million! !

It's really a million! !

I was actually deducted a full million by the **** of the system! !

Look at the balance again!


The balance has actually become negative!

"my money!!"

Jiang Fan directly erupted with the most stern scream in history!

For Jiang Fan, a vampire who scrapes the ground three feet, stealing a dime from him will make him painful for a long time!

Let alone emptied!

The point is that now it is not only empty, but also more than 900,000 deductions!

"System! My XXX!!!"

Jiang Fan can't care about anything!

Just yelling!

But the next moment!


With a flash of light!

There was a small, crystal-clear shard emitting an earth-yellow light in his hand!

As soon as he saw this fragment, Jiang Fan suddenly gave birth to the feeling that the entire planet was hitting his face head on!

And then!

Jiang Fan only felt an extremely terrifying gravity on his right hand. It felt like he was holding a planet!

In an instant!


Jiang Fan's right hand failed to hold the fragment, and it was directly dislocated!

And that fragment already slammed into this void ground with an aura that looked like a meteor falling!

The weight of this thing is so big that it is exaggerated!

It's almost calculated in 10,000 tons!

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