"Jiang Fan went to Dongying?"

Liandel stood up with a look of excitement!

His eyes were staring at one of his subordinates!

"Yes, my lord, we just got the news five minutes ago!"


"Yes! Fiona temporarily notified the exchange department just now and asked the other party to send the remote exchange computer to Dongying!"


Liandelhas laughed!

"Jiang Fan! You bastard, see if you are still alive this time!"

"Prepare the plane for me now! I want to go to Dongying immediately!"



Airport that never sleeps!

A private plane, already carrying Liandel, took off slowly and headed straight for Dongying!

At the same time, the iron-blooded spacecraft has landed on a hill on the outskirts of Edo, Kyoto, Tokyo!

Looking to the southwest from here, you can even vaguely see a mountain with white snow!

There, it is Mount Fuji!

And the sea of ​​trees in Aokigahara is the huge dark green forest under Mount Fuji!

"Ding Ding Ding!"

As soon as the take-off ship was taken off, Jiang Fan's cell phone rang!

Look at the number, it's actually an overseas call!


Jiang Fan picked up the phone!

"My lord! Liander has gone to Dongying!"

The voice of Abraham, the sword-holding hand under Liander's, rang out on the opposite side!

"Very good! This choppy finally came out!"

Jiang Fan smiled gloomily!

"My lord, then our future..."

"Do your own thing and continue to play your own role!"


Hanging up the phone, Jiang Fan's mouth had already evoked a sneer!


If you dare to black Lao Tzu's points, Lao Tzu will kill your dog first!

"My lord, you brought Liandre out, but Abraham and Barbara didn't follow. Will it make people wonder that they were cooperating with you in the first place?"

Christine asked worriedly.

"will not!"

Jiang Fan shook his head:

"As early as Hasegawa Kirara heard about Professor Zhong, I had already contacted Adolf!"

"He provided the location of a Marquis' secret base in Solomon's Key!"

"And this news, I sent it to Leander's ear through someone else's mouth a long time ago!"

"That Marquis is quite strong, and only Barbara and Abraham can get rid of him by Liander's subordinates!"

"So the two of them are now on missions in far away South America!"

"And it was Fiona's line that I passed, so Liandel knew that I was in Dongying!"

"In this way, it is enough to pick Abraham and the others cleanly!"

Kristen was stunned!

Curtis was even more surprised:

"Master, don't you think you wanted to kill Liander already?"

"of course!"

Jiang Fan sneered:

"This idiot has troubled me over and over again, but he didn't dare to come to China, even if there is no such thing as Libra hacking my points, he will definitely die!"

Several people in Curtis understood thoroughly!

Jiang Fan had threats from the Zhou family and the Song family before, and could not leave China at will!

Because of the Kyushu precepts, Liandel didn't have the guts to enter China!

So Jiang Fan wanted to kill Liander, so he could only lure him in and kill him when he went to see Professor Zhong in Dongying!

And all this just needs to calculate the time, when Liandel is about to reach Dongying, Jiang Fan will leave Huaxia, and then directly kill Liandel and pick up Professor Zhong. The time spent in the middle will not exceed four hours at most!

Never give the Zhou family or the Song family any chance!

However, with the reconciliation with the Zhou family and the fall of the Song family, the implementation of this plan has been marked by Jiang Fan as a postponement!

Until Jiang Fan received a call from Keira Hasegawa!

Professor Zhong disappeared in the sea of ​​trees in Aokigahara, Jiang Fan must save him for clues to repair snakes!

And by the way, it is imperative to kill Liandel!

"Contact Hasegawa!"


Soon, half an hour later, a Toyota Alpha had steadily stopped at the foot of this hill!

The door opened, Hasegawa Kira and Kazuo Kameda walked down, and immediately bowed respectfully to Jiang Fan!

"grown ups!"

Kirara Hasegawa looked apologetic:

"The subordinates are unfavorable, and let you go out in person..."

"It's okay, I wanted to come to Aokigahara Shukai a long time ago, are you all ready?"

"Yes, but my lord, that place..."

Kirara Hasegawa looked hesitant and stopped!

"Say it in the car!"

Jiang Fan smiled and got into the car first.

Elfa is a seven-seater business, and a few people just sat down!

After getting in the car, Kazuo Kameda stepped on the accelerator and headed straight to Yoshida City!

The territory of Toyo is small, Yoshida is less than a hundred kilometers away from where everyone is, and in the car, Hasegawa Kirara has begun to tell the information about Aokigahara Shukai.

The Aokigahara Sea of ​​Trees is located to the northwest of Mt. Fuji and is a huge forest at the foot of Mt. Fuji!

However, unlike other refreshing forests, it is the famous suicide forest in Dongying!

The tree species growing here are simple, and the landscapes in each place are very similar. The entire forest is dense and dense, covering the sky and the sun. It is impossible to distinguish the direction in the middle!

And because of the existence of the underground magnetic field, the compass will all fail!

Especially as the altitude is higher, the air is thin and the surrounding is full of boring trees, once lost, the desperate environment will destroy everyone's will!

Even people who don't want to commit suicide will feel unlovable!

Therefore, the police will be very careful when collecting the corpse. Each police officer will tie his waist with a rope, one after the other, and the last one will tie the rope to the car outside the forest to avoid getting in or out!

Therefore, in recent decades, the number of recorded suicides that have been officially announced every year, although there are only a few dozen people, is only because the search is too difficult!

In fact, the number of people who really died here is absolutely astonishing!

"My lord, all the information mentioned above is actually information that anyone can find, but apart from the forest, the ground is also unsafe!"

"Because of the active volcano of Mount Fuji, the ground in the sea of ​​trees is covered with dark caves formed by geology!"

"It's very possible that if you step on it, you will fall into it!"

"And at the end of those dark caves, some will be hot enough to steam people into corpses!"

"And some will freeze people alive into ice cubes because of the terrifying low temperature!"

Kazuo Kameda also followed up:

"Besides, there are too many suicides here, and there are countless resentful spirits!"

"Sir, you should have heard that most people who commit suicide here choose to hang themselves. Therefore, some residents living nearby often hear the sound of rope rubbing in the middle of the night, and some people see ghosts with long tongues with fangs outside the forest. Wandering!"

"Even if many people just pass by, they are easily lured by the resentful spirit inside, and then get lost in the sea of ​​trees and be trapped alive!"

For the resentful spirit, no one here cares, but Professor Zhong is just an ordinary person. It would be okay to just get lost in it. If he encounters a resentful spirit, he will be dead!

"the host……"

Curtiston looked at Jiang Fan nervously!

But Jiang Fan seemed to care nothing about Professor Zhong's life and death, but looked at Hasegawa curiously:

"This sea of ​​trees started from existence, is it so strange?"

Go to father-in-law’s house in a while, if not updated tonight, add o(* ̄︶ ̄*)o

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