God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 1578: This pomp is too arrogant

Everyone was taken aback!

Hasegawa frowned even more, and shook his head after a long time:

"My lord, I don't know much about the formation of this sea of ​​trees!"

"However, according to rumors, long ago, the residents living nearby were suffering from hardship, hunger and cold."

"In order to make a living, these people sometimes have to abandon their newborn babies and old people in the Aokigahara Sea."

"Many abandoned babies and old people starve to death in the sea of ​​trees, and resentment accumulates over the years, that's why this change occurs."

"But whether this is the case, we don't know."

"Moreover, whether we are Igaryu or Kogaryu, as early as the establishment, we seemed to regard this place as a forbidden place. I have never heard of anyone coming in!"


Jiang Fan narrowed his eyes and seemed to be lost in thought.

Seeing him like this, other people suddenly closed their mouths!


The car has come to Yoshida!

Kazuo Kameda parked his car at the door of a hotel, and then he spoke:

"My lord, this morning, Professor Zhong checked out from here, and then along the road ahead, went to the Hongye Terrace with a few companions, and then went straight into the sea of ​​trees!"

Jiang Fan looked at this hotel named Yoshinoya and suddenly said:

"Who are his companions?"

"One of them is a local guide, another seems to be his friend from China, and the last one is our archaeology professor at Edo University!"

Jiang Fan's eyes lit up!


"Master! Is it good?"

Curtiston was excited when he saw Jiang Fan's expression!

"Not sure, you have to find someone to know!"

The corner of Jiang Fan's mouth raised:

"Let's go, go to Hongye Terrace!"


The car sprinted all the way, but in more than ten minutes, it came near a scenic spot!

"My lord, at the fork in the north is Hongyetai! And Professor Zhong didn't go in that direction, but entered the dense forest here to the south and headed towards Mount Fuji!"

Kazuo Kameda said, pointing at the dense forest south of the highway!

Jiang Fan glanced over there, and his body suddenly rose out of thin air, leaping up to several tens of meters!

After that, it was so set in the air!


Keira Hasegawa and Kazuo Kameda suddenly exclaimed!

It's only three or five days apart from an adult, but in such a few days, the adult actually broke through to the Grandmaster Realm? !

This speed of improvement is simply incredible!

However, as Jiang Fan rose into the sky, Curtis actually followed up soaring, fell half of his body, and floated respectfully by Jiang Fan's side!


Keira Hasegawa and Kazuo Kameda's eyes suddenly widened!

They heard Curtis calling Master Jiang Fan, and they kept slapping their horses, thinking that this old man was just a pleasure!

But who can think that this not surprisingly insignificant old man is also a powerful and extremely powerful master!

"Don't be so surprised, there is never a shortage of strong people around your lord!"

Christine smiled at the two at this time!

At the same time, she hooked her finger, and the surrounding trees were all swaying with the twitching of her fingers!

"Master again!!"

The two of Hasegawa were already shocked and didn't know what to say!

The eyes of the two of them fell on the long-haired shawl Sadako involuntarily!

It's just that the eyes have just fallen on, an extremely cold ghost gas, followed their eyes, and spread to them all!

The two of them were cold, and even their hair stood up involuntarily!

Grandmaster! !

Actually still a master!

My lord went out once, and he brought three masters!

This kind of ostentation is even more arrogant than the owner of Igaryu!

"Our strength is all raised by adults!"

"As long as you are loyal to adults, always maintain a heart of awe, and improve your strength, it's actually very simple!"

Kristen smiled, twisting a strand of Kira Hasegawa's hair!

Kirara Hasegawa's heart trembled, and then looked at Christine in disbelief:

"Your strengths are all raised by adults?!"

"Of course! Two months ago, I was only level ten! And that lord's most loyal servant was only...level nine!"


Keira Hasegawa and Kazuo Kameda were stunned directly!

Appearance is far more reliable than watching the moon in the water!

They will never suspect that Christine is lying!

After all, the value of two people is not worth a lie!

The hearts of the two were beating wildly!


That is the realm that so many people dream of!

But in front of Jiang Fan, this kind of existence that seemed to ordinary people like a moat could be filled so easily!

Sir, how did he do it?

However, this is obviously not a question they should consider!

What they want to think about is how to prove to Jiang Fan that they are qualified to be promoted!

Their starting point is much higher than Curtis and Christine. If the adults are willing to help them, then their future path will definitely be broader!

Just when the two of them were thinking about it, Jiang Fan had already taken a look at the nearby terrain.

The Aokigahara Sea of ​​Trees is also known as the endless sea of ​​trees. Although this name is exaggerated, it is seven or eight grades worse than the Xing'an Mountains or Changbai Mountains in China. However, the scope of this forest is indeed not small. !

Wanting to find someone here is tantamount to finding a needle in a haystack!

However, this is only relative to others!

"Christine! Let's get started!"

With Jiang Fan's order, a green light flashed in Christine's eyes!

next moment!


Close to a few people, the trees within a full kilometer range shook suddenly!



Kristen suddenly pointed to the direction due south!


Jiang Fan landed and strode directly towards the forest over there!

The rest immediately followed!

Everyone just felt depressed in their hearts if they traveled only a few tens of meters!

From the outside, it looks lush and lush, but when they really walked in, everyone discovered that the atmosphere here is actually with an unspeakable coldness!

And as everyone went deeper, the light in the forest became dimmer, and in the end, there was a feeling of shadowy shadows!

I have been walking for thousands of meters, and even the calls of insects and birds have disappeared here!

And at a location not far away from everyone, there were actually two dead bodies hanging on a cedar tree!

This corpse looks like a man and a woman, but it has mostly rotted!

What's weird is that even if it rots like this, there are no maggots or the like on the corpse!

"grown ups……"

Curtis frowned.

As a necromancer, he already faintly felt something was wrong!

And Sadako looked in a certain direction coldly!

Only Jiang Fan said blankly and lazily:


Christine immediately activated the ability again!

Soon, she pointed to the front!



The crowd moved forward more than 500 meters again!

And at this moment!

"Hee hee hee……"

A laughter filled with eerie and weird sounds suddenly sounded!

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