Jiang Fan's eyes were fierce!

"Leander, this scumbag, has troubled me over and over again, even Isaac, I'm afraid I don't want him to continue to live, right?"

"Master Isaac really wants to kill him, but Jiang Fan, Liander is level 15 after all, you..."

"Don't worry! Just pass the news to him!"

"no problem!"

Hanging up, Jiang Fan suddenly sneered!

Liandel, you must do so, don't dare to come!

At the same time, under the leadership of Wu Tao, Angelina and others finally entered the city!

Their destination is Blue Eagle!

Soon, the convoy came to a block near Blue Eagle——

It's not that I don't want to go in any more, but because there are too many vehicles in the Blue Eagle parent meeting today!

The road in front of the Blue Eagle was almost squeezed!

"Damn it, why are so many cars!"

Angelina frowned!

And her other subordinate also spoke!

"My lord, there are so many cars here, and there must be a lot of people!"

"China is different from those small European countries. We had better keep a low profile here!"

"Don't make too much movement!"

Angelina nodded:

"Yeah! Pei Di, go see if Jiang Fan is there, and draw him out!"


Pei Di, Wu Tao, was overjoyed!

But he immediately changed his expression:

"My lord, there is another **** by Lan Ying. This person has blackmailed me over and over again and almost broke our big business! Can I bring him out as well?"

What Wu Tao said was that he was looking for benefits, Tang Zhiyuan!

Angelina waved her hand lazily:

"Yes, hurry up!"


Wu Tao looked excited!

Get off the car directly and rush into the Blue Eagle!

Seeing Wu Tao leaving, Angelina smiled triumphantly!

"Jiang Fan! Ha ha, let you live long enough!"

"This time, you can die with peace of mind--"

Before she finished speaking, a ridiculous voice suddenly rang in his ears!

"just you?"

Angelina's complexion changed abruptly!

It smashed the roof of the car and rushed out!

At the same time, she growled even more!

"Asshole! Who dares to do this--"

She was only halfway through, and she forcibly swallowed the rest!

All this is because just above her head, a man with sword eyebrows and star eyes, with a sharp temperament like a sword, just seems to be fixed in the air, looking at her coldly!

"Zong, Zong, Grand Master?!"

For a moment, Angelina felt all the goose bumps all over her body!

Turn around and want to run!

But before she turned around, a big hand with misty water vapor was already gently pressed on her shoulder!

"Aren't you going to kill my sir? What are you running for?"

Angelina's whole body was completely stiff in an instant!

The scared pupils are almost dilated!


Behind her, another master appeared!

"Big, sir, are we? Any misunderstanding..."

Angelina barely spoke!

"Misunderstanding? Just now, you said personally that you would kill my sir! Now you tell me it is a misunderstanding?"

Number Two said with a smile.

Said it yourself?

How is this possible!

How terrifying is the background that can make the two masters take action at all costs?

How dare I provoke such a big man!

What I said just now was just to kill Jiang Fan!

and so on!

Jiang Fan? !

Angelina held the last hope, with a weeping face, she reluctantly turned her head to look at Number Two:

"You, that lord of the family, no, it wouldn't be... Jiang Fan, right?"

"What do you mean?"

Number two is all smiles!

"Got it!"

Angelina's teeth trembled, her mind was almost blank!

Jiang Fan? !

How could it be him? !

Angelina is so unbearable, let alone her group of men!

Everyone was like a puddle of mud at this moment, all collapsed on the ground!

Wu Tao, who had no knowledge of all this, had already rushed to Class 3 with excitement at this moment!

"Jiang Fan! What about people?"

The parent conferences of other classes were only halfway through, but the third class was already empty!

Wu Tao's face was dull!

But at this moment, a voice suddenly sounded!

"Xiao Wu? Didn't you say that relatives came from your hometown and are going to pick them up? Why did you come back so soon?"

Wu Tao looked back, and it turned out to be Tang Zhiyuan!

"Aha! It turned out to be you!"

Wu Tao was overjoyed for an instant!

Unexpectedly, Tang Zhiyuan did not find Jiang Fan, but Tang Zhiyuan came to the door by himself!

Tang Zhiyuan was taken aback when he saw the expression of joy and excitement in Wu Tao's eyes!

Could it be that this kid has something good to give me?


Since he came from his hometown, there must be some souvenirs!

What a kid!

Really sensible!

The two smiled happily at the same time!

And the next moment!

"I make you laugh so much!"

Accompanied by Wu Tao's roar!


He already had a big mouth, and it was directly drawn to Tang Zhiyuan's face!


Tang Zhiyuan was pumped upside down, and he knocked on the wall of the corridor!

In an instant, almost bloodshed!

Even the big tooth has lost one!

"Wu Tao! You, you are crazy!!"

Tang Zhiyuan was dumbfounded!

I can't believe my eyes!

Hearing the sound, a group of teachers, students and parents all rushed out of the classrooms on both sides!

Everyone's eyes widened when they saw the scene at the scene!

what's the situation?

Wu Tao actually beat Tang Zhiyuan?

However, Wu Tao didn't care about everyone's gaze, he smiled, and kicked Tang Zhiyuan's stomach!


Tang Zhiyuan was kicked and his whole body twitched, and a mouthful of sour water came out!

And Wu Tao had already grabbed him by the neck and lifted him up directly!

Then, the backhand is a dozen big mouths!

"Papa Papa Papa Papa!!"

This big mouth is called a resounding!

Tang Zhiyuan screamed when he was beaten!

"Wu Tao! You are crazy!"

"You dare to hit me!"

"Do you want to do it!"

"Yes! I quit!"

Wu Tao suddenly roared frantically in a tone that contained humiliation!

"Fucking Nima Tang Zhiyuan!"

"You **** who has a son who doesn't fart X!"

"Lao Tzu just asked you to arrange me to enter the Blue Eagle, so you actually took a full one million from Lao Tzu!"

"Just ask for money! Just come to blackmail me!"

"Your money as Laozi came from the wind?"


As Wu Tao said, it was another big mouth directly!

"Also! You bastard!"

"Let Lao Tzu bring you souvenirs every day!"

"Then the **** big yellow croaker is a local specialty? You put one in the soil for me to raise one!"

"Also! Tea! Tea your grandma!"

"If you want to drink tea, do you go to the entrepreneurial girl whose grandpa grows tea!"


"The most excessive thing is that I actually let Laozi report every day!"

"What "Warm Classroom" report!"

"'Health Sports' report!"

"'Stylistic Construction' Report!"

"There is actually a'reasonable diet' report!"

"I teach sports! Not a **** chef!"

"I make you warm! I make you healthy! I make you build! I make your mother's reasonable diet!!"

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