Aoki nosuke: From now on, you will be immune to any attacks with gold level and below wood attributes!

"Ding! Congratulations to the host! The seed of Jianmu has reached the seedling stage! You have successfully received feedback from Jianmu-Fruit of Aoki!"

Aoki Fruit: This is the fruit condensed by the vitality of the wood attribute. After eating it, the initial Aoki physique will be activated!

Remarks: Aoki's physique can activate wood abilities, and manipulate wood attribute energy more perfectly!

Tip: The fruit is of low quality, so it is not recommended for the host to eat it!

This thing can actually turn on the wood power!

Jiang Fan's eyes lit up!

And the system prompt actually sounded again!

"Ding! Congratulations to the host! Jianmu Seed has reached the seedling stage! You have successfully received Jianmu feedback-Aoki Liquid!"

Aoki Liquid: This item can treat all serious diseases in the world, or directly drink it to increase one hundred years of life!


Jiang Fan stared blankly at these things in his hands!

Not to mention anything else, Aoki Nosuke can almost pay back for this item!

You know, wood attribute attacks include plant toxins!

And as long as it does not exceed level 20, oneself is immune to all these things!

Moreover, Sunflower directly skipped two major stages, and if it were normal, he would have to wait for fifteen years!

The key is that Jianmu is still gushing vitality now!

And that star core fragment does not consume much!

In other words, this benefit is far from over!

At this moment, Jiang Fan only felt that these millions of cause and effect were worth the money!

It's worth it!

After using Aoki Nosuke, Jiang Fan finally left the system space contentedly!


Jiang Fan pedaled his bicycle and returned to Jiangzhai soon!

At this moment, many idlers in the family have already followed Jiang Fan's instructions to meet Angelina!

Except for the two lazy people Long Yan and Curtis, only Christine and Sadako who Jiang Fan asked to stay in advance were left!

As soon as he came back, Jiang Fan threw the green tree fruit to Christine!

Christine's eyes lit up just as he caught the fruit!

The wood attribute energy contained in it is simply exaggerated!

"My lord, what, what is this?"

"Don't worry, eat it!"


Christine did not hesitate to put the Aoki Fruit in his mouth!

As soon as this thing entered, it turned into a puddle of liquid and flowed directly into the throat!

next moment!


Kristen's eyes widened suddenly, and even his whole body became tense!

At the same time, almost every pore in her body sprayed out a wisp of emerald green smoke!

Christine's whole person was actually shrouded by this green mist!

And as the green mist continued to re-condense, when the mist dissipated, everyone was stunned!

Christine turned into an emerald green sculpture!

Several people were stunned!

"Master! You, you turned Christine into stone!"

Curtis screamed suddenly!

But the next moment!


Numerous cracks broke directly on the sculpture!

At the same time, a breath full of life force suddenly spewed out from the crack!

As soon as this breath appeared, the lawn on the ground seemed to go crazy, growing up desperately!

In almost a short span of time, it was raised by more than 20 centimeters!

The faces of Long Yan and others were incredulous!

The breath that Kristen exudes at this moment has actually reached level fifteen!

And that rich and incomparable wood attribute breath, which proves that in addition to strength, Christine's ability quality has definitely improved!


A muffled sound!

Countless dark green shells suddenly scattered!

Christine has reappeared in front of everyone!

It's just that at this moment, her long hair has all turned emerald green!

Even the eyes shone with a charming blue light!

The fragrance of plants is constantly wafting from the whole body!

More importantly, with those fragments flying out, Christine at this moment is actually—

The clothes are broken anyway!

Jiang Fan looked at Christine's long green hair, and his brain suddenly flashed!

Hair color has changed, then...

He glanced down subconsciously!

Damn it!

It turned out not!

"grown ups!"

Kristen suddenly reacted from the escalation ecstasy, and directly snorted!


Jiang Fan backhanded out a piece of clothing and put it on Christine directly!

"I didn't see it... I didn't see anything..."

"My lord, isn't my birthmark not so pretty?"

"Why, this is the first time I have seen birthmarks like this kind of sapling--"

"Also say you didn't see it!"


After getting dressed, Christine took out a small mirror with excitement and kept looking at herself!

Compared to her strength, she pays more attention to her appearance!

"My lord, what exactly did you give me to eat?"

"The skin has become so smooth and delicate!"

"Before I was always worried that Westerners had too big pores and too long hairs, but I didn't expect them to be resolved now!"

"Oh, the freckles on the face are gone!"


Kristen was surprised!

"Ahem, you just want to be happy..."

Jiang Fan was stuffed with a piece of toilet paper in his nose, his face was embarrassed!

The scene just now was too presumptuous, and I was suffocated!

But the effect of this green tree fruit is really exaggerated!

Not only did Christine's strength rise to 15th level, but he also directly increased his power level by one level!

For the ability player, the higher the ability level, the stronger the combat power!

Two powers of the same attribute and level, except for other factors, the higher the power level, the winner is destined!

The point is that even with this effect, the system actually prompts that the quality is too low, so don't eat it yourself!

In this way, the future of Jianmu will definitely give back something better!

Waved out the iron-blooded spacecraft, Jiang Fan looked at a group of his men, and directly clicked!

"Sadako, Christine, you two accompany me to Dongying!"


The two agreed and got on the spaceship directly!

Jiang Fan was about to leave, but at this moment, Curtis suddenly rushed out!

"Master! Take me with you too!"

"What are you doing with you?"

"Master! I am your servant! It is only natural to follow you!"

"Are you afraid of being taken away by someone again?"

"Ahem, hehehe, what are you saying, Master? Right! There are so many monsters in the East, maybe you can sell it for money! You take me by your side and I will be responsible for handling the corpse. Isn't that good?"

"Um... it makes sense, let's do it!"

Jiang Fan said and waved his hand!

Curtiston followed with excitement on his face!

There was only Long Yan with a dull face!

"Brother Fan! Would you like to take me with you?"

"Why do you bring so many people? Stay at home!"

As Jiang Fan said, he took out his cell phone and dialed Fiona's number!

"Fiona, do something for me!"

"you said!"

"I'll be in Dongying soon, and pass this news to Liander!"

Fiona was taken aback, and suddenly reacted!

"You want to take this opportunity to lead him to kill?"


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