God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 1576: The strongest on the surface Ma Desheng

"Papa Papa Papa Papa!!"

Wu Tao's big mouth sounded like a machine gun!

Tang Zhiyuan screamed endlessly when he was beaten!

"Don't, don't fight! I can't control the report, either!"

"To shut up!!"

Wu Tao roared suddenly!

The voice is full of grievances!

"The key is! The report is forever!"

"But I don't mention it when I fill it out. After you fill it out, you tell me you filled it wrong!"

"I change a table at least seven times!"

"I'm a sports teacher! Overtime report, add it to 11 o'clock in the evening!"

"Will your conscience hurt?"

"I thought it was not impossible to be a teacher! But it's so bad for you to break your watch every day!"

"You tell Lao Tzu! Is Lao Tzu here to teach students or to be a secretary? Ah! Say it!!"

He is so embarrassed these days!

Now, I finally vented it all out!

It makes him so happy to fly!

And with his roar ended!

"Papa Papa!!"

This is not the sound of Wu Tao slapped Tang Zhiyuan, but the thunderous applause of countless teachers and students!

"Mr. Wu! That's great!"

"Yes! We are here to teach, not to report!"

"Teacher Wu, you just say what we feel!"

"Yes! Isn't he good to arrange the time for this kind of **** report as an activity to interact with the students?"

"It's the **** that decides the head! These school managers, who cares about our difficulties!"

"Teacher Wu, you are really the most kind man next to Teacher Jiang, Lan Ying!"

A group of teachers and students worshipped!

But Wu Tao didn't even look at others, and he drew more than a dozen big mouths to Tang Zhiyuan!

Tang Zhiyuan's entire head was swollen into a pig's head!

At this time, Wu Tao said coldly!

"Where is Jiang Fan?"

"Huh? Jiang, Jiang Fan, after the parent meeting, go, go!"


Wu Tao was taken aback!

At this moment!

"Hey! Wu Tao! What are you doing!"

A roar suddenly sounded!

Immediately afterwards, Ma Desheng actually rushed out!

"Wu Tao! How dare you act against the school manager! Such violent behavior on campus! You, you are a violation of school discipline and school rules!"

"I, Ma De, have been promoted to the dean of teaching, and I want to treat you like this—"

Before Ma Desheng had finished speaking, Wu Tao had stared at him firmly!

"Fatty man! And you!"

"All day long, the school rules and regulations, Lao Tzu's head is so big that you grind!"

"You are the same as Tang Zhiyuan!"

"If I don't kill you today! I won't be called--"

Before he finished speaking, Wu Tao suddenly trembled!

Immediately afterwards, the whole body almost froze!

All this is just because of that breath that came from nowhere!

The strongest person Wu Tao has ever seen in this life is Angelina!

As for the master, he just heard about it!

But the moment this breath appeared, he knew that the master who could exude such a breath must be undoubtedly!

Why is there a master here?

who is he?

Why are you here?

Wu Tao looked at both sides of the corridor in horror!

At this moment, there is no more madness on his face!

Instead, it is full of fear!

In almost an instant, Wu Tao printed the appearance of everyone around him in his mind!

Then, he suddenly looked at a little boy beside Ma Desheng!

The little boy is very cute, wearing a shorts shirt, carrying a small school bag, and holding a lollipop in his hand!

But I don't know why, the moment he saw this little boy, he only felt that every strand of his hair was trembling and fearful!

Seeing Wu Tao looking at himself with fear, Ma Desheng couldn't help but be taken aback!


Is he so powerful?

Frightened Wu Tao who went crazy?

"Huh! Wu Tao! You committed a crime on campus, it's a heinous crime!"

"Such a violation of school discipline and school rules, as the dean of education, I must teach you a lesson today!"

"Let go of Dong Dong immediately! Stand me up honestly!"

Seeing Ma Desheng so presumptuous, Wu Tao's face suddenly flashed murderously!

"Are you special—"

But at this moment!

He suddenly saw the little boy's smile!

For an instant, Wu Tao only felt as if he had been poured with a bucket of ice water in three or nine days!

It seems to be frozen from head to toe!

And a voice rang in his ears!

"Listen to him, don't want to die, just continue to stay at Blue Eagle!"

"Remember, all your future actions are in my eyes!"

"Don't do stupid things!"

Wu Tao trembled and stayed at Blue Eagle?

What a joke about Nima!

Tang Zhiyuan has been compared to this by him!

I want to stay in Blue Eagle, so I...

But he has no guts to disobey!

Just let go of Tang Zhiyuan!

The crowd was dumbfounded!

Damn it? !

When did Ma Desheng speak so well?

You know, he is inferior to Jiang Fan!

The **** was chopped by a kitchen knife when Jiang Fan got it!

Could it be that this fat man is already very powerful?

Is it just because Jiang Fan is really too strong, can this make him honest?

It seems that if Teacher Jiang is not there, Ma Desheng is indeed the strongest!

And seeing Wu Tao so obedient, Ma Desheng was even more proud!

"Huh! Count you familiar!"

He strode over and helped Tang Zhiyuan up!

"Tang Dong, how are you?"

"I, I...uuuuuuuuuuu!"

Tang Zhiyuan looked at Ma Desheng, suddenly hugged him, and then howled!

Ma Desheng looked at Wu Tao angrily!

"Teacher Wu! See what you have done!"

Wu Tao looked at the little boy, and then suddenly gritted his teeth!

He knelt down with a "plop"!

Everyone was stunned!

And Wu Tao let out a long sigh!

"Sorry Dong Dong! I am too naive!"

"I, I shouldn't vent my emotions at work to you!"

"I was wrong! Give me a chance to reform!"

"Director Ma! Let me stay at Blue Eagle! Let me make atonement for my fault!"

After speaking, Wu Tao directly "boom boom boom" is three beeps!

Ma Desheng was dumbfounded!

Completely confused!

With just a few words like this, he actually made Wu Tao fully realize and repent of repentance?

I am so awesome!

Have you awakened the small universe?

It turns out that I, Ma Desheng, is the strongest on the surface!


Jiang Fan!

Your time has finally passed!

Starting today, I, Ma Desheng, formally rise!

Youdao is the spirit of a happy event, Ma Desheng suddenly felt that Wu Tao has become cute!

The point is, it was Tang Zhiyuan, the hapless guy who was beaten. What does it have to do with him?

"Teacher Wu, don't be like this, get up first!"

"Although you are wrong, the attitude of admitting your mistake is still good!"

"Well, let me take Tang Dong to the infirmary first. I'll talk about other things later!"

Ma Desheng looked majestic!


Wu Tao hurriedly agreed and helped Tang Zhiyuan to leave!

Because of that scary little boy, now, he doesn't want to stay here for a second!

Ma Desheng is happy again!

Wu Tao is so obedient!

Could it be that you turned on the system yourself, just like in the novel?

Instructor system!


When I hear this name, I'm so hungry!

He really is the chosen son of heaven!

Seeing Ma Desheng and a few people leave, a group of people watching the excitement immediately returned to the classroom one after another!

On the 13th, he took out his mobile phone and sent a text message, and Shi Shiran left!

The adults have ordered that Wu Tao must not be allowed to leave Blue Eagle!

Then I must not let him go!

As for how the hapless guy can stay, that's his own problem, it's his own business.

At the moment when Angelina and her gang were swept away by the blue eagle, Jiang Fan had already steered the spacecraft and headed straight to Dongying!

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