Jiang Fan was stunned!

What the **** is this?

At this moment, he can no longer care about his debts!

The right hand shook fiercely, the bones were reset, and then he looked directly at the introduction of this thing!

Star core fragments: The star core is condensed by the essence of the entire planet, and it only appears with a very low probability, and this is one of the fragments of an inferior star core!

grade:? ? ?

Features:? ? ?

Note: Its value is beyond your imagination!

As soon as he saw the introduction, Jiang Fan took a deep breath!

Then I looked at that title again!

Planet Destroyer: Title!

grade:? ? ?

Attributes:? ? ?

Remarks: The system recommends not to wear it lightly for now!

Don't wear it lightly for now! temporarily……


Jiang Fan's eyes narrowed slightly!


This time I am afraid that I am greedy!

For the time being, the meaning of these two words is obviously inappropriate at the moment!

I am afraid that I have exploded something that shouldn't have appeared at this stage in advance!

After all, let alone oneself, even the twenty-fifth level, even the twenty-fifth level higher, definitely does not have the power to destroy a planet!

And although I took a trick this time, I did press the switch that destroyed the entire planet!

In the long run, Jiang Fan will undoubtedly earn blood once!

After all, the system says that the value of that piece of star core fragment alone is beyond imagination!

It is unprecedented, giving himself an overdraft limit of nearly one million!

Even the system is so overdrawn, the value of this thing, you can tell!


I don't even know what this thing is for!

the most important is!

More than 900,000, what's the use to pay it back!

And the prompt of the system suddenly sounded at this time!

"Ding! Since the host's credit rating has always been good, the system overdrafted this time! In the future, every time the host generates income, the system will withhold half of it until the debt is cleared!"

"In your dreams!"

Jiang Fan directly started bargaining!

"You have to give me this thing! I didn't want it again! Isn't it okay?"

The system was silent for a moment!

"Ding! Huh! So what?"

"Since you have admitted it, so be it, this thing is converted into two million causal points, I will recycle it for you!"

Jiang Fan smiled!

But the system was silent for a long time again!

Just when Jiang Fan was impatient, the system finally spoke:

"Ding! It's late!"


Jiang Fan was taken aback!

But the next moment, he suddenly reacted and looked directly at the star core fragment!

With this look, he directly covered his heart!


I saw a few small tentacles that were actually entangled on the core fragment!

It's the seed of built wood!

Those little tentacles are really mini and harmless, even a little cute!

But the moment this thing entangled the fragments of the star core, a huge force that even Jiang Fan felt shocked!

That star core fragment that Jiang Fan could not even handle was moved directly under him by the tentacles of Jianmu Seed!

Then, this cute little seed just sat on it!


Jiang Fan pounced directly!

Desperately began to pull its tentacles!

Even the big mouth slapped up!

"Bastard! Spit it out!"

"Two million causal points!"

"Nima's! Let me go!"

"Little cute! As long as you let go, Dad will buy you Jinkela!"

"Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Potassium! I will give you any fertilizer!"

"Hurry up, bastard!!"

It's a pity, no matter how much effort Jiang Fan used, the seed of Jianmu is like holding his wife, and he doesn't move at all!

On the contrary, it becomes tighter!

The Lao Jiang family's characteristics of being greedy for money and not letting go, this moment is simply exposed!

Jiang Fan used all his three heads and six arms, and finally panted out of exhaustion, but he couldn't even shake it at all!

Instead, the tentacles of Jianmu Seed on the back of his hand twitched, grinning in pain!

"Host! Look, it's not that I don't want to recycle, what can you do if you don't give me?"

The sound of the system is full of shameless taste!

Jiang Fan suddenly reacted!

"Damn! No wonder you didn't respond for a long time! It turned out to be waiting for Jianmu Seed to take action!"

"Ding! Attention host! Speculation without evidence is defamation!"

"I slander your mother!"

"Host, if you talk like this, it's boring! Deduct you one hundred causal points!"

"Are you special—"

Jiang Fan was stunned!


Shameless than myself!

But at this moment!


An almost terrifying storm of vitality swept across the entire space in an instant!

Jiang Fan looked back, and the center of the storm turned out to be the seed of Jianmu!

It's just that the seed of Jianmu at this moment, the shell is actually full of cracks!

An incomparably rich energies of heaven and earth are constantly gushing out from those cracks!

Accompanied by the surge of vitality, the strength is getting stronger and stronger!

next moment!


The shell of Jianmuzhizhi suddenly exploded!

Immediately afterwards, a small emerald green seedling almost as big as Jiang Fan's knuckle finally appeared in front of Jiang Fan!

This seedling has only two small leaves, but with the slight shaking of the leaves, the original vitality of the world is more than ten times richer!

However, this is not over yet!

As the seedlings continue to produce more roots entangled with the star core fragments, it is actually growing taller at a speed visible to the naked eye!

But in just a few minutes, this small seedling has grown a full five centimeters tall, and there is an extra leaf on it!

And at this moment, the heaven and earth vitality in the entire space has almost been rich in mist!

In the Zen garden in the distance, those sunflowers were crazy, they grew taller desperately, and they continued to shed sunlight!

And the other plants that Jiang Fan had exchanged before, the pea shooter, potato mines, hot peppers...and so on, all grew into finished products quickly!

Even the evolved wealth is rapidly absorbing the vitality of these heavens and earth!

Even more exaggerated is that pot of sunflowers!

Nearly 90% of the vitality of heaven and earth here is rushing towards it!

And it actually grows tall, shoots branches, and looses leaves directly from the state of seedlings...

When the vitality of heaven and earth was almost swallowed by it, this little guy even grew a small flower bone!

With the recovery of the vitality of the heaven and the earth, this pot of sunflower directly skipped two major stages and reached the early stage of the final flowering stage!

And once this pot of sunflowers really bloomed, Jiang Fan's longevity can be described almost endlessly!

"Ding! Congratulations to the host! Sunflowers have bloomed! Your lifespan has grown by five hundred years! Current lifespan feedback: 20 hours/day!"

Just drove out a flower bone flower, Jiang Fan has actually won a five-hundred-year birthday!

And the reason for all this is only because Jianmu Seed regards that little star core fragment as soil!

The point is, this stellar core fragment has only shrunk by a negligible amount!

The energy contained in this thing is simply terrifying!

At this moment, Jiang Fan suddenly looked at an item in his backpack!

With such a plentiful lifespan, the effect that the prop can exert in the future is absolutely beyond imagination!

And those mature plants in the Zen Garden can finally be used!

However, this is not over yet!

Just as Jianmuzhizhi slowly stopped growing rapidly, the system prompt suddenly sounded!

"Ding! Congratulations to the host! Jianmu Seed has reached the seedling stage! You successfully received Jianmu feedback-Aoki Nosuke!"

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